MichaelBittner mbittner@tgen.org 602-343-8808 602-343-8440 expO IGC
445 N. 5th Street Phoenix AZ 85004 USA
geo@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, support@affymetrix.com 888-362-2447 Affymetrix, Inc.
Santa Clara CA 95051 USA
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) GEO NCBI NLM NIH http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo geo@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 2003-11-07 2003-11-07 2007-09-04 Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array GPL570 in situ oligonucleotide commercial Homo sapiens Affymetrix see manufacturer's web site Complete coverage of the Human Genome U133 Set plus 6,500 additional genes for analysis of over 47,000 transcripts All probe sets represented on the GeneChip Human Genome U133 Set are identically replicated on the GeneChip Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array. The sequences from which these probe sets were derived were selected from GenBankĀ®, dbEST, and RefSeq. The sequence clusters were created from the UniGene database (Build 133, April 20, 2001) and then refined by analysis and comparison with a number of other publicly available databases, including the Washington University EST trace repository and the University of California, Santa Cruz Golden-Path human genome database (April 2001 release). In addition, there are 9,921 new probe sets representing approximately 6,500 new genes. These gene sequences were selected from GenBank, dbEST, and RefSeq. Sequence clusters were created from the UniGene database (Build 159, January 25, 2003) and refined by analysis and comparison with a number of other publicly available databases, including the Washington University EST trace repository and the NCBI human genome assembly (Build 31). http://www.affymetrix.com/support/technical/byproduct.affx?product=hg-u133-plus http://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/index.affx ID Affymetrix Probe Set ID https://www.affymetrix.com/LinkServlet?array=U133_PLUS&probeset= GB_ACC GenBank Accession Number http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Search&db=Nucleotide&term= SPOT_ID identifies controls Species Scientific Name The genus and species of the organism represented by the probe set. Annotation Date The date that the annotations for this probe array were last updated. It will generally be earlier than the date when the annotations were posted on the Affymetrix web site. Sequence Type Sequence Source The database from which the sequence used to design this probe set was taken. Target Description Representative Public ID The accession number of a representative sequence. Note that for consensus-based probe sets, the representative sequence is only one of several sequences (sequence sub-clusters) used to build the consensus sequence and it is not directly used to derive the probe sequences. The representative sequence is chosen during array design as a sequence that is best associated with the transcribed region being interrogated by the probe set. Refer to the "Sequence Source" field to determine the database used. Gene Title Title of Gene represented by the probe set. Gene Symbol A gene symbol, when one is available (from UniGene). Entrez Gene Entrez Gene database UID http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids= RefSeq Transcript ID References to multiple sequences in RefSeq. The field contains the ID and Description for each entry, and there can be multiple entries per ProbeSet. Gene Ontology Biological Process Gene Ontology Consortium Biological Process derived from LocusLink. Each annotation consists of three parts: "Accession Number // Description // Evidence". The description corresponds directly to the GO ID. The evidence can be "direct", or "extended". Gene Ontology Cellular Component Gene Ontology Consortium Cellular Component derived from LocusLink. Each annotation consists of three parts: "Accession Number // Description // Evidence". The description corresponds directly to the GO ID. The evidence can be "direct", or "extended". Gene Ontology Molecular Function Gene Ontology Consortium Molecular Function derived from LocusLink. Each annotation consists of three parts: "Accession Number // Description // Evidence". The description corresponds directly to the GO ID. The evidence can be "direct", or "extended". GPL570-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 13491 GSM38051 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38051/GSM38051.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38051-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Corpus Uteri - 2045 GSM38052 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38052/GSM38052.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38052-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Prostate - 2047 GSM38053 RNA 1 Prostate Gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 106 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38053/GSM38053.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38053-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 2051 GSM38054 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Other Ethnic Background: Hawaiian Tobacco Use : No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38054/GSM38054.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38054-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 2471 GSM38055 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38055/GSM38055.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38055-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Spleen - 2475 GSM38056 RNA 1 Spleen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38056/GSM38056.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38056-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 2477 GSM38057 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 43 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38057/GSM38057.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38057-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Lung - 2479 GSM38058 RNA 1 Bronchus & Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38058/GSM38058.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38058-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 2481 GSM38059 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38059/GSM38059.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38059-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Lung - 2483 GSM38060 RNA 1 Bronchus & Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 68 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38060/GSM38060.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38060-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 2485 GSM38061 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38061/GSM38061.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38061-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 3377 GSM38062 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38062/GSM38062.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38062-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8170 GSM38063 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38063/GSM38063.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38063-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Ovary - 8172 GSM38064 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38064/GSM38064.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38064-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Omentum - 8174 GSM38065 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 142 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38065/GSM38065.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38065-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Abdominal wall mass - 8176 GSM38066 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38066/GSM38066.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38066-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Uterus - 8180 GSM38067 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38067/GSM38067.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38067-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Small Bowel - 8182 GSM38068 RNA 1 Small bowel Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Fallopian Tube Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38068/GSM38068.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38068-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Myometrium - 8184 GSM38069 RNA 1 Uterus, NOS Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: High Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Myometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Epithelioid leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38069/GSM38069.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38069-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Omentum - 8186 GSM38070 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 105 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary vs Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38070/GSM38070.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38070-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Peritoneum - 8188 GSM38071 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38071/GSM38071.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38071-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Adrenal gland - 8190 GSM38072 RNA 1 Adrenal gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Adrenals Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38072/GSM38072.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38072-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Kidney - 8192 GSM38073 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38073/GSM38073.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38073-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8194 GSM38074 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38074/GSM38074.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38074-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8196 GSM38075 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38075/GSM38075.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38075-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2005-05-27 Lymph Nodes - 8198 GSM38076 RNA 1 Lymph Nodes Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Primary Site: Lymph Nodes Histology: Mature (peripheral) B-cell lymphoma Patient Age: 50-60 Ethnic Background: Caucasian Sex: Male Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Tobacco Use : Yes Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38076/GSM38076.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38076-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8200 GSM38077 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38077/GSM38077.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38077-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8202 GSM38078 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38078/GSM38078.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38078-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Prostate - 8206 GSM38079 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 11-15 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38079/GSM38079.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38079-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8208 GSM38080 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 59 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38080/GSM38080.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38080-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8210 GSM38081 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38081/GSM38081.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38081-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8212 GSM38082 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 70 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38082/GSM38082.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38082-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8214 GSM38083 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38083/GSM38083.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38083-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Uterus - 8216 GSM38084 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38084/GSM38084.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38084-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Axillary Lymph Nodes - 8218 GSM38085 RNA 1 Axillary Lymph Nodes Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1a Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Skin of Left Flank Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38085/GSM38085.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38085-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8220 GSM38086 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 0 Pathological N: 0(i+) Pathological M: 0 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38086/GSM38086.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38086-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Fallopian tube - 8224 GSM38087 RNA 1 Fallopian Tube Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 3c Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Fallopian tube Histology: Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38087/GSM38087.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38087-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Ovary - 8226 GSM38088 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38088/GSM38088.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38088-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8228 GSM38089 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38089/GSM38089.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38089-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8230 GSM38090 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38090/GSM38090.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38090-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8232 GSM38091 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38091/GSM38091.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38091-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8234 GSM38092 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 26-30 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38092/GSM38092.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38092-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Omentum - 8236 GSM38093 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Unknown Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38093/GSM38093.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38093-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8238 GSM38094 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38094/GSM38094.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38094-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Omentum - 8240 GSM38095 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 11-15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38095/GSM38095.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38095-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Rectum - 8242 GSM38096 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 119 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Barium enema Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38096/GSM38096.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38096-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Skin - 8244 GSM38097 RNA 1 Skin Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Skin of arm Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38097/GSM38097.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38097-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8246 GSM38098 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Junction Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38098/GSM38098.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38098-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8248 GSM38099 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38099/GSM38099.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38099-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Lung - 8250 GSM38100 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38100/GSM38100.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38100-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Stomach - 8252 GSM38101 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: Low Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Stomach Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38101/GSM38101.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38101-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8254 GSM38102 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38102/GSM38102.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38102-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Lung - 8256 GSM38103 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38103/GSM38103.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38103-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Lung - 8258 GSM38104 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38104/GSM38104.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38104-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8260 GSM38105 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38105/GSM38105.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38105-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8264 GSM38106 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 43 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38106/GSM38106.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38106-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Colon - 8266 GSM38107 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38107/GSM38107.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38107-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Liver - 8268 GSM38108 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38108/GSM38108.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38108-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8270 GSM38109 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38109/GSM38109.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38109-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-10-09 Breast - 8272 GSM38110 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM38110/GSM38110.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM38110-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1003 GSM46814 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46814/GSM46814.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46814-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1006 GSM46815 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46815/GSM46815.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46815-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 1017 GSM46816 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Clinical T: 1c Clinical N: 1 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical ER: Negative Clinical PR: Negative Clinical HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46816/GSM46816.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46816-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 1020 GSM46817 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46817/GSM46817.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46817-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1022 GSM46818 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Primary Site: Pelvic peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46818/GSM46818.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46818-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Rectum - 1043 GSM46819 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 109 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46819/GSM46819.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46819-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 1048 GSM46820 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.41 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: None Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46820/GSM46820.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46820-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 1057 GSM46821 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for Unknown Primary Primary Site: Unknown Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46821/GSM46821.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46821-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Abdominal Mass - 1060 GSM46822 RNA 1 Abdominal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Histology: Metastatic Malignant mixed mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46822/GSM46822.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46822-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 1293 GSM46823 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46823/GSM46823.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46823-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 1299 GSM46824 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46824/GSM46824.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46824-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 1304 GSM46825 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46825/GSM46825.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46825-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 1306 GSM46826 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46826/GSM46826.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46826-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 1307 GSM46827 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal and Lobular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46827/GSM46827.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46827-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Liver or Omentum - 1308 GSM46828 RNA 1 Liver or Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46828/GSM46828.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46828-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Pelvic Lymph Node - 1310 GSM46829 RNA 1 Pelvic lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 4a Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46829/GSM46829.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46829-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 1311 GSM46830 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46830/GSM46830.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46830-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 1313 GSM46831 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46831/GSM46831.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46831-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 1315 GSM46832 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Carcinoma in situ arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46832/GSM46832.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46832-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 1316 GSM46833 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46833/GSM46833.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46833-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1319 GSM46834 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46834/GSM46834.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46834-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Abdominal wall mass - 1321 GSM46835 RNA 1 Abdominal wall mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3a Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46835/GSM46835.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46835-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 1322 GSM46836 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Intraductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46836/GSM46836.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46836-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Prostate - 1324 GSM46837 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46837/GSM46837.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46837-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 R adnexa or metastatic transverse colon nodule - 1350 GSM46838 RNA 1 R adnexa or metastatic transverse colon nodule Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46838/GSM46838.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46838-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 1351 GSM46839 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46839/GSM46839.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46839-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 1353 GSM46840 RNA 1 L Adnexa Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46840/GSM46840.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46840-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 1354 GSM46841 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46841/GSM46841.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46841-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Paracolic gutter - 1355 GSM46842 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46842/GSM46842.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46842-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 1502 GSM46843 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46843/GSM46843.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46843-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 1503 GSM46844 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Bladder Histology: Metastatic non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46844/GSM46844.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46844-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2006-01-10 Colon - 2049 GSM46845 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.01 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46845/GSM46845.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46845-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 21808 GSM46846 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46846/GSM46846.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46846-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 22198 GSM46847 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 65 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46847/GSM46847.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46847-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Liver - 22202 GSM46848 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46848/GSM46848.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46848-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22204 GSM46849 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46849/GSM46849.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46849-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 22208 GSM46850 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46850/GSM46850.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46850-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ileum - 22212 GSM46851 RNA 1 Ileum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Metastatic Squamous Cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46851/GSM46851.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46851-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22214 GSM46852 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46852/GSM46852.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46852-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 22218 GSM46853 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46853/GSM46853.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46853-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Uterus - 22220 GSM46854 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.06 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46854/GSM46854.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46854-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22223 GSM46855 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46855/GSM46855.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46855-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Rectosigmoid - 22225 GSM46856 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.32 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 31 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46856/GSM46856.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46856-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 22227 GSM46857 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.23 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Stool blood test (guiac) Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46857/GSM46857.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46857-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 22229 GSM46858 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46858/GSM46858.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46858-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22233 GSM46859 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46859/GSM46859.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46859-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Lung - 22235 GSM46860 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.37 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46860/GSM46860.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46860-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 22237 GSM46861 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46861/GSM46861.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46861-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22239 GSM46862 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46862/GSM46862.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46862-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22241 GSM46863 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46863/GSM46863.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46863-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 22245 GSM46864 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46864/GSM46864.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46864-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 22247 GSM46865 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46865/GSM46865.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46865-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Prostate - 22249 GSM46866 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes PSA: Elevated Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46866/GSM46866.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46866-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Uterus - 22251 GSM46867 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46867/GSM46867.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46867-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Lung - 22255 GSM46868 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.52 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46868/GSM46868.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46868-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 22259 GSM46869 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.69 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46869/GSM46869.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46869-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22263 GSM46870 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46870/GSM46870.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46870-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 22269 GSM46871 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 31-35 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46871/GSM46871.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46871-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Bladder or Kidney - 22273 GSM46872 RNA 1 Urinary Tract, NOS Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC scheme for unknown primary Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Primary Site: Urinary tract, NOS Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46872/GSM46872.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46872-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 2323 GSM46873 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46873/GSM46873.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46873-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 2324 GSM46874 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46874/GSM46874.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46874-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 23864 GSM46875 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 76 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46875/GSM46875.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46875-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 23866 GSM46876 RNA 1 Uterine Serosa Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46876/GSM46876.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46876-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 23876 GSM46877 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.42 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46877/GSM46877.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46877-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 23880 GSM46878 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46878/GSM46878.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46878-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Rectum - 23882 GSM46879 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2A Retreatment Grade: 2 Retreatment Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46879/GSM46879.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46879-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23886 GSM46880 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46880/GSM46880.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46880-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 23888 GSM46881 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46881/GSM46881.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46881-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 23896 GSM46882 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46882/GSM46882.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46882-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23898 GSM46883 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46883/GSM46883.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46883-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 23900 GSM46884 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46884/GSM46884.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46884-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23902 GSM46885 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46885/GSM46885.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46885-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 23904 GSM46886 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Benign serous cystadenoma of borderline malignancy ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46886/GSM46886.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46886-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 23908 GSM46887 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46887/GSM46887.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46887-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 23910 GSM46888 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46888/GSM46888.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46888-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Renal Pelvis - 23912 GSM46889 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46889/GSM46889.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46889-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23914 GSM46890 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 31-35 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46890/GSM46890.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46890-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23916 GSM46891 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46891/GSM46891.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46891-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 23918 GSM46892 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46892/GSM46892.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46892-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23920 GSM46893 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46893/GSM46893.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46893-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23922 GSM46894 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46894/GSM46894.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46894-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 23924 GSM46895 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46895/GSM46895.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46895-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Uterus - 23932 GSM46896 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.36 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46896/GSM46896.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46896-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 23936 GSM46897 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma with sguamous metaplasia ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46897/GSM46897.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46897-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 23938 GSM46898 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46898/GSM46898.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46898-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 23940 GSM46899 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46899/GSM46899.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46899-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 23944 GSM46900 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.53 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma In-situ (DCIS) with focal Comedo Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46900/GSM46900.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46900-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Rectosigmoid Colon - 23946 GSM46901 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.51 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46901/GSM46901.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46901-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Omentum - 23948 GSM46902 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.32 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 210 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Primary Site: Unknown Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46902/GSM46902.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46902-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 23950 GSM46903 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: GI Tract, NOS Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Mucinous adenocarcinoma consistent with gastrointestinal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46903/GSM46903.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46903-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-29 Lung - 23952 GSM46904 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.47 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46904/GSM46904.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46904-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 23954 GSM46905 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.66 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46905/GSM46905.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46905-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Omentum - 23956 GSM46906 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.26 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Primary Site: Fallopian Tube Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46906/GSM46906.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46906-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Peritoneum - 23960 GSM46907 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Abdominal Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46907/GSM46907.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46907-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 23975 GSM46908 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46908/GSM46908.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46908-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2006-01-10 Lung - 2491 GSM46909 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.47 Gender: Female Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46909/GSM46909.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46909-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Ovary - 29227 GSM46910 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.57 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46910/GSM46910.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46910-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 29229 GSM46911 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46911/GSM46911.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46911-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Uterus - 29231 GSM46912 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46912/GSM46912.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46912-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 29233 GSM46913 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46913/GSM46913.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46913-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Uterus - 29239 GSM46914 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.72 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46914/GSM46914.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46914-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 29241 GSM46915 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.42 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46915/GSM46915.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46915-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Perihepatic Mass - 29243 GSM46916 RNA 1 Perihepatic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46916/GSM46916.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46916-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-29 Small Intestine - 29247 GSM46917 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.81 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: Yes Primary Site: Small Intestine Histology: Metastatic Follicular Lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46917/GSM46917.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46917-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Ovary - 29249 GSM46918 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46918/GSM46918.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46918-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Cervix Uteri - 29251 GSM46919 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46919/GSM46919.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46919-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Bladder - 29253 GSM46920 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.57 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Bladder Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46920/GSM46920.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46920-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 29255 GSM46921 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46921/GSM46921.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46921-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Peritoneum - 29257 GSM46922 RNA 1 Peritoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.29 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46922/GSM46922.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46922-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Uterine Corpus - 29259 GSM46923 RNA 1 Uterine Corpus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.31 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46923/GSM46923.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46923-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 29263 GSM46924 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.33 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46924/GSM46924.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46924-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 29265 GSM46925 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46925/GSM46925.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46925-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Corpus uteri - 29269 GSM46926 RNA 1 Corpus uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Myometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Ewing's sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46926/GSM46926.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46926-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Uterus - 29275 GSM46927 RNA 1 Uterine Corpus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46927/GSM46927.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46927-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 29277 GSM46928 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46928/GSM46928.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46928-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 29279 GSM46929 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46929/GSM46929.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46929-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 29287 GSM46930 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46930/GSM46930.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46930-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 29291 GSM46931 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46931/GSM46931.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46931-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Abdominal Wall Fascia - 29293 GSM46932 RNA 1 Abdominal wall fascia Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4B Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46932/GSM46932.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46932-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 29303 GSM46933 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46933/GSM46933.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46933-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 29313 GSM46934 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.37 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46934/GSM46934.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46934-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Omentum - 31810 GSM46935 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46935/GSM46935.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46935-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 31812 GSM46936 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46936/GSM46936.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46936-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Uterine Corpus - 31814 GSM46937 RNA 1 Uterine Corpus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.22 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46937/GSM46937.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46937-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31816 GSM46938 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.45 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metaplastic Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46938/GSM46938.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46938-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 31818 GSM46939 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46939/GSM46939.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46939-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 31820 GSM46940 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.51 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46940/GSM46940.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46940-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Lung - 31822 GSM46941 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.34 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46941/GSM46941.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46941-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Cervix - 31824 GSM46942 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46942/GSM46942.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46942-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Uterus - 31826 GSM46943 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46943/GSM46943.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46943-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 31828 GSM46944 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46944/GSM46944.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46944-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Liver - 31830 GSM46945 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 51 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46945/GSM46945.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46945-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Adrenal Gland - 31832 GSM46946 RNA 1 Adrenal gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Adrenals Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46946/GSM46946.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46946-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31834 GSM46947 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.58 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: None Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46947/GSM46947.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46947-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Ovary - 31836 GSM46948 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.58 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46948/GSM46948.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46948-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Endometrium - 31840 GSM46949 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.53 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46949/GSM46949.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46949-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Ovary - 31842 GSM46950 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.22 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Dysgerminoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46950/GSM46950.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46950-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 R thigh mass - 31846 GSM46951 RNA 1 R thigh mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46951/GSM46951.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46951-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31861 GSM46952 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46952/GSM46952.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46952-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31865 GSM46953 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.55 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): None Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: None Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46953/GSM46953.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46953-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31867 GSM46954 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.35 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46954/GSM46954.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46954-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31871 GSM46955 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.56 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46955/GSM46955.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46955-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Colon - 31877 GSM46956 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.14 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46956/GSM46956.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46956-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Kidney - 31879 GSM46957 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.64 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46957/GSM46957.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46957-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 31881 GSM46958 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.03 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46958/GSM46958.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46958-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 31901 GSM46959 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 36-40 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46959/GSM46959.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46959-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 31903 GSM46960 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenosquamous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46960/GSM46960.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46960-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 31907 GSM46961 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 66-70 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 63 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Papillary adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46961/GSM46961.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46961-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Breast - 37977 GSM46962 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.24 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46962/GSM46962.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46962-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 4192 GSM46963 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46963/GSM46963.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46963-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 4197 GSM46964 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46964/GSM46964.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46964-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Kidney - 4202 GSM46965 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46965/GSM46965.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46965-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Ovary - 8178 GSM46966 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46966/GSM46966.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46966-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Colon - 8204 GSM46967 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46967/GSM46967.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46967-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 8222 GSM46968 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46968/GSM46968.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46968-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Rectosigmoid - 8262 GSM46969 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.45 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 300 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46969/GSM46969.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46969-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2005-05-27 Liver - 8274 GSM46970 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.14 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 300 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46970/GSM46970.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46970-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Liver - 8276 GSM46971 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46971/GSM46971.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46971-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Rectosigmoid - 8278 GSM46972 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46972/GSM46972.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46972-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 8280 GSM46973 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46973/GSM46973.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46973-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Breast - 8282 GSM46974 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46974/GSM46974.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46974-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 8284 GSM46975 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46975/GSM46975.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46975-tbl-1.txt 2005-03-31 2005-03-31 2007-10-09 Lung - 8290 GSM46976 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM46976/GSM46976.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM46976-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Mesenteric Lymph Node - 1002 GSM53026 RNA 1 Mesenteric Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53026/GSM53026.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53026-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 1008 GSM53027 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 36-40 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53027/GSM53027.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53027-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Breast - 1009 GSM53028 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53028/GSM53028.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53028-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1018 GSM53029 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53029/GSM53029.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53029-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Bladder - 1019 GSM53030 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Primary Site: Bladder Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53030/GSM53030.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53030-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 1025 GSM53031 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53031/GSM53031.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53031-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 1032 GSM53032 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53032/GSM53032.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53032-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 1033 GSM53033 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53033/GSM53033.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53033-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 1034 GSM53034 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53034/GSM53034.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53034-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 1035 GSM53035 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53035/GSM53035.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53035-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1040 GSM53036 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53036/GSM53036.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53036-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1041 GSM53037 RNA 1 Abdominal wall Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53037/GSM53037.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53037-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Lymph Node - 1042 GSM53038 RNA 1 Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Presenting Symptoms: Night sweats Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53038/GSM53038.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53038-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Stomach - 1049 GSM53039 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53039/GSM53039.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53039-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1059 GSM53040 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53040/GSM53040.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53040-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Small intestine - 1222 GSM53041 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53041/GSM53041.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53041-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Uterine Cervix - 1223 GSM53042 RNA 1 Uterine Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Primary Site: Uterine Cervix Histology: Squamous Cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53042/GSM53042.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53042-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Kidney - 1225 GSM53043 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53043/GSM53043.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53043-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Small intestine - 1226 GSM53044 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this site/histology Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: Tumor size is 1cm-2cm Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: Lymph nodes positive Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: No distant metastatic disease Primary Site: Small intestine Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Neuroendocrine carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53044/GSM53044.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53044-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 1228 GSM53045 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53045/GSM53045.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53045-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Pancreas - 1229 GSM53046 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 100 Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Non-functional islet cell tumor Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme For this Histology/Site Primary Site: Pancreas ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53046/GSM53046.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53046-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 1232 GSM53047 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53047/GSM53047.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53047-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Soft tissue of abdomen - 1233 GSM53048 RNA 1 Soft tissue of abdomen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Primary Site: Soft Tissue of abdomen Histology: Liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53048/GSM53048.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53048-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Omentum - 1235 GSM53049 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53049/GSM53049.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53049-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Uterus - 1236 GSM53050 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Sarcoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53050/GSM53050.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53050-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 1237 GSM53051 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma In situ ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53051/GSM53051.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53051-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 1239 GSM53052 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53052/GSM53052.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53052-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 1240 GSM53053 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53053/GSM53053.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53053-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1241 GSM53054 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53054/GSM53054.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53054-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Colon - 1259 GSM53055 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53055/GSM53055.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53055-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1270 GSM53056 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53056/GSM53056.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53056-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Kidney - 1271 GSM53057 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53057/GSM53057.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53057-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 1272 GSM53058 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53058/GSM53058.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53058-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 1290 GSM53059 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53059/GSM53059.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53059-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 1296 GSM53060 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53060/GSM53060.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53060-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Prostate - 1317 GSM53061 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 57 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53061/GSM53061.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53061-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 1320 GSM53062 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53062/GSM53062.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53062-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1323 GSM53063 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53063/GSM53063.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53063-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 1633 GSM53064 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Radiation Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53064/GSM53064.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53064-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 1634 GSM53065 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53065/GSM53065.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53065-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1636 GSM53066 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Primary Site: Unknown Histology: Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53066/GSM53066.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53066-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 1637 GSM53067 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53067/GSM53067.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53067-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1639 GSM53068 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53068/GSM53068.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53068-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 1643 GSM53069 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53069/GSM53069.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53069-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 1646 GSM53070 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Undifferentiated Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53070/GSM53070.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53070-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ureter - 1647 GSM53071 RNA 1 Ureter Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Primary Site: Ureter Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53071/GSM53071.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53071-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 R hip/buttock mass - 1654 GSM53072 RNA 1 R hip/buttock mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Soft Tissue of buttock Histology: Chondrosarcoma, extraskeletal ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53072/GSM53072.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53072-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 1655 GSM53073 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53073/GSM53073.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53073-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Thyroid - 1657 GSM53074 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53074/GSM53074.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53074-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 1659 GSM53075 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53075/GSM53075.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53075-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 20295 GSM53076 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53076/GSM53076.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53076-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 20296 GSM53077 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53077/GSM53077.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53077-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 20308 GSM53078 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53078/GSM53078.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53078-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 20309 GSM53079 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53079/GSM53079.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53079-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-02 Breast - 22196 GSM53080 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53080/GSM53080.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53080-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Kidney - 22210 GSM53081 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53081/GSM53081.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53081-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Omentum - 22216 GSM53082 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53082/GSM53082.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53082-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 22231 GSM53083 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53083/GSM53083.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53083-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 22253 GSM53084 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53084/GSM53084.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53084-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Vulva - 22257 GSM53085 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53085/GSM53085.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53085-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 22271 GSM53086 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): None Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53086/GSM53086.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53086-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Rectosigmoid - 2310 GSM53087 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53087/GSM53087.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53087-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Liver - 2311 GSM53088 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Screening studies performed?: Yes Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53088/GSM53088.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53088-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2312 GSM53089 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): None Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53089/GSM53089.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53089-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Liver - 2313 GSM53090 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Screening studies performed?: Yes Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53090/GSM53090.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53090-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2314 GSM53091 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53091/GSM53091.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53091-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Kidney - 2316 GSM53092 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53092/GSM53092.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53092-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Corpus Uteri - 2317 GSM53093 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53093/GSM53093.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53093-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2319 GSM53094 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53094/GSM53094.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53094-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2321 GSM53095 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53095/GSM53095.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53095-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2322 GSM53096 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53096/GSM53096.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53096-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Bladder - 2328 GSM53097 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53097/GSM53097.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53097-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 23862 GSM53098 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53098/GSM53098.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53098-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 23874 GSM53099 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53099/GSM53099.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53099-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 23884 GSM53100 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53100/GSM53100.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53100-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Lymph Node - 23906 GSM53101 RNA 1 Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53101/GSM53101.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53101-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 23926 GSM53102 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53102/GSM53102.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53102-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 23928 GSM53103 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53103/GSM53103.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53103-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 23930 GSM53104 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous cystic tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53104/GSM53104.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53104-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 23934 GSM53105 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53105/GSM53105.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53105-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Colon - 23958 GSM53106 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53106/GSM53106.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53106-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 2495 GSM53107 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53107/GSM53107.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53107-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 29235 GSM53108 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53108/GSM53108.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53108-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 29237 GSM53109 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53109/GSM53109.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53109-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 29245 GSM53110 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53110/GSM53110.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53110-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Colon - 29267 GSM53111 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 4A Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53111/GSM53111.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53111-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Cervix - 29273 GSM53112 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Primary Site: Cervix Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53112/GSM53112.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53112-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Colon - 29281 GSM53113 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53113/GSM53113.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53113-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Prostate - 29283 GSM53114 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53114/GSM53114.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53114-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 29285 GSM53115 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53115/GSM53115.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53115-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Soft Tissue of Knee - 29289 GSM53116 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of Knee Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue of Knee Histology: Ewings sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53116/GSM53116.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53116-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Urinary Bladder - 29295 GSM53117 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53117/GSM53117.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53117-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 29299 GSM53118 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Carcinoid tumor with atypical features ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53118/GSM53118.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53118-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Corpus Uteri - 29301 GSM53119 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53119/GSM53119.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53119-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Uterus - 29305 GSM53120 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53120/GSM53120.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53120-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Ovary - 29308 GSM53121 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Metastatic Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53121/GSM53121.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53121-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 29311 GSM53122 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 49 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53122/GSM53122.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53122-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 31838 GSM53123 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53123/GSM53123.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53123-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 31848 GSM53124 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53124/GSM53124.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53124-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Omentum - 31850 GSM53125 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53125/GSM53125.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53125-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Colon - 31852 GSM53126 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53126/GSM53126.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53126-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 31869 GSM53127 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53127/GSM53127.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53127-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 31873 GSM53128 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Years of Tobacco Use: None Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53128/GSM53128.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53128-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Pelvic Tumor - 31875 GSM53129 RNA 1 Pelvic Tumor Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53129/GSM53129.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53129-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 31887 GSM53130 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53130/GSM53130.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53130-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 31893 GSM53131 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53131/GSM53131.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53131-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Rectosigmoid - 31895 GSM53132 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53132/GSM53132.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53132-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 31905 GSM53133 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53133/GSM53133.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53133-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 31909 GSM53134 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53134/GSM53134.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53134-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 3750 GSM53135 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53135/GSM53135.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53135-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 3751 GSM53136 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53136/GSM53136.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53136-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Bladder - 3753 GSM53137 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53137/GSM53137.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53137-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Soft Tissue of Abdomen - 3754 GSM53138 RNA 1 Soft tissue of Abdomen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53138/GSM53138.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53138-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Bladder - 3756 GSM53139 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53139/GSM53139.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53139-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Vaginal Wall - 3758 GSM53140 RNA 1 Vaginal Wall Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 4A Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53140/GSM53140.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53140-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Kidney - 3760 GSM53141 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53141/GSM53141.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53141-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 3761 GSM53142 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53142/GSM53142.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53142-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 3762 GSM53143 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53143/GSM53143.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53143-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 3763 GSM53144 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53144/GSM53144.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53144-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Cervix - 3764 GSM53145 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Primary Site: Cervix Histology: Squamous Cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53145/GSM53145.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53145-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 3765 GSM53146 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53146/GSM53146.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53146-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 3766 GSM53147 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53147/GSM53147.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53147-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 3767 GSM53148 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53148/GSM53148.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53148-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 3768 GSM53149 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53149/GSM53149.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53149-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 4194 GSM53150 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53150/GSM53150.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53150-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 4195 GSM53151 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53151/GSM53151.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53151-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Prostate - 4196 GSM53152 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Presenting Symptoms: Dribbling Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53152/GSM53152.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53152-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 4201 GSM53153 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53153/GSM53153.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53153-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Kidney - 4203 GSM53154 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53154/GSM53154.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53154-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Endometrium - 4204 GSM53155 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53155/GSM53155.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53155-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 4214 GSM53156 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53156/GSM53156.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53156-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ileum - 4215 GSM53157 RNA 1 Ileum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Primary Site: Ileum Histology: Malignant carcinoid tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53157/GSM53157.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53157-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Tongue - 4216 GSM53158 RNA 1 Tongue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Tongue Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53158/GSM53158.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53158-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 4219 GSM53159 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53159/GSM53159.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53159-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 4226 GSM53160 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53160/GSM53160.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53160-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 4227 GSM53161 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53161/GSM53161.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53161-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Prostate - 4337 GSM53162 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 165 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53162/GSM53162.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53162-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 4342 GSM53163 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53163/GSM53163.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53163-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Uterus - 4344 GSM53164 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 44 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53164/GSM53164.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53164-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 4346 GSM53165 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53165/GSM53165.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53165-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Omentum - 4347 GSM53166 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53166/GSM53166.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53166-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Lung - 4451 GSM53167 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53167/GSM53167.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53167-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Rectum - 4610 GSM53168 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53168/GSM53168.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53168-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Colon - 5150 GSM53169 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53169/GSM53169.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53169-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Lung - 5225 GSM53170 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53170/GSM53170.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53170-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Kidney - 5227 GSM53171 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53171/GSM53171.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53171-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Breast - 5228 GSM53172 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 4d Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53172/GSM53172.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53172-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 5230 GSM53173 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53173/GSM53173.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53173-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Uterus - 5231 GSM53174 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53174/GSM53174.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53174-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Omentum - 5232 GSM53175 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53175/GSM53175.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53175-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Uterus - 5233 GSM53176 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53176/GSM53176.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53176-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 5234 GSM53177 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53177/GSM53177.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53177-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Colon - 5237 GSM53178 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53178/GSM53178.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53178-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Uterus - 5240 GSM53179 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53179/GSM53179.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53179-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 5242 GSM53180 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53180/GSM53180.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53180-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Vulva - 5243 GSM53181 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53181/GSM53181.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53181-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-08-01 Renal Pelvis - 5244 GSM53182 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53182/GSM53182.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53182-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Small Intestine - 6290 GSM53183 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53183/GSM53183.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53183-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 6291 GSM53184 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53184/GSM53184.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53184-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Ovary - 6296 GSM53185 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53185/GSM53185.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53185-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Ovary - 7002 GSM53186 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53186/GSM53186.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53186-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2005-06-30 Breast - 7530 GSM53187 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53187/GSM53187.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53187-tbl-1.txt 2005-06-30 2005-07-01 2007-10-09 Renal Pelvis - 8286 GSM53188 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53188/GSM53188.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53188-tbl-1.txt 2005-07-01 2005-07-01 2005-07-01 Endometrium - 4349 GSM53189 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM53189/GSM53189.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM53189-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 1005 GSM76486 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76486/GSM76486.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76486-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 1039 GSM76487 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76487/GSM76487.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76487-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 20275 GSM76488 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76488/GSM76488.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76488-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20284 GSM76489 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76489/GSM76489.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76489-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 20286 GSM76490 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76490/GSM76490.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76490-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20290 GSM76491 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76491/GSM76491.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76491-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20291 GSM76492 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76492/GSM76492.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76492-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20292 GSM76493 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76493/GSM76493.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76493-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Stomach - 20293 GSM76494 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76494/GSM76494.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76494-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20294 GSM76495 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76495/GSM76495.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76495-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Urethral Nodule - 20300 GSM76496 RNA 1 Urethral Nodule Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76496/GSM76496.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76496-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20301 GSM76497 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76497/GSM76497.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76497-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Liver - 20302 GSM76498 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 1 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 1 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Theraphy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Liver ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76498/GSM76498.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76498-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 20303 GSM76499 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76499/GSM76499.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76499-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20307 GSM76500 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76500/GSM76500.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76500-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 20310 GSM76501 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76501/GSM76501.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76501-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 20311 GSM76502 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76502/GSM76502.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76502-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 20313 GSM76503 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 4 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76503/GSM76503.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76503-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20315 GSM76504 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma, endometrioid and papillary serous ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76504/GSM76504.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76504-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2007-10-09 Soft Tissue Lt Shoulder/Arm - 20317 GSM76505 RNA 1 Soft Tissue L Upper Arm Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76505/GSM76505.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76505-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Duodenum - 20318 GSM76506 RNA 1 Duodenum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Duodenum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76506/GSM76506.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76506-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 20319 GSM76507 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76507/GSM76507.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76507-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 20320 GSM76508 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 55 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76508/GSM76508.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76508-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20323 GSM76509 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 2 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76509/GSM76509.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76509-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20325 GSM76510 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76510/GSM76510.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76510-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 20326 GSM76511 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76511/GSM76511.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76511-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 20327 GSM76512 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76512/GSM76512.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76512-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Uterine/Bladder Tumor - 20328 GSM76513 RNA 1 Uterine/Bladder Tumor Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 4A Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Uterine/Bladder Tumor Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76513/GSM76513.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76513-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 20459 GSM76514 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76514/GSM76514.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76514-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 20463 GSM76515 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76515/GSM76515.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76515-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Prostate - 20464 GSM76516 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76516/GSM76516.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76516-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 21633 GSM76517 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76517/GSM76517.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76517-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 21634 GSM76518 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76518/GSM76518.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76518-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21637 GSM76519 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76519/GSM76519.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76519-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21638 GSM76520 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76520/GSM76520.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76520-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 21650 GSM76521 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 31-35 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76521/GSM76521.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76521-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21651 GSM76522 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76522/GSM76522.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76522-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Soft tissue of shoulder - 21655 GSM76523 RNA 1 Soft tissue of shoulder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Primary Site: Melanoma of Skin Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76523/GSM76523.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76523-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21659 GSM76524 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76524/GSM76524.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76524-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 21750 GSM76525 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Mixed endometrioid and serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76525/GSM76525.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76525-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21751 GSM76526 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76526/GSM76526.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76526-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 21752 GSM76527 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76527/GSM76527.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76527-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 21753 GSM76528 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76528/GSM76528.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76528-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21754 GSM76529 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76529/GSM76529.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76529-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21755 GSM76530 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76530/GSM76530.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76530-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21756 GSM76531 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Colloid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76531/GSM76531.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76531-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Urinary Bladder - 21757 GSM76532 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76532/GSM76532.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76532-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 21758 GSM76533 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76533/GSM76533.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76533-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ureterovesicle junction - 21759 GSM76534 RNA 1 Ureterovesicle junction Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Ureterovesicle junction Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76534/GSM76534.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76534-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Uterus - 21760 GSM76535 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76535/GSM76535.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76535-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Uterus - 21762 GSM76536 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76536/GSM76536.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76536-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 21763 GSM76537 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76537/GSM76537.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76537-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 21764 GSM76538 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76538/GSM76538.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76538-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 21765 GSM76539 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76539/GSM76539.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76539-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 21766 GSM76540 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76540/GSM76540.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76540-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Vulva - 21767 GSM76541 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Basal Cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76541/GSM76541.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76541-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 21771 GSM76542 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76542/GSM76542.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76542-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 21772 GSM76543 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: X Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Osseous Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76543/GSM76543.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76543-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Prostate - 21773 GSM76544 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76544/GSM76544.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76544-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 21949 GSM76545 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76545/GSM76545.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76545-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Rectosigmoid - 21951 GSM76546 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76546/GSM76546.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76546-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 21955 GSM76547 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Malignant granulosa cell tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76547/GSM76547.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76547-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 21957 GSM76548 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76548/GSM76548.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76548-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Thyroid - 21958 GSM76549 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76549/GSM76549.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76549-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Appendix - 22206 GSM76550 RNA 1 Appendix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Number of Years Until Relapse: None Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: None Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): None Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: None Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Appendix Histology: Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76550/GSM76550.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76550-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 28971 GSM76551 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76551/GSM76551.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76551-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31570 GSM76552 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 0(i-) Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76552/GSM76552.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76552-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Prostate - 31573 GSM76553 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Hesitancy Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76553/GSM76553.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76553-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 31574 GSM76554 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76554/GSM76554.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76554-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 31575 GSM76555 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76555/GSM76555.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76555-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31577 GSM76556 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76556/GSM76556.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76556-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Parotid Gland - 31580 GSM76557 RNA 1 Parotid Gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Difficulties in swallowing Presenting Symptoms: Voice changes Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 4b Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 2b Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Theraphy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Parotid Gland ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76557/GSM76557.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76557-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 31581 GSM76558 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 4 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76558/GSM76558.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76558-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Renal Pelvis - 31585 GSM76559 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76559/GSM76559.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76559-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31586 GSM76560 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76560/GSM76560.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76560-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31588 GSM76561 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76561/GSM76561.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76561-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Stomach - 31589 GSM76562 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76562/GSM76562.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76562-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31593 GSM76563 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76563/GSM76563.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76563-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 31883 GSM76564 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76564/GSM76564.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76564-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Rectosigmoid - 33791 GSM76565 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Fallopian Tube Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76565/GSM76565.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76565-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 33792 GSM76566 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76566/GSM76566.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76566-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 33793 GSM76567 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76567/GSM76567.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76567-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 33794 GSM76568 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76568/GSM76568.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76568-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Pelvic mass - 33795 GSM76569 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76569/GSM76569.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76569-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 33798 GSM76570 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76570/GSM76570.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76570-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Rectum - 36310 GSM76571 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76571/GSM76571.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76571-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 36311 GSM76572 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1b Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Melanoma of Skin Histology: Metastatic Spindle cell melanoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76572/GSM76572.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76572-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 36314 GSM76573 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76573/GSM76573.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76573-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 36318 GSM76574 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76574/GSM76574.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76574-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Rectum - 36320 GSM76575 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76575/GSM76575.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76575-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 36327 GSM76576 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76576/GSM76576.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76576-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 36328 GSM76577 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76577/GSM76577.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76577-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Corpus Uteri - 3759 GSM76578 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76578/GSM76578.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76578-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Renal Pelvis - 38211 GSM76579 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76579/GSM76579.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76579-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 38213 GSM76580 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76580/GSM76580.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76580-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 4191 GSM76581 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76581/GSM76581.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76581-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 4222 GSM76582 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76582/GSM76582.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76582-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 4333 GSM76583 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76583/GSM76583.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76583-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Peritoneum - 4439 GSM76584 RNA 1 Peritoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76584/GSM76584.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76584-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 4449 GSM76585 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 70 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76585/GSM76585.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76585-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 4450 GSM76586 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 36-40 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76586/GSM76586.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76586-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 4455 GSM76587 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76587/GSM76587.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76587-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Brain - 4457 GSM76588 RNA 1 Brain Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 100 Presenting Symptoms: Seizures Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Astrocytoma Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: WHO Grade III Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme Primary Site: Brain ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76588/GSM76588.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76588-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 45125 GSM76590 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76590/GSM76590.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76590-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 45127 GSM76591 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76591/GSM76591.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76591-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 4910 GSM76592 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76592/GSM76592.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76592-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 4914 GSM76593 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 76 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76593/GSM76593.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76593-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 5131 GSM76594 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76594/GSM76594.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76594-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 5132 GSM76595 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76595/GSM76595.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76595-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 5229 GSM76596 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76596/GSM76596.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76596-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Pelvic Mass - 5236 GSM76597 RNA 1 Pelvic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76597/GSM76597.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76597-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 53951 GSM76598 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76598/GSM76598.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76598-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 53954 GSM76599 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76599/GSM76599.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76599-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ureter - 53955 GSM76600 RNA 1 Ureter Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Ureter Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76600/GSM76600.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76600-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2007-10-09 Ovary - 53957 GSM76601 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Malignant mixed muellerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76601/GSM76601.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76601-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 53960 GSM76602 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76602/GSM76602.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76602-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 53962 GSM76603 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76603/GSM76603.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76603-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2007-10-09 Ovary - 53963 GSM76604 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76604/GSM76604.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76604-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 54070 GSM76605 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76605/GSM76605.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76605-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 54071 GSM76606 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76606/GSM76606.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76606-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 54077 GSM76607 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76607/GSM76607.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76607-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 54078 GSM76608 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76608/GSM76608.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76608-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Cervix - 58990 GSM76609 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76609/GSM76609.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76609-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 58991 GSM76610 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76610/GSM76610.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76610-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 58992 GSM76611 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76611/GSM76611.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76611-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Thyroid - 58999 GSM76612 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 63 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76612/GSM76612.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76612-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 59000 GSM76613 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76613/GSM76613.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76613-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Cervix - 59002 GSM76614 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76614/GSM76614.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76614-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 59003 GSM76615 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: D Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76615/GSM76615.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76615-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 6292 GSM76616 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76616/GSM76616.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76616-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 6293 GSM76617 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76617/GSM76617.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76617-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 6295 GSM76618 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76618/GSM76618.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76618-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 6300 GSM76619 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76619/GSM76619.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76619-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Bone & Cartilage - 6304 GSM76620 RNA 1 Bone & Cartilage Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Chondrosarcoma Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: IIB Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 4 Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Theraphy Pathological Value: Yes Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Bone & Cartilage ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76620/GSM76620.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76620-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2007-10-09 Lung - 6305 GSM76621 RNA 1 Left Lower Lobe Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76621/GSM76621.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76621-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Brain - 6312 GSM76622 RNA 1 Brain Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Brain Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 1 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76622/GSM76622.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76622-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 6515 GSM76623 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76623/GSM76623.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76623-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Vagina - 6517 GSM76624 RNA 1 Vagina Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Adenocarcinoma, mixed epithelial type (papillary serous and clear cell) Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Primary Site: Vagina ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76624/GSM76624.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76624-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Abdominal wall mass - 6519 GSM76625 RNA 1 Abdominal wall mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76625/GSM76625.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76625-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Kidney - 6891 GSM76626 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76626/GSM76626.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76626-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 6894 GSM76627 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76627/GSM76627.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76627-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 6898 GSM76628 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76628/GSM76628.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76628-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 6910 GSM76629 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76629/GSM76629.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76629-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 6991 GSM76630 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76630/GSM76630.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76630-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Head of Pancreas - 7000 GSM76631 RNA 1 Head of Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Theraphy: No Primary Site: Head of Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76631/GSM76631.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76631-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 7005 GSM76632 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76632/GSM76632.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76632-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Ovary - 7008 GSM76633 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Carcinosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76633/GSM76633.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76633-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Corpus Uteri - 7230 GSM76634 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: High Grade Sarcoma with focal heterologous elements Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme Primary Site: Myometrium ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76634/GSM76634.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76634-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 7231 GSM76635 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76635/GSM76635.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76635-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 7232 GSM76636 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76636/GSM76636.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76636-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Breast - 7233 GSM76637 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Other Ethnic Background: Eastern Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76637/GSM76637.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76637-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 78397 GSM76638 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76638/GSM76638.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76638-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Colon - 78403 GSM76639 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76639/GSM76639.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76639-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Prostate - 8050 GSM76640 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76640/GSM76640.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76640-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Retroperitoneum - 8051 GSM76641 RNA 1 Retroperitoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76641/GSM76641.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76641-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Soft Tissue Abdominal Wall - 8057 GSM76642 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Abdominal Wall Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Myxoid liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76642/GSM76642.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76642-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2007-10-09 Lymph node - 8058 GSM76643 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Mixed adenocarcinoma and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76643/GSM76643.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76643-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Liver - 8059 GSM76644 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Metastatic Sites Pathological Value: None Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Theraphy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Liver ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76644/GSM76644.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76644-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 8060 GSM76645 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4B Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76645/GSM76645.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76645-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Omentum - 8061 GSM76646 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76646/GSM76646.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76646-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Lung - 8067 GSM76647 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Workplace or household smokers?: No Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Metastatic Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76647/GSM76647.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76647-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Prostate - 89224 GSM76648 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76648/GSM76648.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76648-tbl-1.txt 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 2005-09-30 Endometrium - 89227 GSM76649 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM76649/GSM76649.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM76649-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 1007 GSM88945 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88945/GSM88945.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88945-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Liver - 1010 GSM88946 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: X Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88946/GSM88946.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88946-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 101103 GSM88947 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88947/GSM88947.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88947-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 L pelvic sidewall - 101104 GSM88948 RNA 1 L pelvic sidewall Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88948/GSM88948.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88948-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101106 GSM88949 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88949/GSM88949.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88949-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101107 GSM88950 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88950/GSM88950.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88950-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Retroperitoneal Mass - 101108 GSM88951 RNA 1 Retroperitoneal Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Grade: 1 Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88951/GSM88951.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88951-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 101110 GSM88952 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88952/GSM88952.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88952-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101111 GSM88953 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88953/GSM88953.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88953-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Supraclavicular Lymph Node - 101112 GSM88954 RNA 1 Supraclavicular Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: X Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Pharynx Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88954/GSM88954.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88954-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101113 GSM88955 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88955/GSM88955.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88955-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 101120 GSM88956 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88956/GSM88956.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88956-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Omentum - 101122 GSM88957 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88957/GSM88957.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88957-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Retroperitoneal Mass - 101125 GSM88958 RNA 1 Retroperitoneal Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Spindle cell sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88958/GSM88958.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88958-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101138 GSM88959 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88959/GSM88959.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88959-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 101139 GSM88960 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88960/GSM88960.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88960-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Renal Pelvis - 101140 GSM88961 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88961/GSM88961.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88961-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 101142 GSM88962 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88962/GSM88962.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88962-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 101185 GSM88963 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88963/GSM88963.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88963-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 101187 GSM88964 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Mixed type renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88964/GSM88964.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88964-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 101190 GSM88965 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Papillary serous adenocarcinoma Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: 1 Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: IV Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88965/GSM88965.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88965-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 101194 GSM88966 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88966/GSM88966.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88966-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 L axillary lymph node - 1012 GSM88967 RNA 1 L axillary lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1a Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88967/GSM88967.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88967-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 1021 GSM88968 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88968/GSM88968.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88968-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 1024 GSM88969 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 4d Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88969/GSM88969.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88969-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 104437 GSM88970 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88970/GSM88970.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88970-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 1047 GSM88971 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2B Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88971/GSM88971.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88971-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Parietal Pleura - 112863 GSM88972 RNA 1 Parietal Pleura Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pleura Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Positive Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88972/GSM88972.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88972-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 112866 GSM88973 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88973/GSM88973.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88973-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 112867 GSM88974 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88974/GSM88974.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88974-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Uterus - 112869 GSM88975 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88975/GSM88975.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88975-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 1291 GSM88976 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88976/GSM88976.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88976-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Prostate - 1295 GSM88977 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Hesitancy Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Normal Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88977/GSM88977.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88977-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 1301 GSM88978 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88978/GSM88978.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88978-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 1305 GSM88979 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88979/GSM88979.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88979-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 20271 GSM88980 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 4a Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88980/GSM88980.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88980-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 20272 GSM88981 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 79 Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88981/GSM88981.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88981-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 20279 GSM88982 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Other Ethnic Background: Asian Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88982/GSM88982.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88982-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2007-10-09 Lung - 20283 GSM88983 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88983/GSM88983.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88983-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 20285 GSM88984 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 47 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88984/GSM88984.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88984-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 20298 GSM88985 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88985/GSM88985.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88985-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 20314 GSM88986 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88986/GSM88986.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88986-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 20450 GSM88987 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88987/GSM88987.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88987-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 20458 GSM88988 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88988/GSM88988.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88988-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 20461 GSM88989 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 86 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88989/GSM88989.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88989-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 21631 GSM88990 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 31-35 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88990/GSM88990.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88990-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 21636 GSM88991 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88991/GSM88991.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88991-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 21981 GSM88992 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88992/GSM88992.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88992-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Bladder - 2315 GSM88993 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88993/GSM88993.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88993-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 2318 GSM88994 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88994/GSM88994.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88994-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 2325 GSM88995 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88995/GSM88995.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88995-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 2327 GSM88996 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Mammogram: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88996/GSM88996.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88996-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 31579 GSM88997 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88997/GSM88997.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88997-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Thyroid - 31583 GSM88998 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumours: Yes Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88998/GSM88998.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88998-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 31587 GSM88999 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM88999/GSM88999.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM88999-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 31592 GSM89000 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89000/GSM89000.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89000-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 33797 GSM89001 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89001/GSM89001.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89001-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 34380 GSM89002 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89002/GSM89002.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89002-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 36312 GSM89003 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89003/GSM89003.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89003-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 36315 GSM89004 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89004/GSM89004.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89004-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 36321 GSM89005 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89005/GSM89005.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89005-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 36323 GSM89006 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89006/GSM89006.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89006-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 36324 GSM89007 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89007/GSM89007.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89007-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 36325 GSM89008 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metaplastic squamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89008/GSM89008.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89008-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 36329 GSM89009 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Invasive ductal carcinoma, mucinous type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89009/GSM89009.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89009-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 38218 GSM89010 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89010/GSM89010.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89010-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4193 GSM89011 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89011/GSM89011.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89011-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 4200 GSM89012 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89012/GSM89012.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89012-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 4210 GSM89013 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89013/GSM89013.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89013-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4211 GSM89014 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89014/GSM89014.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89014-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4212 GSM89015 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89015/GSM89015.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89015-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4225 GSM89016 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89016/GSM89016.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89016-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Prostate - 4330 GSM89017 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89017/GSM89017.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89017-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4331 GSM89018 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89018/GSM89018.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89018-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4334 GSM89019 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89019/GSM89019.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89019-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 4338 GSM89020 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89020/GSM89020.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89020-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 4340 GSM89021 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89021/GSM89021.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89021-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 45121 GSM89022 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89022/GSM89022.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89022-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 45122 GSM89023 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 240 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89023/GSM89023.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89023-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 45123 GSM89024 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89024/GSM89024.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89024-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 45126 GSM89025 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89025/GSM89025.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89025-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 45129 GSM89026 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89026/GSM89026.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89026-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Iliac bone & soft tissue - 53953 GSM89027 RNA 1 Iliac bone & soft tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma Primary Site: Iliac bone & soft tissue ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89027/GSM89027.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89027-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Omentum or Pelvic Mass - 53958 GSM89028 RNA 1 Omentum or Pelvic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89028/GSM89028.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89028-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 53961 GSM89029 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89029/GSM89029.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89029-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Liver - 54073 GSM89030 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89030/GSM89030.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89030-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Stomach - 54074 GSM89031 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme Primary Site: Stomach ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89031/GSM89031.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89031-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Thyroid - 54075 GSM89032 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4C Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89032/GSM89032.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89032-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 R chest wall mass - 54076 GSM89033 RNA 1 R chest wall mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Multiple Tumours: No Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma of R axilla Histology: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89033/GSM89033.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89033-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 55695 GSM89034 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89034/GSM89034.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89034-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Abdominal-pelvic mass - 58993 GSM89035 RNA 1 Abdominal-pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Carcinoma, NOS Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Unknown ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89035/GSM89035.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89035-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 58994 GSM89036 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89036/GSM89036.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89036-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 58996 GSM89037 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89037/GSM89037.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89037-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Thyroid - 58997 GSM89038 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89038/GSM89038.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89038-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Small intestine - 58998 GSM89039 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 4A Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89039/GSM89039.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89039-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 59005 GSM89040 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 2 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89040/GSM89040.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89040-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Parotid Gland - 59006 GSM89041 RNA 1 Parotid Gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Skin of Lt Temple Histology: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89041/GSM89041.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89041-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endocervix - 59007 GSM89042 RNA 1 Endocervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 70 Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89042/GSM89042.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89042-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Thyroid - 59008 GSM89043 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, oncocytic variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89043/GSM89043.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89043-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 59009 GSM89044 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89044/GSM89044.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89044-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Pancreas - 6210 GSM89045 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89045/GSM89045.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89045-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 6308 GSM89046 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89046/GSM89046.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89046-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 6897 GSM89047 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89047/GSM89047.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89047-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Urinary Bladder - 6992 GSM89048 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 Clinical T: 2a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89048/GSM89048.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89048-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 6994 GSM89049 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89049/GSM89049.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89049-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Cervix - 6996 GSM89050 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89050/GSM89050.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89050-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Pelvic Mass - 6998 GSM89051 RNA 1 Pelvic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3B Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89051/GSM89051.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89051-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 6999 GSM89052 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89052/GSM89052.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89052-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 7003 GSM89053 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89053/GSM89053.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89053-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Liver - 7006 GSM89054 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89054/GSM89054.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89054-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 77736 GSM89055 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 240 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89055/GSM89055.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89055-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Dermal and subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes from neck dissection - 78390 GSM89056 RNA 1 Dermal and subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes from neck dissection Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 2b Retreatment M: X Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Salivary Gland Histology: Carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma (malignant mixed tumor) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89056/GSM89056.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89056-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 78391 GSM89057 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Signet ring cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89057/GSM89057.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89057-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 78392 GSM89058 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89058/GSM89058.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89058-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Testis - 78394 GSM89059 RNA 1 Testis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 98 Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Malignant Lymphoma,, Diffuse Large B-Cell Type Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: I E Pathological Question: Symptoms Pathological Value: A Primary Site: Testis ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89059/GSM89059.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89059-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 78395 GSM89060 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89060/GSM89060.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89060-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 78398 GSM89061 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89061/GSM89061.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89061-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 78400 GSM89062 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89062/GSM89062.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89062-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 78404 GSM89063 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89063/GSM89063.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89063-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 78405 GSM89064 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89064/GSM89064.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89064-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 78406 GSM89065 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Adenocarcinoma, clear cell type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89065/GSM89065.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89065-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 78409 GSM89066 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89066/GSM89066.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89066-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 8043 GSM89067 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89067/GSM89067.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89067-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 8044 GSM89068 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89068/GSM89068.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89068-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 8046 GSM89069 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89069/GSM89069.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89069-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 8047 GSM89070 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89070/GSM89070.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89070-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 8049 GSM89071 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89071/GSM89071.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89071-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 8068 GSM89072 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Papillary adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89072/GSM89072.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89072-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Urinary Bladder - 84152 GSM89073 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 2a Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2 Retreatment Grade: 4 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89073/GSM89073.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89073-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 84157 GSM89074 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89074/GSM89074.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89074-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectosigmoid Colon - 84168 GSM89075 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89075/GSM89075.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89075-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 84175 GSM89076 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89076/GSM89076.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89076-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 84183 GSM89077 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1000 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Retreatment T: 4b Retreatment N: 1a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3B Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metaplastic Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89077/GSM89077.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89077-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 84190 GSM89078 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89078/GSM89078.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89078-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 89114 GSM89079 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89079/GSM89079.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89079-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Exocrine Pancreas - 89115 GSM89080 RNA 1 Exocrine Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89080/GSM89080.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89080-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 89116 GSM89081 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89081/GSM89081.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89081-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 89117 GSM89082 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89082/GSM89082.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89082-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Vaginal mass - 89119 GSM89083 RNA 1 Vaginal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Muellerian adenosarcoma with rhabdomyosarcomatous overgrowth Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: No AJCC staging scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Corpus Uteri ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89083/GSM89083.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89083-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Soft Tissue Rt Knee - 89152 GSM89084 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Rt Knee Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Rt Knee Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89084/GSM89084.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89084-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Corpus Uteri - 89153 GSM89085 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89085/GSM89085.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89085-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 89154 GSM89086 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89086/GSM89086.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89086-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 89155 GSM89087 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89087/GSM89087.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89087-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Soft Tissue Lt Thigh - 89170 GSM89088 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Lt Thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Lt Thigh Histology: Myxoid pleomorphic spindle cell sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89088/GSM89088.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89088-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Endometrium - 89171 GSM89089 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89089/GSM89089.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89089-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 89184 GSM89090 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89090/GSM89090.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89090-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 89185 GSM89091 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Undifferentiated carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89091/GSM89091.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89091-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Vulvar lesion - 89186 GSM89092 RNA 1 Vulvar lesion Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89092/GSM89092.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89092-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary - 89191 GSM89093 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89093/GSM89093.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89093-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 89225 GSM89094 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 98 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89094/GSM89094.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89094-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 89228 GSM89095 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 44 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89095/GSM89095.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89095-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectum - 89229 GSM89096 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89096/GSM89096.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89096-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Ovary or Omentum - 89230 GSM89097 RNA 1 Ovary or Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 69 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89097/GSM89097.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89097-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 89232 GSM89098 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89098/GSM89098.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89098-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 89233 GSM89099 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89099/GSM89099.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89099-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Rectosigmoid - 89234 GSM89100 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89100/GSM89100.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89100-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Lung - 89240 GSM89101 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Ewing's Sarcoma Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: 1 Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: 1b Retreatment Question: Metastatic Sites Retreatment Value: Lung Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: IVB Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: 4 Primary Site: Bone ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89101/GSM89101.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89101-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Breast - 89263 GSM89102 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Pathological T: 4d Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89102/GSM89102.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89102-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Colon - 95093 GSM89103 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89103/GSM89103.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89103-tbl-1.txt 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 2005-12-22 Kidney - 95096 GSM89104 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Adenocarcinoma, clear cell type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM89104/GSM89104.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM89104-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Thyroid - 101092 GSM102424 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102424/GSM102424.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102424-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Endometrium - 101093 GSM102425 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102425/GSM102425.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102425-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 101094 GSM102426 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, secretory variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102426/GSM102426.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102426-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Soft Tissue L Thigh - 101095 GSM102427 RNA 1 Soft Tissue L Thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102427/GSM102427.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102427-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101096 GSM102428 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102428/GSM102428.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102428-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 101097 GSM102429 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102429/GSM102429.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102429-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Uterus - 101099 GSM102430 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102430/GSM102430.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102430-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 101116 GSM102431 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102431/GSM102431.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102431-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101119 GSM102432 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102432/GSM102432.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102432-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101126 GSM102433 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 80 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102433/GSM102433.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102433-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Bladder - 101127 GSM102434 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 53 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102434/GSM102434.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102434-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Prostate - 101128 GSM102435 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102435/GSM102435.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102435-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 101129 GSM102436 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102436/GSM102436.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102436-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Bladder - 101130 GSM102437 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102437/GSM102437.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102437-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101133 GSM102438 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102438/GSM102438.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102438-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 101135 GSM102439 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 110 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metaplastic squamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102439/GSM102439.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102439-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 101141 GSM102440 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102440/GSM102440.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102440-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 101145 GSM102441 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102441/GSM102441.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102441-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Transverse colon nodule - 101146 GSM102442 RNA 1 Transverse colon nodule Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102442/GSM102442.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102442-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101147 GSM102443 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102443/GSM102443.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102443-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Endometrium - 101148 GSM102444 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102444/GSM102444.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102444-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 101150 GSM102445 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102445/GSM102445.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102445-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Omentum - 101151 GSM102446 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102446/GSM102446.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102446-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 101178 GSM102447 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102447/GSM102447.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102447-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Renal Pelvis - 101179 GSM102448 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 210 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis and Ureter Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102448/GSM102448.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102448-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 101182 GSM102449 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102449/GSM102449.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102449-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 101183 GSM102450 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102450/GSM102450.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102450-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 101184 GSM102451 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102451/GSM102451.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102451-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Thyroid - 101186 GSM102452 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102452/GSM102452.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102452-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectum - 101188 GSM102453 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102453/GSM102453.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102453-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Uterus - 101191 GSM102454 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 300 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102454/GSM102454.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102454-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 101192 GSM102455 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102455/GSM102455.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102455-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 101193 GSM102456 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102456/GSM102456.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102456-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Axillary lymph node - 104341 GSM102457 RNA 1 Axillary lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Retreatment T: 1c Retreatment N: 2a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3A Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102457/GSM102457.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102457-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104344 GSM102458 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102458/GSM102458.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102458-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104345 GSM102459 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102459/GSM102459.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102459-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 104346 GSM102460 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102460/GSM102460.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102460-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104347 GSM102461 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102461/GSM102461.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102461-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectosigmoid - 104350 GSM102462 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102462/GSM102462.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102462-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104352 GSM102463 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102463/GSM102463.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102463-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104354 GSM102464 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102464/GSM102464.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102464-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 104355 GSM102465 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102465/GSM102465.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102465-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Cervical Lymph Node - 104366 GSM102466 RNA 1 Cervical Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Fever Presenting Symptoms: Night sweats Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Symptoms: B Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102466/GSM102466.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102466-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast dermal mass - 104367 GSM102467 RNA 1 Breast dermal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Fever Presenting Symptoms: Night sweats Presenting Symptoms: Weight loss Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Symptoms: B Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102467/GSM102467.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102467-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 104438 GSM102468 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102468/GSM102468.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102468-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Endometrium - 111073 GSM102469 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102469/GSM102469.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102469-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Urinary Bladder - 111075 GSM102470 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102470/GSM102470.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102470-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 112884 GSM102471 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102471/GSM102471.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102471-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 118653 GSM102472 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102472/GSM102472.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102472-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Peritoneum - 118655 GSM102473 RNA 1 Peritoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102473/GSM102473.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102473-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Small Intestine - 118658 GSM102474 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Small Intestine Histology: Adenocarcinoma Arising in Tubular Adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102474/GSM102474.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102474-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Urinary Bladder - 118659 GSM102475 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102475/GSM102475.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102475-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Cervix - 118660 GSM102476 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102476/GSM102476.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102476-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 118661 GSM102477 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102477/GSM102477.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102477-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 118662 GSM102478 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma, endometrioid and papillary serous ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102478/GSM102478.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102478-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectosigmoid - 118663 GSM102479 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102479/GSM102479.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102479-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Abdominal Wall - 118664 GSM102480 RNA 1 Abdominal Wall Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102480/GSM102480.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102480-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Cervix - 118666 GSM102481 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102481/GSM102481.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102481-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 118668 GSM102482 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i+) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102482/GSM102482.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102482-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 118671 GSM102483 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site/histology Primary Site: Ovary Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Adult Granulosa Cell Tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102483/GSM102483.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102483-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Small Intestine - 118672 GSM102484 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102484/GSM102484.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102484-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 118673 GSM102485 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102485/GSM102485.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102485-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectum - 127821 GSM102486 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102486/GSM102486.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102486-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 127822 GSM102487 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102487/GSM102487.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102487-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Uterus - 129650 GSM102488 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102488/GSM102488.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102488-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Omentum - 129651 GSM102489 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102489/GSM102489.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102489-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 129652 GSM102490 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Kidney Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102490/GSM102490.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102490-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Omentum - 129653 GSM102491 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102491/GSM102491.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102491-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Endometrium - 129656 GSM102492 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102492/GSM102492.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102492-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 129658 GSM102493 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3a Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Metastatic Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102493/GSM102493.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102493-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Abdominal wall mass - 129659 GSM102494 RNA 1 Abdominal wall mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3B Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102494/GSM102494.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102494-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Stomach - 129661 GSM102495 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Adenocarcinoma Diffuse Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102495/GSM102495.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102495-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Soft Tissue of Leg - 129662 GSM102496 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of Leg Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: X Retreatment Grade: 4 Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102496/GSM102496.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102496-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 129690 GSM102497 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102497/GSM102497.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102497-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Prostate - 129691 GSM102498 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Hesitancy Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102498/GSM102498.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102498-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 129692 GSM102499 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102499/GSM102499.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102499-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 129694 GSM102500 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102500/GSM102500.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102500-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 129700 GSM102501 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102501/GSM102501.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102501-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 129702 GSM102502 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 2a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3A Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102502/GSM102502.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102502-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Liver - 129708 GSM102503 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 4 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 3B Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 4 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102503/GSM102503.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102503-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Omentum - 129709 GSM102504 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102504/GSM102504.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102504-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 132229 GSM102505 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102505/GSM102505.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102505-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 133638 GSM102506 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102506/GSM102506.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102506-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 136910 GSM102507 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102507/GSM102507.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102507-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rib - 136912 GSM102508 RNA 1 Rib Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Unknown Primary Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Large cell carcinoma with clear cell features ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102508/GSM102508.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102508-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Uterus - 136913 GSM102509 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102509/GSM102509.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102509-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Prostate - 136915 GSM102510 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102510/GSM102510.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102510-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Small intestine - 136917 GSM102511 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 36-40 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Skin of face Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102511/GSM102511.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102511-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 136919 GSM102512 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Adrenals Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102512/GSM102512.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102512-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 138195 GSM102513 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102513/GSM102513.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102513-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lymph node R neck - 138196 GSM102514 RNA 1 Lymph node R neck Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3a Retreatment N: 2b Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3B Primary Site: Skin of face Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102514/GSM102514.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102514-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney and Ureter - 138197 GSM102515 RNA 1 Kidney and Ureter Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumours: Yes Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis and Ureter Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102515/GSM102515.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102515-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 138198 GSM102516 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102516/GSM102516.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102516-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectosigmoid - 138200 GSM102517 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma in a Villous Adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102517/GSM102517.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102517-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 138410 GSM102518 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102518/GSM102518.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102518-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 138411 GSM102519 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102519/GSM102519.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102519-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 138414 GSM102520 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Granular cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102520/GSM102520.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102520-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 144545 GSM102521 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102521/GSM102521.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102521-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 149050 GSM102522 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102522/GSM102522.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102522-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 149054 GSM102523 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102523/GSM102523.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102523-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 149055 GSM102524 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102524/GSM102524.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102524-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 149057 GSM102525 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102525/GSM102525.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102525-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 151146 GSM102526 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102526/GSM102526.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102526-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Cervix - 151624 GSM102527 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102527/GSM102527.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102527-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Omentum - 151628 GSM102528 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 270 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102528/GSM102528.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102528-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 152473 GSM102529 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102529/GSM102529.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102529-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 152477 GSM102530 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102530/GSM102530.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102530-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Liver - 152480 GSM102531 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Digital rectal exam Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 2 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102531/GSM102531.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102531-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Soft Tissue Thigh - 157425 GSM102532 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102532/GSM102532.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102532-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 161432 GSM102533 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102533/GSM102533.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102533-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 161433 GSM102534 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2B Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102534/GSM102534.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102534-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectosigmoid - 161438 GSM102535 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102535/GSM102535.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102535-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 161439 GSM102536 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102536/GSM102536.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102536-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 161463 GSM102537 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102537/GSM102537.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102537-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 161465 GSM102538 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: X Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Malignant mixed muellerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102538/GSM102538.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102538-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Rectosigmoid - 161466 GSM102539 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102539/GSM102539.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102539-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 161480 GSM102540 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102540/GSM102540.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102540-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Esophagus - 180954 GSM102541 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Esophagus Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102541/GSM102541.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102541-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 180956 GSM102542 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102542/GSM102542.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102542-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Esophagus - 180958 GSM102543 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Esophagus Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102543/GSM102543.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102543-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 180960 GSM102544 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102544/GSM102544.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102544-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 182732 GSM102545 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102545/GSM102545.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102545-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 20329 GSM102546 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102546/GSM102546.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102546-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Transverse colon nodule - 20457 GSM102547 RNA 1 Transverse colon nodule Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102547/GSM102547.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102547-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 21976 GSM102548 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102548/GSM102548.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102548-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 2320 GSM102549 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102549/GSM102549.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102549-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 23942 GSM102550 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102550/GSM102550.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102550-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 36322 GSM102551 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102551/GSM102551.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102551-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 4445 GSM102552 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102552/GSM102552.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102552-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 4453 GSM102553 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102553/GSM102553.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102553-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 45120 GSM102554 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102554/GSM102554.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102554-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 54079 GSM102555 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102555/GSM102555.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102555-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Lung - 6310 GSM102556 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Retreatment T: 1 Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Non-Keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102556/GSM102556.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102556-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Ovary - 6314 GSM102557 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102557/GSM102557.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102557-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Tongue - 77734 GSM102558 RNA 1 Tongue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Tongue Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102558/GSM102558.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102558-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 78396 GSM102559 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102559/GSM102559.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102559-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Thyroid - 78399 GSM102560 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 31 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102560/GSM102560.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102560-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 78401 GSM102561 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102561/GSM102561.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102561-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 78402 GSM102562 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102562/GSM102562.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102562-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 78407 GSM102563 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102563/GSM102563.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102563-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 8032 GSM102564 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102564/GSM102564.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102564-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 8066 GSM102565 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102565/GSM102565.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102565-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84136 GSM102566 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102566/GSM102566.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102566-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84138 GSM102567 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102567/GSM102567.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102567-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84140 GSM102568 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102568/GSM102568.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102568-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84141 GSM102569 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102569/GSM102569.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102569-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 84142 GSM102570 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Brain Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102570/GSM102570.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102570-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84144 GSM102571 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Colloid Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102571/GSM102571.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102571-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84147 GSM102572 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102572/GSM102572.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102572-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84148 GSM102573 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102573/GSM102573.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102573-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84150 GSM102574 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 66 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102574/GSM102574.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102574-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 84153 GSM102575 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102575/GSM102575.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102575-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84154 GSM102576 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: ER Pathological Value: Negative Pathological Question: PR Pathological Value: Negative Pathological Question: HER/2 Neu Pathological Value: Not performed Primary Site: Breast Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Pleomorphic liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102576/GSM102576.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102576-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84158 GSM102577 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102577/GSM102577.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102577-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 84159 GSM102578 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102578/GSM102578.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102578-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84162 GSM102579 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102579/GSM102579.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102579-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 84174 GSM102580 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 2a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3A Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102580/GSM102580.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102580-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Colon - 84191 GSM102581 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102581/GSM102581.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102581-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Kidney - 89226 GSM102582 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Tubulo-papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102582/GSM102582.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102582-tbl-1.txt 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 2006-03-30 Breast - 89267 GSM102583 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM102583/GSM102583.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM102583-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Cervix Uteri - 101086 GSM117576 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117576/GSM117576.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117576-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectum - 104340 GSM117577 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117577/GSM117577.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117577-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 104351 GSM117578 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117578/GSM117578.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117578-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 112870 GSM117579 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117579/GSM117579.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117579-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 112875 GSM117580 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117580/GSM117580.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117580-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 112876 GSM117581 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117581/GSM117581.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117581-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 129673 GSM117582 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117582/GSM117582.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117582-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Fallopian tube - 129674 GSM117583 RNA 1 Fallopian tube Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117583/GSM117583.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117583-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 129693 GSM117584 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117584/GSM117584.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117584-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 129701 GSM117585 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2a Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117585/GSM117585.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117585-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 133632 GSM117586 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117586/GSM117586.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117586-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Brain - 133635 GSM117587 RNA 1 Brain Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Headaches Presenting Symptoms: Memory Problems Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: WHO Grade IV Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Brain Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Glioblastoma multiformae ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117587/GSM117587.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117587-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 133647 GSM117588 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117588/GSM117588.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117588-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 133648 GSM117589 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 49 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117589/GSM117589.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117589-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 133649 GSM117590 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117590/GSM117590.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117590-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Soft Tissue of Retroperitoneum - 133650 GSM117591 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of Retroperitoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Soft Tissue of Retroperitoneum Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Cellular Schwannoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117591/GSM117591.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117591-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 133672 GSM117592 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: X Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117592/GSM117592.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117592-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 133677 GSM117600 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117600/GSM117600.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117600-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 133683 GSM117610 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117610/GSM117610.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117610-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Cervix - 135187 GSM117626 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117626/GSM117626.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117626-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 138193 GSM117629 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117629/GSM117629.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117629-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 138204 GSM117632 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117632/GSM117632.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117632-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 143650 GSM117635 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117635/GSM117635.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117635-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 143654 GSM117639 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 41-45 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117639/GSM117639.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117639-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 143655 GSM117642 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117642/GSM117642.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117642-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 143657 GSM117643 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117643/GSM117643.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117643-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 143658 GSM117644 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117644/GSM117644.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117644-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Pancreas - 143659 GSM117645 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117645/GSM117645.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117645-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Thyroid - 143660 GSM117646 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Follicular adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117646/GSM117646.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117646-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Pancreas - 143661 GSM117647 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117647/GSM117647.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117647-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 143662 GSM117648 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Fallopian Tube Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117648/GSM117648.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117648-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 143664 GSM117649 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117649/GSM117649.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117649-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 143666 GSM117650 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117650/GSM117650.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117650-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Soft Tissue Left Buttock - 143668 GSM117651 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Left Buttock Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Myxoid liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117651/GSM117651.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117651-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectosigmoid - 144558 GSM117652 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117652/GSM117652.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117652-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 144572 GSM117653 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: X Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117653/GSM117653.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117653-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 144574 GSM117655 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Urothelial sarcomatoid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117655/GSM117655.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117655-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 144575 GSM117656 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117656/GSM117656.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117656-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Liver - 144576 GSM117657 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 4 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: Insufficient information for staging - Biopsy only Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117657/GSM117657.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117657-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 144577 GSM117658 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: X Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117658/GSM117658.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117658-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 149051 GSM117659 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 36-40 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117659/GSM117659.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117659-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 149056 GSM117660 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117660/GSM117660.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117660-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 151602 GSM117661 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 145 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117661/GSM117661.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117661-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 151604 GSM117662 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117662/GSM117662.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117662-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 151605 GSM117663 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117663/GSM117663.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117663-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 151606 GSM117664 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117664/GSM117664.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117664-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Soft Tissue Left Buttock - 151611 GSM117665 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Left Buttock Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Sacral nerve sheath Histology: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117665/GSM117665.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117665-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Myometrium - 151612 GSM117666 RNA 1 Myometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this site/histology Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Myometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117666/GSM117666.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117666-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 151613 GSM117667 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117667/GSM117667.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117667-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 151614 GSM117668 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Gastrointestinal Tract, NOS Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117668/GSM117668.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117668-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Vulva - 151619 GSM117669 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117669/GSM117669.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117669-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 151622 GSM117670 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Ovary Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Borderline tumor of ovary, mixed epithelial type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117670/GSM117670.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117670-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 151623 GSM117671 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117671/GSM117671.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117671-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 151627 GSM117672 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117672/GSM117672.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117672-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 152474 GSM117673 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117673/GSM117673.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117673-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 152479 GSM117674 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117674/GSM117674.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117674-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 152481 GSM117675 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117675/GSM117675.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117675-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 152482 GSM117676 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117676/GSM117676.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117676-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2007-10-09 Urinary Bladder - 152484 GSM117677 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117677/GSM117677.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117677-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 152485 GSM117678 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 16-20 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 1 Retreatment Grade: 1 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Retreatment Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Retreatment Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117678/GSM117678.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117678-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 152486 GSM117679 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Granular cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117679/GSM117679.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117679-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 152487 GSM117680 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117680/GSM117680.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117680-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 152488 GSM117681 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117681/GSM117681.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117681-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 152489 GSM117682 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117682/GSM117682.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117682-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectum - 152490 GSM117683 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Carcinoma in situ arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117683/GSM117683.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117683-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectosigmoid - 152491 GSM117684 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117684/GSM117684.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117684-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 161430 GSM117685 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117685/GSM117685.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117685-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 161435 GSM117686 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117686/GSM117686.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117686-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 161462 GSM117687 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 55 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117687/GSM117687.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117687-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Axillary Lymph Node - 161469 GSM117688 RNA 1 Axillary Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Retreatment T: 1b Retreatment N: 1a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2A Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117688/GSM117688.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117688-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 161511 GSM117689 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117689/GSM117689.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117689-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Branchial Cleft Cyst - 161512 GSM117690 RNA 1 Branchial Cleft Cyst Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Head & Neck, NOS Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117690/GSM117690.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117690-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 161513 GSM117691 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117691/GSM117691.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117691-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 161516 GSM117692 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 31-35 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117692/GSM117692.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117692-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Parametrial Implant - 161518 GSM117693 RNA 1 Parametrial Implant Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: X Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Other Clinical Stage: 4B Clinical Grade: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117693/GSM117693.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117693-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 161520 GSM117694 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 44 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Adenocarcinoma, clear cell type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117694/GSM117694.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117694-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 161521 GSM117695 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117695/GSM117695.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117695-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 161524 GSM117696 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117696/GSM117696.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117696-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 161527 GSM117697 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117697/GSM117697.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117697-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 161529 GSM117698 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4 Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Papillary serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117698/GSM117698.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117698-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2007-10-09 Rectosigmoid - 170822 GSM117699 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma in adenomatous polyp ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117699/GSM117699.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117699-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 170823 GSM117700 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117700/GSM117700.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117700-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Small Intestine - 170824 GSM117701 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Small Intestine Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117701/GSM117701.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117701-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectosigmoid - 170825 GSM117702 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117702/GSM117702.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117702-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 170829 GSM117703 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117703/GSM117703.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117703-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 170830 GSM117704 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117704/GSM117704.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117704-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Thyroid - 170831 GSM117705 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117705/GSM117705.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117705-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 174050 GSM117706 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117706/GSM117706.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117706-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectum - 174051 GSM117707 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117707/GSM117707.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117707-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 174052 GSM117708 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117708/GSM117708.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117708-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 174054 GSM117709 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117709/GSM117709.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117709-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectum - 174057 GSM117710 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117710/GSM117710.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117710-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 174058 GSM117711 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: X Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117711/GSM117711.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117711-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 174059 GSM117712 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3A Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117712/GSM117712.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117712-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Renal pelvis - 174062 GSM117713 RNA 1 Renal pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Renal Pelvis and Ureter Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117713/GSM117713.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117713-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 174063 GSM117714 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117714/GSM117714.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117714-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 174064 GSM117715 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 70 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117715/GSM117715.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117715-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 174931 GSM117716 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117716/GSM117716.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117716-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 174934 GSM117717 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3c Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117717/GSM117717.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117717-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 174936 GSM117718 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117718/GSM117718.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117718-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 174937 GSM117719 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117719/GSM117719.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117719-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 174938 GSM117720 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 47 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117720/GSM117720.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117720-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 174939 GSM117721 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117721/GSM117721.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117721-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 174940 GSM117722 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117722/GSM117722.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117722-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Thyroid - 174942 GSM117723 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117723/GSM117723.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117723-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 174943 GSM117724 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117724/GSM117724.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117724-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 174944 GSM117725 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Primary Site: Kidney Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Solitary fibrous tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117725/GSM117725.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117725-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Prostate - 178552 GSM117726 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117726/GSM117726.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117726-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Prostate - 178554 GSM117727 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 140 PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117727/GSM117727.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117727-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 178555 GSM117728 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117728/GSM117728.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117728-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 180948 GSM117729 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 2a Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117729/GSM117729.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117729-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 180955 GSM117730 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117730/GSM117730.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117730-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 182730 GSM117731 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117731/GSM117731.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117731-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Soft Tissue of thigh - 184811 GSM117732 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Soft Tissue of thigh Histology: Myxoid liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117732/GSM117732.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117732-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Rectosigmoid - 184813 GSM117734 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 2 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Retreatment Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117734/GSM117734.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117734-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Thyroid - 184814 GSM117735 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 10-20 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117735/GSM117735.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117735-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Retroperitoneal Mass - 184818 GSM117736 RNA 1 Retroperitoneal Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117736/GSM117736.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117736-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 184819 GSM117737 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this Site/Histology Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 4 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Symptoms Pathological Value: Excessive bleeding Pathological Question: Symptoms Pathological Value: Bloating Primary Site: Endometrium Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117737/GSM117737.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117737-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 184820 GSM117738 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117738/GSM117738.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117738-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 184821 GSM117739 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117739/GSM117739.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117739-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Spleen - 184824 GSM117740 RNA 1 Spleen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Staging Scheme for this site/histology Primary Site: Unknown Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117740/GSM117740.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117740-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Prostate - 184830 GSM117741 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 66 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117741/GSM117741.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117741-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 184833 GSM117742 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117742/GSM117742.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117742-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 184834 GSM117743 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117743/GSM117743.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117743-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Ovary - 184837 GSM117744 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117744/GSM117744.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117744-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 184839 GSM117745 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 210 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 4d Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Inflammatory Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117745/GSM117745.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117745-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 184841 GSM117746 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117746/GSM117746.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117746-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 184842 GSM117747 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117747/GSM117747.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117747-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 184852 GSM117748 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Soft Tissue of back Histology: Metastatic Malignant fibrous histiocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117748/GSM117748.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117748-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 184857 GSM117749 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117749/GSM117749.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117749-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 184858 GSM117750 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117750/GSM117750.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117750-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 184862 GSM117751 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117751/GSM117751.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117751-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 184863 GSM117752 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117752/GSM117752.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117752-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 184864 GSM117753 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117753/GSM117753.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117753-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Adrenal Gland - 184865 GSM117754 RNA 1 Adrenal Gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site/histology Primary Site: Adrenal Gland Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117754/GSM117754.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117754-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Small Intestine - 184867 GSM117755 RNA 1 Small Intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC scheme for this site/histology Primary Site: Small Intestine Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117755/GSM117755.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117755-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2007-10-09 Lung - 184869 GSM117756 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117756/GSM117756.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117756-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 187212 GSM117757 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117757/GSM117757.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117757-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 187213 GSM117758 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: No Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117758/GSM117758.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117758-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 187214 GSM117759 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117759/GSM117759.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117759-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 187215 GSM117760 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117760/GSM117760.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117760-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 187217 GSM117761 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 57 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Cribiform Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117761/GSM117761.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117761-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2007-10-09 Exocrine Pancreas - 187233 GSM117762 RNA 1 Exocrine Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Intraductal papillary mucinous carcinoma, invasive ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117762/GSM117762.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117762-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 187235 GSM117763 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117763/GSM117763.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117763-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lymph node - 20277 GSM117765 RNA 1 Lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Dysgerminoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117765/GSM117765.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117765-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 21775 GSM117766 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Other Ethnic Background: Iranian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal and Lobular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117766/GSM117766.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117766-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Endometrium - 21786 GSM117767 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117767/GSM117767.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117767-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Omentum - 21787 GSM117768 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117768/GSM117768.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117768-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Brain - 21797 GSM117769 RNA 1 Brain Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: No AJCC Scheme for this Site/Histology Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: 3 (WHO Classification) Primary Site: Brain Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Astrocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117769/GSM117769.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117769-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 21802 GSM117770 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117770/GSM117770.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117770-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Axillary Lymph Node - 21970 GSM117771 RNA 1 Axillary Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 2a Retreatment N: 1b Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3B Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Retreatment Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Melanoma of Skin Histology: Metastatic Superficial spreading melanoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117771/GSM117771.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117771-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Lung - 4446 GSM117772 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117772/GSM117772.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117772-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Kidney - 8030 GSM117774 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117774/GSM117774.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117774-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Colon - 8031 GSM117775 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117775/GSM117775.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117775-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Uterus - 84145 GSM117776 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117776/GSM117776.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117776-tbl-1.txt 2006-06-30 2006-07-07 2006-07-07 Breast - 84189 GSM117777 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM117777/GSM117777.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM117777-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 112874 GSM137895 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137895/GSM137895.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137895-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 112877 GSM137896 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal and Lobular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137896/GSM137896.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137896-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 127823 GSM137897 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 159 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137897/GSM137897.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137897-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 127825 GSM137898 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137898/GSM137898.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137898-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Peritoneum - 127829 GSM137899 RNA 1 Peritoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Small Intestine Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Gastrointestinal stromal tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137899/GSM137899.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137899-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 127837 GSM137900 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Intraductal papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137900/GSM137900.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137900-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Thyroid - 127838 GSM137901 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Minimally invasive follicular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137901/GSM137901.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137901-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Perihepatic adipose tissue - 133630 GSM137902 RNA 1 Perihepatic adipose tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: 3 Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: 1 Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: 1 Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: 4 Retreatment Question: Metastatic Sites Retreatment Value: Other Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: X Primary Site: Gallbladder Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137902/GSM137902.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137902-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 133640 GSM137903 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137903/GSM137903.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137903-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 133643 GSM137904 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137904/GSM137904.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137904-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 133651 GSM137905 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137905/GSM137905.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137905-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 133656 GSM137906 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137906/GSM137906.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137906-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 133666 GSM137907 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137907/GSM137907.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137907-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 143656 GSM137908 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137908/GSM137908.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137908-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 154211 GSM137909 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: Unknown Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: Yes Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Liver Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Hepatocellular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137909/GSM137909.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137909-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 154213 GSM137910 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137910/GSM137910.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137910-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 154215 GSM137911 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137911/GSM137911.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137911-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 154216 GSM137912 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137912/GSM137912.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137912-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 154219 GSM137913 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 100 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137913/GSM137913.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137913-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 1641 GSM137914 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137914/GSM137914.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137914-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Omentum - 170804 GSM137915 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 3c Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 1 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 3C Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137915/GSM137915.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137915-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 170806 GSM137916 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137916/GSM137916.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137916-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 170809 GSM137917 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Metastatic Sites Pathological Value: Ovary, omentum Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Exocrine pancreas Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137917/GSM137917.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137917-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 170811 GSM137918 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137918/GSM137918.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137918-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Urinary bladder - 170827 GSM137919 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137919/GSM137919.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137919-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Pelvic tumor - 170828 GSM137920 RNA 1 Pelvic tumor Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Myometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137920/GSM137920.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137920-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 174056 GSM137921 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137921/GSM137921.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137921-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 174060 GSM137922 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137922/GSM137922.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137922-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Omentum - 177890 GSM137923 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137923/GSM137923.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137923-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 177892 GSM137924 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137924/GSM137924.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137924-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 177893 GSM137925 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137925/GSM137925.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137925-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 177894 GSM137926 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137926/GSM137926.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137926-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 177895 GSM137927 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137927/GSM137927.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137927-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 177896 GSM137928 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137928/GSM137928.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137928-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 178556 GSM137929 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 2 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137929/GSM137929.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137929-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Soft tissue of R thigh - 180934 GSM137930 RNA 1 Soft tissue of R thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: Unknown Primary Site: Soft tissue of R Thigh Histology: Synovial sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137930/GSM137930.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137930-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 181030 GSM137931 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137931/GSM137931.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137931-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Esophagus - 181035 GSM137932 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Esophagus Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137932/GSM137932.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137932-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 184826 GSM137933 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137933/GSM137933.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137933-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 184832 GSM137934 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137934/GSM137934.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137934-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 184838 GSM137935 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137935/GSM137935.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137935-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 184844 GSM137936 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137936/GSM137936.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137936-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 184845 GSM137937 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137937/GSM137937.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137937-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Exocrine Pancreas - 184850 GSM137938 RNA 1 Exocrine Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137938/GSM137938.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137938-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 184853 GSM137939 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 47 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137939/GSM137939.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137939-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 GI Tract Connective Tissue - 184856 GSM137940 RNA 1 GI Tract Connective Tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC staging for benign tumors Primary Site: Stomach Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, benign ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137940/GSM137940.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137940-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 184860 GSM137941 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137941/GSM137941.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137941-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2007-10-09 Colon - 187218 GSM137942 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137942/GSM137942.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137942-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 187219 GSM137943 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137943/GSM137943.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137943-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 187220 GSM137944 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 235 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137944/GSM137944.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137944-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 187222 GSM137945 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137945/GSM137945.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137945-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 187225 GSM137946 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Kidney Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Renal oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137946/GSM137946.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137946-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 187229 GSM137947 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137947/GSM137947.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137947-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 187230 GSM137948 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137948/GSM137948.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137948-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 187232 GSM137949 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137949/GSM137949.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137949-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 187234 GSM137950 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137950/GSM137950.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137950-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Small bowel - 187236 GSM137951 RNA 1 Small bowel Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137951/GSM137951.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137951-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Peritoneum - 187237 GSM137952 RNA 1 Peritoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137952/GSM137952.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137952-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2007-10-09 Breast - 187238 GSM137953 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137953/GSM137953.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137953-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 191409 GSM137954 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Collecting duct carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137954/GSM137954.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137954-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 191411 GSM137955 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137955/GSM137955.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137955-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 191412 GSM137956 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 52 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137956/GSM137956.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137956-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 191413 GSM137957 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Ovary Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Endometrioid tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137957/GSM137957.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137957-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Pancreas - 191414 GSM137958 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137958/GSM137958.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137958-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 191415 GSM137959 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 107 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137959/GSM137959.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137959-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 191417 GSM137960 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137960/GSM137960.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137960-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 191418 GSM137961 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 43 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137961/GSM137961.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137961-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 191419 GSM137962 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137962/GSM137962.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137962-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 191420 GSM137963 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 38 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137963/GSM137963.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137963-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Rectosigmoid colon - 191423 GSM137964 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137964/GSM137964.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137964-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 191424 GSM137965 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137965/GSM137965.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137965-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Parotid gland - 191425 GSM137966 RNA 1 Parotid gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: Unknown Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Parotid gland Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137966/GSM137966.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137966-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 191427 GSM137967 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137967/GSM137967.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137967-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 191429 GSM137968 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137968/GSM137968.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137968-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Omentum - 191432 GSM137969 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137969/GSM137969.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137969-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Pelvic mass - 191433 GSM137970 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2C Clinical Grade: X Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137970/GSM137970.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137970-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Prostate - 193006 GSM137971 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137971/GSM137971.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137971-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 194730 GSM137972 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137972/GSM137972.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137972-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 195179 GSM137973 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137973/GSM137973.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137973-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Small bowel - 195181 GSM137974 RNA 1 Small bowel Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137974/GSM137974.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137974-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 195182 GSM137975 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant Mixed mesodermal tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137975/GSM137975.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137975-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Bladder - 195183 GSM137976 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137976/GSM137976.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137976-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 195186 GSM137977 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 51 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 3a Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Kidney Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Malignant renal oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137977/GSM137977.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137977-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 195189 GSM137978 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137978/GSM137978.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137978-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Uterus - 195190 GSM137979 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137979/GSM137979.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137979-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Endometrium - 195195 GSM137980 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137980/GSM137980.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137980-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Sigmoid colon - 195196 GSM137981 RNA 1 Sigmoid colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137981/GSM137981.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137981-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Omentum - 195197 GSM137982 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: X Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137982/GSM137982.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137982-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Ovary - 195198 GSM137983 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137983/GSM137983.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137983-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 195199 GSM137984 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137984/GSM137984.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137984-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Rectosigmoid colon - 199338 GSM137985 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137985/GSM137985.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137985-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199343 GSM137986 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137986/GSM137986.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137986-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 199344 GSM137987 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137987/GSM137987.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137987-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 199351 GSM137988 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137988/GSM137988.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137988-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 199352 GSM137989 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137989/GSM137989.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137989-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199355 GSM137990 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137990/GSM137990.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137990-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 199356 GSM137991 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137991/GSM137991.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137991-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199358 GSM137992 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137992/GSM137992.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137992-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 199359 GSM137993 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137993/GSM137993.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137993-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 199360 GSM137994 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical ER: Positive Clinical PR: Positive Clinical HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137994/GSM137994.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137994-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199362 GSM137995 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137995/GSM137995.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137995-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Thoracic spine bone and intervertebral disc - 199363 GSM137996 RNA 1 Thoracic spine bone and intervertebral disc Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137996/GSM137996.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137996-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon mesentery - 199365 GSM137997 RNA 1 Colon mesentery Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 129 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Pelvic soft tissue Histology: Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137997/GSM137997.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137997-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 199366 GSM137998 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Barium enema Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137998/GSM137998.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137998-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Rectum - 199374 GSM137999 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM137999/GSM137999.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM137999-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199375 GSM138000 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138000/GSM138000.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138000-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 199377 GSM138001 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138001/GSM138001.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138001-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2007-10-09 Lung - 199378 GSM138002 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138002/GSM138002.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138002-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 199379 GSM138003 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138003/GSM138003.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138003-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Superior mediastinal lymph node - 199381 GSM138004 RNA 1 Superior mediastinal lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Presenting Symptoms: Voice changes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1b Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138004/GSM138004.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138004-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 199382 GSM138005 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138005/GSM138005.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138005-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199383 GSM138006 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138006/GSM138006.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138006-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 199384 GSM138007 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138007/GSM138007.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138007-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 199393 GSM138008 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 75 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Granular cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138008/GSM138008.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138008-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 202033 GSM138009 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138009/GSM138009.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138009-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Islets of Langerhans - 202044 GSM138010 RNA 1 Islets of Langerhans Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 1 Primary Site: Islets of Langerhans Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Malignant gastrinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138010/GSM138010.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138010-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 205693 GSM138011 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138011/GSM138011.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138011-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 205695 GSM138012 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138012/GSM138012.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138012-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2007-10-09 Penis - 205699 GSM138013 RNA 1 Penis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: 3 Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: Unknown Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: 1 Primary Site: Penis Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138013/GSM138013.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138013-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 207170 GSM138014 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138014/GSM138014.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138014-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 209695 GSM138015 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138015/GSM138015.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138015-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 209701 GSM138016 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Granular cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138016/GSM138016.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138016-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 209704 GSM138017 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138017/GSM138017.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138017-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 209705 GSM138018 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138018/GSM138018.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138018-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 209706 GSM138019 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138019/GSM138019.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138019-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 209707 GSM138020 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138020/GSM138020.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138020-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Rectosigmoid - 209708 GSM138021 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138021/GSM138021.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138021-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 209716 GSM138022 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138022/GSM138022.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138022-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Thyroid - 209719 GSM138023 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138023/GSM138023.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138023-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Thyroid - 211391 GSM138024 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138024/GSM138024.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138024-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 211393 GSM138025 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138025/GSM138025.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138025-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2007-10-09 Omentum - 211404 GSM138026 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138026/GSM138026.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138026-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 215917 GSM138027 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Pathological T: 1mic Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Papillary Carcinoma (predominantly micropapillary pattern) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138027/GSM138027.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138027-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 215927 GSM138028 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138028/GSM138028.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138028-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Soft tissue of hip - 215928 GSM138029 RNA 1 Soft tissue of hip Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Soft tissue of hip Histology: Undifferentiated sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138029/GSM138029.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138029-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 215929 GSM138030 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138030/GSM138030.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138030-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 215931 GSM138031 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Mammogram: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138031/GSM138031.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138031-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 215932 GSM138032 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138032/GSM138032.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138032-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 215933 GSM138033 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138033/GSM138033.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138033-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 215934 GSM138034 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: X Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138034/GSM138034.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138034-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 215935 GSM138035 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138035/GSM138035.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138035-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 215936 GSM138036 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138036/GSM138036.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138036-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 215937 GSM138037 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138037/GSM138037.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138037-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Prostate - 215940 GSM138038 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138038/GSM138038.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138038-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Rectosigmoid - 215941 GSM138039 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138039/GSM138039.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138039-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Testis - 215943 GSM138040 RNA 1 Testis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Serum Tumor Markers: S0 Primary Site: Testis Histology: Anaplastic seminoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138040/GSM138040.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138040-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 215944 GSM138041 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138041/GSM138041.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138041-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 215946 GSM138042 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138042/GSM138042.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138042-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Liver - 215948 GSM138043 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138043/GSM138043.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138043-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 215949 GSM138044 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138044/GSM138044.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138044-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 215950 GSM138045 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138045/GSM138045.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138045-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 215952 GSM138046 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138046/GSM138046.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138046-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Lung - 215953 GSM138047 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138047/GSM138047.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138047-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 231850 GSM138048 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138048/GSM138048.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138048-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 231855 GSM138049 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2A Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Positive Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138049/GSM138049.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138049-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 231866 GSM138050 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138050/GSM138050.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138050-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 231868 GSM138051 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138051/GSM138051.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138051-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Colon - 231874 GSM138052 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138052/GSM138052.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138052-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Kidney - 231875 GSM138053 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138053/GSM138053.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138053-tbl-1.txt 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 2006-09-28 Breast - 89262 GSM138054 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM138054/GSM138054.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM138054-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 101144 GSM152564 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment ER: Positive Retreatment PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152564/GSM152564.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152564-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Testis - 101154 GSM152565 RNA 1 Testis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Serum Tumor Markers: S0 Primary Site: Testis Histology: Seminoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152565/GSM152565.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152565-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Cervical Lymph Node - 1013 GSM152566 RNA 1 Cervical Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Lymph Nodes Histology: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152566/GSM152566.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152566-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ureter - 112886 GSM152567 RNA 1 Ureter Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ureter Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152567/GSM152567.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152567-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 1231 GSM152568 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152568/GSM152568.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152568-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 1234 GSM152569 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal and Lobular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152569/GSM152569.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152569-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 127820 GSM152570 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Mammogram: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152570/GSM152570.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152570-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 127826 GSM152571 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 49 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152571/GSM152571.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152571-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectosigmoid - 127827 GSM152572 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152572/GSM152572.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152572-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 127830 GSM152573 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152573/GSM152573.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152573-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 127835 GSM152574 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Papillary serous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152574/GSM152574.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152574-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 127839 GSM152575 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 59 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152575/GSM152575.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152575-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 127841 GSM152576 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152576/GSM152576.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152576-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 129660 GSM152577 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152577/GSM152577.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152577-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 129663 GSM152578 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152578/GSM152578.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152578-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 129666 GSM152579 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152579/GSM152579.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152579-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 129668 GSM152580 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, spindle cell type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152580/GSM152580.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152580-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 129669 GSM152581 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152581/GSM152581.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152581-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 129670 GSM152582 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152582/GSM152582.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152582-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pelvic mass - 129671 GSM152583 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2B Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Ovarian remnant Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Papillary endometrioid adenocarcinoma of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152583/GSM152583.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152583-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Liver - 133637 GSM152584 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Clinical T: X Clinical N: X Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152584/GSM152584.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152584-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 133639 GSM152585 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 31 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152585/GSM152585.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152585-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pelvic tumor - 143653 GSM152586 RNA 1 Pelvic tumor Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152586/GSM152586.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152586-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Lymph Node - 143663 GSM152587 RNA 1 Lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152587/GSM152587.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152587-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Lymph Node - 143669 GSM152588 RNA 1 Lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 4 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Eye, NOS Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152588/GSM152588.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152588-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 144571 GSM152589 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 84 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152589/GSM152589.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152589-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 151607 GSM152590 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Other Ethnic Background: Unknown Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152590/GSM152590.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152590-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 151618 GSM152591 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152591/GSM152591.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152591-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 151625 GSM152592 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152592/GSM152592.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152592-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 152470 GSM152593 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC staging for benign tumors Primary Site: Kidney Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Renal oncocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152593/GSM152593.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152593-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 154218 GSM152594 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152594/GSM152594.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152594-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Stomach - 161522 GSM152595 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Tubular adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152595/GSM152595.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152595-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 161525 GSM152596 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2B Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152596/GSM152596.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152596-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 161530 GSM152597 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 53 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152597/GSM152597.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152597-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus and cervix - 161533 GSM152598 RNA 1 Uterus and cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Metastatic Sites Pathological Value: Omentum Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Symptoms Primary Site: Overlapping lesion of cervix utri and corpus uteri Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Papillary endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152598/GSM152598.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152598-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 161534 GSM152599 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152599/GSM152599.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152599-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Small intestine - 174053 GSM152600 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152600/GSM152600.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152600-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Stomach (Gastroesophageal junction) - 180941 GSM152601 RNA 1 Stomach (Gastroesophageal junction) Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152601/GSM152601.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152601-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 180944 GSM152602 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152602/GSM152602.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152602-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 180953 GSM152603 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152603/GSM152603.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152603-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Hepatic Flexure - 184846 GSM152604 RNA 1 Hepatic Flexure Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152604/GSM152604.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152604-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 184847 GSM152605 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Intraductal papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152605/GSM152605.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152605-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 184848 GSM152606 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152606/GSM152606.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152606-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 184849 GSM152607 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Papillary serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152607/GSM152607.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152607-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 184851 GSM152608 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152608/GSM152608.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152608-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 184854 GSM152609 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152609/GSM152609.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152609-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 184870 GSM152610 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucin-producing adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152610/GSM152610.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152610-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 193010 GSM152611 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Presenting Symptoms: Dribbling Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152611/GSM152611.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152611-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Liver - 193015 GSM152612 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152612/GSM152612.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152612-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 193020 GSM152613 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Stool blood test (guiac) Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152613/GSM152613.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152613-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 193021 GSM152614 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152614/GSM152614.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152614-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 193022 GSM152615 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152615/GSM152615.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152615-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 193024 GSM152616 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152616/GSM152616.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152616-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 193030 GSM152617 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152617/GSM152617.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152617-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 193033 GSM152618 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Cribiform Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152618/GSM152618.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152618-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Small Bowel - 193034 GSM152619 RNA 1 Small Bowel Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152619/GSM152619.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152619-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 193035 GSM152620 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 26-30 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152620/GSM152620.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152620-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 193036 GSM152621 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152621/GSM152621.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152621-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 193038 GSM152622 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Hematuria Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152622/GSM152622.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152622-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 195184 GSM152623 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152623/GSM152623.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152623-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 195188 GSM152624 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152624/GSM152624.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152624-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Urinary Bladder - 199368 GSM152625 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152625/GSM152625.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152625-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Liver - 199372 GSM152626 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152626/GSM152626.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152626-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 199373 GSM152627 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152627/GSM152627.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152627-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Parotid gland - 199380 GSM152628 RNA 1 Parotid gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 2b Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4C Pathological Question: Metastatic Sites Pathological Value: Superior mediastinal lymph nodes Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Parotid gland Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152628/GSM152628.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152628-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectum - 199386 GSM152629 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152629/GSM152629.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152629-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectum - 199387 GSM152630 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152630/GSM152630.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152630-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 199388 GSM152631 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 53 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152631/GSM152631.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152631-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 199390 GSM152632 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152632/GSM152632.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152632-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Thyroid - 199391 GSM152633 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 4a Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 4A Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152633/GSM152633.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152633-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 202030 GSM152634 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152634/GSM152634.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152634-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 202031 GSM152635 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152635/GSM152635.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152635-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Vulva - 202032 GSM152636 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152636/GSM152636.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152636-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 202037 GSM152637 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152637/GSM152637.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152637-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 202038 GSM152638 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3a Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Retreatment Stage: 4B Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152638/GSM152638.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152638-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 202041 GSM152639 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Small intestine Histology: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152639/GSM152639.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152639-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 202042 GSM152640 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152640/GSM152640.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152640-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 202043 GSM152641 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152641/GSM152641.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152641-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 202046 GSM152642 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152642/GSM152642.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152642-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 202048 GSM152643 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Osseous Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152643/GSM152643.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152643-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Endometrium - 205703 GSM152644 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152644/GSM152644.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152644-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 205705 GSM152645 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152645/GSM152645.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152645-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 207532 GSM152646 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152646/GSM152646.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152646-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pelvic lymph node - 207533 GSM152647 RNA 1 Pelvic lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical Stage: Unknown Primary Site: Lymph Nodes Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152647/GSM152647.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152647-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 207536 GSM152648 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Peritoneum Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152648/GSM152648.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152648-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 207537 GSM152649 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152649/GSM152649.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152649-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 207538 GSM152650 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC staging for benign tumors Primary Site: Kidney Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Angiomyolipoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152650/GSM152650.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152650-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Para aortic tissue - 207539 GSM152651 RNA 1 Para aortic tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 2 Clinical M: 1a Clinical Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Clinical Stage: 3B Clinical Multiple Tumours: Yes Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Clinical Serum Tumor Markers: S2 Primary Site: Testis Histology: Mixed germ cell tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152651/GSM152651.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152651-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 209696 GSM152652 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152652/GSM152652.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152652-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 209699 GSM152653 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152653/GSM152653.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152653-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 209709 GSM152654 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152654/GSM152654.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152654-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 209711 GSM152655 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152655/GSM152655.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152655-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Testis - 209713 GSM152656 RNA 1 Testis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 1 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Testis Histology: Mixed germ cell tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152656/GSM152656.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152656-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 209714 GSM152657 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Benign serous cystadenoma of borderline malignancy ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152657/GSM152657.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152657-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 209717 GSM152658 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152658/GSM152658.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152658-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 209718 GSM152659 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152659/GSM152659.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152659-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Endometrium - 209720 GSM152660 RNA 1 Endometrium Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 49 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152660/GSM152660.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152660-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 211394 GSM152661 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152661/GSM152661.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152661-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 211395 GSM152662 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 2a Clinical N: 1 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152662/GSM152662.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152662-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Thyroid - 211398 GSM152663 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152663/GSM152663.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152663-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 211400 GSM152664 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152664/GSM152664.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152664-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Vulva - 211405 GSM152665 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Clinical T: X Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152665/GSM152665.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152665-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 211407 GSM152666 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152666/GSM152666.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152666-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 211408 GSM152667 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152667/GSM152667.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152667-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 211409 GSM152668 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152668/GSM152668.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152668-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 215930 GSM152669 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152669/GSM152669.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152669-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 219567 GSM152670 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152670/GSM152670.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152670-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 219570 GSM152671 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Mixed endometrioid and serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152671/GSM152671.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152671-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 219571 GSM152672 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Malignant teratoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152672/GSM152672.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152672-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 219573 GSM152673 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152673/GSM152673.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152673-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 219574 GSM152674 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Mixed endometrioid and serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152674/GSM152674.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152674-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectum - 219576 GSM152675 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Clinical T: X Clinical N: X Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152675/GSM152675.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152675-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 219581 GSM152676 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152676/GSM152676.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152676-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 219582 GSM152677 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152677/GSM152677.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152677-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 219586 GSM152678 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152678/GSM152678.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152678-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 219590 GSM152679 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152679/GSM152679.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152679-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 219597 GSM152680 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152680/GSM152680.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152680-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 219599 GSM152681 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152681/GSM152681.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152681-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 219600 GSM152682 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152682/GSM152682.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152682-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 219604 GSM152683 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152683/GSM152683.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152683-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 219605 GSM152684 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152684/GSM152684.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152684-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 219606 GSM152685 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i+) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152685/GSM152685.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152685-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Acetabulum and pelvic soft tissues - 226410 GSM152686 RNA 1 Acetabulum and pelvic soft tissues Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: Unknown Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: Yes Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: Yes Primary Site: Acetabulum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152686/GSM152686.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152686-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 226413 GSM152687 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 38 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152687/GSM152687.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152687-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 226414 GSM152688 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152688/GSM152688.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152688-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 226415 GSM152689 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152689/GSM152689.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152689-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 226416 GSM152690 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152690/GSM152690.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152690-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 226421 GSM152691 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 41-45 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152691/GSM152691.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152691-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 226422 GSM152692 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152692/GSM152692.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152692-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 226423 GSM152693 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152693/GSM152693.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152693-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 226424 GSM152694 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152694/GSM152694.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152694-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 226429 GSM152695 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152695/GSM152695.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152695-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 228530 GSM152696 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152696/GSM152696.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152696-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 kidney - 228531 GSM152697 RNA 1 kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152697/GSM152697.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152697-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 228533 GSM152698 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 200 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 36-40 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152698/GSM152698.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152698-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 228536 GSM152699 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152699/GSM152699.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152699-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 228537 GSM152700 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152700/GSM152700.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152700-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 228538 GSM152701 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152701/GSM152701.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152701-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Jejunum - 228540 GSM152702 RNA 1 Jejunum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Night sweats Presenting Symptoms: Weight loss Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Symptoms: B Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152702/GSM152702.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152702-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectosigmoid - 228542 GSM152703 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152703/GSM152703.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152703-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 228544 GSM152704 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 71 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152704/GSM152704.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152704-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 228546 GSM152705 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 80 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Granular cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152705/GSM152705.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152705-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 228549 GSM152706 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 80 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152706/GSM152706.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152706-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 231852 GSM152707 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Mammogram: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152707/GSM152707.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152707-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Liver - 231853 GSM152708 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152708/GSM152708.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152708-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 231863 GSM152709 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152709/GSM152709.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152709-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectosigmoid - 231864 GSM152710 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152710/GSM152710.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152710-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 231867 GSM152711 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152711/GSM152711.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152711-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectum - 231869 GSM152712 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152712/GSM152712.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152712-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 231871 GSM152713 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152713/GSM152713.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152713-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 231877 GSM152714 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152714/GSM152714.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152714-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 231878 GSM152715 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152715/GSM152715.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152715-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 234312 GSM152716 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152716/GSM152716.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152716-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Urinary bladder - 234313 GSM152717 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152717/GSM152717.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152717-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Popliteal soft tissue - 234314 GSM152718 RNA 1 Popliteal soft tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Soft Tissue Sarcoma Histology: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152718/GSM152718.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152718-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 234315 GSM152719 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: Yes Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152719/GSM152719.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152719-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 235690 GSM152720 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Medullary Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152720/GSM152720.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152720-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 235691 GSM152721 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152721/GSM152721.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152721-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 235692 GSM152722 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152722/GSM152722.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152722-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 235694 GSM152723 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152723/GSM152723.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152723-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 235695 GSM152724 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152724/GSM152724.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152724-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 235696 GSM152725 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152725/GSM152725.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152725-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 235699 GSM152726 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152726/GSM152726.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152726-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 235701 GSM152727 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152727/GSM152727.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152727-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 241165 GSM152728 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Mixed type renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152728/GSM152728.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152728-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 241167 GSM152729 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152729/GSM152729.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152729-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 241168 GSM152730 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152730/GSM152730.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152730-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 241169 GSM152731 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152731/GSM152731.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152731-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Urinary Bladder - 241178 GSM152732 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Small cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152732/GSM152732.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152732-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 241181 GSM152733 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152733/GSM152733.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152733-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 241184 GSM152734 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152734/GSM152734.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152734-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 241187 GSM152735 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152735/GSM152735.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152735-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Parotid gland - 241188 GSM152736 RNA 1 Parotid gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Carcinoma of Skin Histology: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152736/GSM152736.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152736-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 241191 GSM152737 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152737/GSM152737.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152737-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 241197 GSM152738 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152738/GSM152738.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152738-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 241198 GSM152739 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152739/GSM152739.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152739-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 242910 GSM152740 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152740/GSM152740.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152740-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 242926 GSM152741 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152741/GSM152741.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152741-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Soft Tissue of Thigh - 242931 GSM152742 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Soft Tissue of Thigh Histology: Sarcoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152742/GSM152742.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152742-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Retroperitoneal mass - 251035 GSM152743 RNA 1 Retroperitoneal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Clinical T: X Clinical N: X Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Clinical Stage: 4B Clinical Grade: X Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152743/GSM152743.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152743-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pancreas - 251036 GSM152744 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Head of Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152744/GSM152744.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152744-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 251038 GSM152745 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152745/GSM152745.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152745-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 251040 GSM152746 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152746/GSM152746.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152746-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 251042 GSM152747 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152747/GSM152747.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152747-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pelvic mass - 251043 GSM152748 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: No AJCC Staging scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Endometrium Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Metastatic Endometrial stromal sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152748/GSM152748.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152748-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 251044 GSM152749 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152749/GSM152749.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152749-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Rectosigmoid - 251046 GSM152750 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152750/GSM152750.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152750-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Cervix Uteri - 251047 GSM152751 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152751/GSM152751.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152751-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 251048 GSM152752 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152752/GSM152752.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152752-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 251050 GSM152753 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152753/GSM152753.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152753-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 251052 GSM152754 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152754/GSM152754.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152754-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 251053 GSM152755 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenosquamous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152755/GSM152755.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152755-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 251054 GSM152756 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152756/GSM152756.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152756-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 251055 GSM152757 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152757/GSM152757.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152757-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Soft tissue of arm - 254350 GSM152758 RNA 1 Soft tissue of arm Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152758/GSM152758.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152758-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254354 GSM152759 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152759/GSM152759.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152759-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Liver - 254357 GSM152760 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152760/GSM152760.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152760-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254359 GSM152761 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152761/GSM152761.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152761-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 254360 GSM152762 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152762/GSM152762.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152762-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 254361 GSM152763 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152763/GSM152763.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152763-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Jejunum - 254371 GSM152764 RNA 1 Jejunum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Jejunum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152764/GSM152764.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152764-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Liver - 254373 GSM152765 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: 2 Retreatment Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152765/GSM152765.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152765-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254374 GSM152766 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152766/GSM152766.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152766-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Lung - 254375 GSM152767 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Synovial sarcoma, monophasic fibrous ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152767/GSM152767.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152767-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254376 GSM152768 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152768/GSM152768.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152768-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 254388 GSM152769 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152769/GSM152769.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152769-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 254391 GSM152770 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152770/GSM152770.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152770-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Pelvic sidewall nodule - 254392 GSM152771 RNA 1 Pelvic sidewall nodule Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2B Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Dysgerminoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152771/GSM152771.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152771-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 254395 GSM152772 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152772/GSM152772.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152772-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Corpus Uteri - 254398 GSM152773 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152773/GSM152773.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152773-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 254403 GSM152774 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152774/GSM152774.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152774-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254436 GSM152775 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152775/GSM152775.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152775-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 254441 GSM152776 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Clinical T: 4b Clinical N: 2a Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical ER: Positive Clinical PR: Positive Clinical HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152776/GSM152776.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152776-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Chest wall mass - 254444 GSM152777 RNA 1 Chest wall mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 4 Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: No Clinical Question: Symptoms Clinical Value: A Primary Site: Skin Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, primary cutaneous type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152777/GSM152777.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152777-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 256874 GSM152778 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Hematuria Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Normal Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: X Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Clinical Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152778/GSM152778.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152778-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Urinary bladder - 256878 GSM152779 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 4a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152779/GSM152779.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152779-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 256880 GSM152780 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152780/GSM152780.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152780-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 256881 GSM152781 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152781/GSM152781.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152781-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 256882 GSM152782 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152782/GSM152782.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152782-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Prostate - 256947 GSM152783 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Normal # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152783/GSM152783.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152783-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 256950 GSM152784 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152784/GSM152784.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152784-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Humerus bone - 256954 GSM152785 RNA 1 Humerus bone Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Osseous Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Metastatic Mucinous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152785/GSM152785.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152785-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 256956 GSM152786 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152786/GSM152786.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152786-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Pelvic Lymph Node - 256960 GSM152787 RNA 1 Pelvic lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152787/GSM152787.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152787-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Uterus - 256961 GSM152788 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152788/GSM152788.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152788-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-10-09 Gastroesophageal Junction - 261174 GSM152789 RNA 1 Gastroesophageal junction Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: No Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3A Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Multiple Tumors Pathological Value: No Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: No Primary Site: Gastroesophageal Junction Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152789/GSM152789.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152789-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 262792 GSM152790 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152790/GSM152790.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152790-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Small intestine - 262793 GSM152791 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Weight loss Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Symptoms: B Primary Site: Lymph Nodes Histology: B-cell lymphoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152791/GSM152791.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152791-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 262794 GSM152792 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous cystic tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152792/GSM152792.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152792-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Vulva - 262795 GSM152793 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152793/GSM152793.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152793-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 262802 GSM152794 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152794/GSM152794.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152794-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Ovary - 262803 GSM152795 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152795/GSM152795.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152795-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Uterus - 262807 GSM152796 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152796/GSM152796.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152796-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Urinary Bladder - 262809 GSM152797 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152797/GSM152797.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152797-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 262813 GSM152798 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152798/GSM152798.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152798-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Colon - 262819 GSM152799 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152799/GSM152799.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152799-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Omentum - 276657 GSM152800 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: X Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152800/GSM152800.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152800-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Kidney - 38212 GSM152801 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152801/GSM152801.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152801-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Thyroid - 84135 GSM152802 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Multiple Tumours: No Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152802/GSM152802.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152802-tbl-1.txt 2006-12-22 2007-01-03 2007-01-03 Breast - 84139 GSM152803 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 26-30 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM152803/GSM152803.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM152803-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 1001 GSM179778 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179778/GSM179778.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179778-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 2489 GSM179779 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: X Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179779/GSM179779.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179779-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 6630 GSM179780 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179780/GSM179780.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179780-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Pancreas - 78393 GSM179781 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179781/GSM179781.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179781-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectum - 127824 GSM179782 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179782/GSM179782.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179782-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cervix - 129657 GSM179783 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179783/GSM179783.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179783-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 170813 GSM179784 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenosquamous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179784/GSM179784.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179784-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Abdominal mass - 187248 GSM179785 RNA 1 Abdominal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: No AJCC Staging scheme for this site and histology Retreatment Question: Metastatic Sites Retreatment Value: Small bowel mesentery Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Metastatic Myxoid leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179785/GSM179785.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179785-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 187252 GSM179786 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179786/GSM179786.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179786-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 187253 GSM179787 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179787/GSM179787.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179787-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 187254 GSM179788 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179788/GSM179788.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179788-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 193000 GSM179789 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179789/GSM179789.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179789-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 193004 GSM179790 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179790/GSM179790.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179790-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 193026 GSM179791 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179791/GSM179791.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179791-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 193028 GSM179792 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179792/GSM179792.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179792-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 195191 GSM179793 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179793/GSM179793.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179793-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 195194 GSM179794 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 62 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179794/GSM179794.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179794-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 199354 GSM179795 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179795/GSM179795.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179795-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Connective tissue of abdomen - 199376 GSM179796 RNA 1 Connective tissue of abdomen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Clinical Question: Metastatic Sites Clinical Value: None Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: No Primary Site: Connective tissue of abdomen Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, uncertain malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179796/GSM179796.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179796-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 199394 GSM179797 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179797/GSM179797.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179797-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 199399 GSM179798 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3B Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179798/GSM179798.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179798-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 199400 GSM179799 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179799/GSM179799.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179799-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Gallbladder - 199404 GSM179800 RNA 1 Gallbladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 1B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Primary Site: Gallbladder Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179800/GSM179800.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179800-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 199405 GSM179801 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Non-Keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179801/GSM179801.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179801-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Corpus Uteri - 202039 GSM179802 RNA 1 Corpus Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179802/GSM179802.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179802-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 209690 GSM179803 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179803/GSM179803.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179803-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 209691 GSM179804 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179804/GSM179804.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179804-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 209692 GSM179805 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179805/GSM179805.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179805-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 209694 GSM179806 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 11-15 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179806/GSM179806.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179806-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 211371 GSM179807 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179807/GSM179807.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179807-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 211372 GSM179808 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma, endometrioid and papillary serous ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179808/GSM179808.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179808-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 226427 GSM179809 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179809/GSM179809.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179809-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 231861 GSM179810 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179810/GSM179810.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179810-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Pelvic mass - 234316 GSM179811 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179811/GSM179811.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179811-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Omentum - 234327 GSM179812 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 11-15 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Malignant granulosa cell tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179812/GSM179812.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179812-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 234329 GSM179813 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Clinical T: 3c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3C Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179813/GSM179813.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179813-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Acetabulum - 234331 GSM179814 RNA 1 Acetabulum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2A Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: High Pathological Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Pathological Value: Yes Primary Site: Pelvis Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179814/GSM179814.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179814-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ileum - 235698 GSM179815 RNA 1 Ileum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: Symptoms Pathological Value: A Primary Site: Ileum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179815/GSM179815.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179815-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 241175 GSM179816 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179816/GSM179816.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179816-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-10-09 Omentum - 241183 GSM179817 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179817/GSM179817.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179817-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Pelvic lymph node - 241186 GSM179818 RNA 1 Pelvic lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: X Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: X Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: X Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: Unknown Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: X Primary Site: Skin of scrotum Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179818/GSM179818.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179818-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 241189 GSM179819 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179819/GSM179819.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179819-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 241194 GSM179820 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179820/GSM179820.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179820-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 241195 GSM179821 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179821/GSM179821.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179821-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 241196 GSM179822 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179822/GSM179822.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179822-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 241199 GSM179823 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179823/GSM179823.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179823-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 241200 GSM179824 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 85 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179824/GSM179824.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179824-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 242918 GSM179825 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179825/GSM179825.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179825-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 242921 GSM179826 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Metastatic Sites Clinical Value: Lung Primary Site: Myometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179826/GSM179826.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179826-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 242924 GSM179827 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179827/GSM179827.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179827-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 242925 GSM179828 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179828/GSM179828.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179828-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 242928 GSM179829 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179829/GSM179829.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179829-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 242929 GSM179830 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179830/GSM179830.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179830-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 251039 GSM179831 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179831/GSM179831.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179831-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 251041 GSM179832 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179832/GSM179832.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179832-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectum - 254351 GSM179833 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 2 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179833/GSM179833.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179833-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 254355 GSM179834 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179834/GSM179834.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179834-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 254378 GSM179835 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179835/GSM179835.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179835-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 254387 GSM179836 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Papillary serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179836/GSM179836.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179836-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 254393 GSM179837 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179837/GSM179837.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179837-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 254435 GSM179838 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179838/GSM179838.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179838-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 254440 GSM179839 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179839/GSM179839.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179839-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Liver - 254443 GSM179840 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 1 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179840/GSM179840.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179840-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 256870 GSM179841 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179841/GSM179841.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179841-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 256871 GSM179842 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 4 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179842/GSM179842.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179842-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 256872 GSM179843 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Hematuria Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179843/GSM179843.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179843-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 256875 GSM179844 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179844/GSM179844.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179844-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectum - 256876 GSM179845 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Digital rectal exam Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179845/GSM179845.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179845-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 256885 GSM179846 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179846/GSM179846.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179846-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 256887 GSM179847 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179847/GSM179847.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179847-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 256888 GSM179848 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Brain Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179848/GSM179848.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179848-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 256894 GSM179849 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Normal Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179849/GSM179849.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179849-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 256895 GSM179850 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mixed epithelial tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179850/GSM179850.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179850-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 256944 GSM179851 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenocarcinoma with squamous metaplasia ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179851/GSM179851.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179851-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Omentum - 256946 GSM179852 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179852/GSM179852.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179852-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cervix - 256948 GSM179853 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 43 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: No Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179853/GSM179853.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179853-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 256957 GSM179854 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metaplastic Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179854/GSM179854.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179854-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 259729 GSM179855 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179855/GSM179855.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179855-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cecum - 259731 GSM179856 RNA 1 Cecum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179856/GSM179856.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179856-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Spleen - 259761 GSM179857 RNA 1 Spleen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Presenting Symptoms: Fever Presenting Symptoms: Night sweats Presenting Symptoms: Weight loss Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Symptoms: B Primary Site: Spleen Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179857/GSM179857.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179857-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectum - 259770 GSM179858 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179858/GSM179858.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179858-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 259771 GSM179859 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179859/GSM179859.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179859-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 259773 GSM179860 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179860/GSM179860.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179860-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 260847 GSM179861 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179861/GSM179861.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179861-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 260848 GSM179862 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179862/GSM179862.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179862-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 260852 GSM179863 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179863/GSM179863.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179863-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Abdominal mass - 260853 GSM179864 RNA 1 Abdominal mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179864/GSM179864.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179864-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Liver - 260857 GSM179865 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179865/GSM179865.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179865-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 260858 GSM179866 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179866/GSM179866.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179866-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 260859 GSM179867 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179867/GSM179867.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179867-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 262790 GSM179868 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179868/GSM179868.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179868-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Pancreas - 262800 GSM179869 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Primary Site: Pancreas Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179869/GSM179869.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179869-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 262801 GSM179870 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 16 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179870/GSM179870.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179870-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Thyroid - 262804 GSM179871 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179871/GSM179871.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179871-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 262806 GSM179872 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179872/GSM179872.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179872-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 262811 GSM179873 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 47 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179873/GSM179873.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179873-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Urinary Bladder - 262812 GSM179874 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179874/GSM179874.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179874-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Parotid gland - 262814 GSM179875 RNA 1 Parotid gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 4a Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 2b Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 4A Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 4 Primary Site: Parotid gland Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179875/GSM179875.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179875-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Abdominal/Pelvic Tissue - 262815 GSM179876 RNA 1 Abdominal/Pelvic Tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: No AJCC Staging scheme for this site and histology Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: High Primary Site: Endometrium Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Metastatic Spindle Cell Sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179876/GSM179876.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179876-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Conncective tissue of abdomen - 262821 GSM179877 RNA 1 Conncective tissue of abdomen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Conncective tissue of abdomen Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, uncertain malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179877/GSM179877.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179877-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 262824 GSM179878 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Undifferentiated carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179878/GSM179878.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179878-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 262825 GSM179879 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179879/GSM179879.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179879-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 262827 GSM179880 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179880/GSM179880.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179880-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 262828 GSM179881 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179881/GSM179881.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179881-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 262829 GSM179882 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179882/GSM179882.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179882-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 262830 GSM179883 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179883/GSM179883.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179883-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Esophagus - 267090 GSM179884 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Primary Site: Gastroesophageal Junction Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179884/GSM179884.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179884-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267091 GSM179885 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179885/GSM179885.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179885-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267092 GSM179886 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 365 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Medullary Carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179886/GSM179886.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179886-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 267093 GSM179887 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179887/GSM179887.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179887-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 267096 GSM179888 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 11-15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2A Retreatment Grade: X Retreatment Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179888/GSM179888.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179888-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 267098 GSM179889 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179889/GSM179889.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179889-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Ovary - 267101 GSM179890 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179890/GSM179890.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179890-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267104 GSM179891 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 21-25 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179891/GSM179891.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179891-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267105 GSM179892 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Mammogram: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179892/GSM179892.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179892-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 267109 GSM179893 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179893/GSM179893.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179893-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectosigmoid - 267110 GSM179894 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179894/GSM179894.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179894-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267111 GSM179895 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 18 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179895/GSM179895.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179895-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267114 GSM179896 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 6-10 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179896/GSM179896.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179896-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 267116 GSM179897 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179897/GSM179897.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179897-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 267117 GSM179898 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179898/GSM179898.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179898-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 267118 GSM179899 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179899/GSM179899.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179899-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Esophagus - 267119 GSM179900 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Primary Site: Esophagus Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179900/GSM179900.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179900-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 276643 GSM179901 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 4 Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179901/GSM179901.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179901-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 276644 GSM179902 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179902/GSM179902.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179902-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 276649 GSM179903 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Normal Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179903/GSM179903.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179903-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 276652 GSM179904 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179904/GSM179904.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179904-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 276659 GSM179905 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179905/GSM179905.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179905-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Omentum - 276662 GSM179906 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3b Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179906/GSM179906.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179906-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cervix - 276668 GSM179907 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 66 Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179907/GSM179907.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179907-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 276669 GSM179908 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179908/GSM179908.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179908-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 276671 GSM179909 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179909/GSM179909.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179909-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 276675 GSM179910 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179910/GSM179910.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179910-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 286630 GSM179911 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 80 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179911/GSM179911.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179911-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 286631 GSM179912 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179912/GSM179912.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179912-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 286633 GSM179913 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 16-20 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179913/GSM179913.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179913-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Pelvic Mass - 286634 GSM179914 RNA 1 Pelvic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179914/GSM179914.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179914-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 286641 GSM179915 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 65 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Brain Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179915/GSM179915.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179915-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Spinal cord - 286670 GSM179916 RNA 1 Spinal cord Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Spinal cord Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Ependymoma, myxopapillary ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179916/GSM179916.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179916-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 286671 GSM179917 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical T: 1c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1C Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179917/GSM179917.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179917-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 286674 GSM179918 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179918/GSM179918.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179918-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 286675 GSM179919 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179919/GSM179919.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179919-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Rectum - 290716 GSM179920 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179920/GSM179920.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179920-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Urinary Bladder - 290717 GSM179921 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 180 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179921/GSM179921.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179921-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 290718 GSM179922 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179922/GSM179922.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179922-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Renal Pelvis - 290719 GSM179923 RNA 1 Renal Pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 0a Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma, non-invasive ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179923/GSM179923.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179923-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 290720 GSM179924 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179924/GSM179924.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179924-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 290721 GSM179925 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179925/GSM179925.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179925-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Urinary Bladder - 290723 GSM179926 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179926/GSM179926.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179926-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cervical Lymph Node - 290727 GSM179927 RNA 1 Cervical Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Fever Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Symptoms: B Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179927/GSM179927.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179927-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 290728 GSM179928 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179928/GSM179928.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179928-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 290729 GSM179929 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179929/GSM179929.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179929-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 290730 GSM179930 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179930/GSM179930.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179930-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 290731 GSM179931 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179931/GSM179931.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179931-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 290733 GSM179932 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179932/GSM179932.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179932-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 298138 GSM179933 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 40 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Breast Histology: Intraductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179933/GSM179933.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179933-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 305114 GSM179934 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179934/GSM179934.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179934-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 305116 GSM179935 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179935/GSM179935.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179935-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 305124 GSM179936 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179936/GSM179936.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179936-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 305128 GSM179937 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179937/GSM179937.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179937-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 305131 GSM179938 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179938/GSM179938.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179938-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 305132 GSM179939 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 1 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Metastatic Sites Clinical Value: Lungs, Retroperitoneum, Bone Primary Site: Corpus Uteri Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179939/GSM179939.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179939-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 308690 GSM179940 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179940/GSM179940.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179940-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Uterus - 308692 GSM179941 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179941/GSM179941.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179941-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Omentum - 308693 GSM179942 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179942/GSM179942.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179942-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Omentum - 308696 GSM179943 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 5 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Peritoneum Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179943/GSM179943.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179943-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Thyroid - 308702 GSM179944 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179944/GSM179944.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179944-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Iliac Lymph Node - 309397 GSM179945 RNA 1 Iliac Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 3 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Primary Site: Skin of vulva Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179945/GSM179945.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179945-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 309402 GSM179946 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179946/GSM179946.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179946-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Thyroid - 309407 GSM179947 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Voice changes Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Multiple Tumours: Yes Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179947/GSM179947.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179947-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Colon - 309409 GSM179948 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179948/GSM179948.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179948-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 309412 GSM179949 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179949/GSM179949.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179949-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 309415 GSM179950 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 31-35 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179950/GSM179950.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179950-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Lung - 309420 GSM179951 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179951/GSM179951.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179951-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Liver - 309425 GSM179952 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 27 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 1 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 1 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy Clinical Value: chemoembolization Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179952/GSM179952.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179952-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Esophagus - 310512 GSM179953 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Radiation Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 11-15 Presenting Symptoms: Difficulties in swallowing Presenting Symptoms: Voice changes Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: X Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: 4a Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: 0 Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: 0 Retreatment Question: Metastatic Sites Retreatment Value: esophagus Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: 4A Primary Site: Pyriform sinus Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179953/GSM179953.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179953-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Prostate - 310528 GSM179954 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179954/GSM179954.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179954-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Kidney - 344191 GSM179955 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179955/GSM179955.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179955-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Cervix - 344194 GSM179956 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179956/GSM179956.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179956-tbl-1.txt 2007-04-02 2007-04-06 2007-04-06 Breast - 344197 GSM179957 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 16-20 Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 16-20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM179957/GSM179957.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM179957-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cervix Uteri - 1046 GSM203622 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203622/GSM203622.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203622-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 5238 GSM203623 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Intracystic carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203623/GSM203623.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203623-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 84137 GSM203624 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203624/GSM203624.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203624-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 89120 GSM203625 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203625/GSM203625.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203625-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 101109 GSM203626 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203626/GSM203626.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203626-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 143651 GSM203627 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203627/GSM203627.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203627-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 151616 GSM203628 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular carcinoma in-situ ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203628/GSM203628.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203628-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 154210 GSM203629 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203629/GSM203629.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203629-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 161532 GSM203630 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203630/GSM203630.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203630-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Small bowel - 170807 GSM203631 RNA 1 Small bowel Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203631/GSM203631.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203631-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 170819 GSM203632 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203632/GSM203632.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203632-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Spleen - 181032 GSM203633 RNA 1 Spleen Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Spleen Histology: Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203633/GSM203633.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203633-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 181037 GSM203634 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: No Clinical Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: No Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203634/GSM203634.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203634-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 187243 GSM203635 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203635/GSM203635.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203635-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Omentum - 187245 GSM203636 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3C Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: x Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Serous surface papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203636/GSM203636.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203636-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 187246 GSM203637 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pleura Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203637/GSM203637.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203637-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 187251 GSM203638 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous cystic tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203638/GSM203638.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203638-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 193025 GSM203639 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203639/GSM203639.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203639-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 199395 GSM203640 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203640/GSM203640.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203640-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Lung - 205690 GSM203641 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203641/GSM203641.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203641-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 205691 GSM203642 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203642/GSM203642.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203642-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-10-09 Lung - 205700 GSM203643 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203643/GSM203643.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203643-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 205701 GSM203644 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203644/GSM203644.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203644-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 205706 GSM203645 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203645/GSM203645.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203645-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 205709 GSM203646 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 58 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203646/GSM203646.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203646-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Rectum - 207530 GSM203647 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 150 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2A Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203647/GSM203647.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203647-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 207531 GSM203648 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203648/GSM203648.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203648-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Neck mass - 211374 GSM203649 RNA 1 Neck mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203649/GSM203649.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203649-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 211376 GSM203650 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203650/GSM203650.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203650-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 211382 GSM203651 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203651/GSM203651.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203651-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Hemidiaphragm - 211385 GSM203652 RNA 1 Hemidiaphragm Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Retroperitoneum Histology: Metastatic Dedifferentiated liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203652/GSM203652.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203652-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 211386 GSM203653 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203653/GSM203653.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203653-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Omentum - 211387 GSM203654 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3c Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: X Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: Unknown Primary Site: Peritoneum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Serous surface papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203654/GSM203654.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203654-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 228541 GSM203655 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 36 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203655/GSM203655.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203655-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 228543 GSM203656 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 61-65 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203656/GSM203656.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203656-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 228547 GSM203657 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203657/GSM203657.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203657-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 231860 GSM203658 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203658/GSM203658.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203658-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 234318 GSM203659 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203659/GSM203659.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203659-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 234323 GSM203660 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 3A Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: Multiple Tumors Clinical Value: Yes Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Cholangiocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203660/GSM203660.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203660-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 234328 GSM203661 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 20-30 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203661/GSM203661.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203661-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 235700 GSM203662 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Osseous Clinical Stage: 4 Clinical Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203662/GSM203662.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203662-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 254389 GSM203663 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203663/GSM203663.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203663-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Brain - 254394 GSM203664 RNA 1 Brain Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Brain Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: No Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203664/GSM203664.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203664-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 254397 GSM203665 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional(clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203665/GSM203665.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203665-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Stomach - 254399 GSM203666 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Stomach Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203666/GSM203666.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203666-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 254400 GSM203667 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203667/GSM203667.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203667-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 254401 GSM203668 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203668/GSM203668.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203668-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 254402 GSM203669 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 200 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: No Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Pathological T: 4d Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Inflammatory Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203669/GSM203669.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203669-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Rectum - 254405 GSM203670 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203670/GSM203670.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203670-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 262818 GSM203671 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 1b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 1 Retreatment Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203671/GSM203671.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203671-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 262820 GSM203672 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1B Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203672/GSM203672.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203672-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 262826 GSM203673 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203673/GSM203673.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203673-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 267095 GSM203674 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203674/GSM203674.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203674-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pancreas - 276642 GSM203675 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203675/GSM203675.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203675-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 276695 GSM203676 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment Question: T Retreatment Value: 3 Retreatment Question: N Retreatment Value: x Retreatment Question: M Retreatment Value: 1 Retreatment Question: Metastatic Sites Retreatment Value: Bone Retreatment Question: Stage Retreatment Value: 4 Retreatment Question: Grade Retreatment Value: X Primary Site: Liver Retreatment Question: Histology Retreatment Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203676/GSM203676.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203676-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 284060 GSM203677 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203677/GSM203677.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203677-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Adrenal Gland - 284061 GSM203678 RNA 1 Adrenal Gland Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Adrenal Gland Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Pheochromocytoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203678/GSM203678.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203678-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 286672 GSM203679 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203679/GSM203679.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203679-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 286673 GSM203680 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203680/GSM203680.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203680-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ileum - 290715 GSM203681 RNA 1 Ileum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Pathological Question: Metastatic Sites Pathological Value: Hepatic Primary Site: Ileum Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Carcinoid tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203681/GSM203681.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203681-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Jejunum - 290725 GSM203682 RNA 1 Jejunum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Immunotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 6-10 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 1c Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Retreatment Stage: 4 Primary Site: Melanoma of Skin Histology: Metastatic Malignant melanoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203682/GSM203682.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203682-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Thyroid - 290726 GSM203683 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203683/GSM203683.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203683-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 290734 GSM203684 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203684/GSM203684.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203684-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 298074 GSM203685 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203685/GSM203685.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203685-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 308691 GSM203686 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203686/GSM203686.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203686-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 308695 GSM203687 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203687/GSM203687.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203687-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 308699 GSM203688 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203688/GSM203688.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203688-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Soft Tissue of Neck - 308701 GSM203689 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of Neck Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.1 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC staging for unknown primary Primary Site: Unknown Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203689/GSM203689.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203689-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 308707 GSM203690 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203690/GSM203690.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203690-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 309390 GSM203691 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203691/GSM203691.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203691-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 309391 GSM203692 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203692/GSM203692.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203692-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 309393 GSM203693 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203693/GSM203693.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203693-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 309394 GSM203694 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 24 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203694/GSM203694.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203694-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Axillary lymph node - 309395 GSM203695 RNA 1 Axillary lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Mammogram: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203695/GSM203695.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203695-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 309406 GSM203696 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203696/GSM203696.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203696-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 309410 GSM203697 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203697/GSM203697.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203697-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Thyroid - 309411 GSM203698 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Medullary carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203698/GSM203698.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203698-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Lung - 309414 GSM203699 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203699/GSM203699.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203699-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 309417 GSM203700 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203700/GSM203700.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203700-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 309418 GSM203701 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203701/GSM203701.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203701-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 309419 GSM203702 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203702/GSM203702.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203702-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pancreas - 309421 GSM203703 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203703/GSM203703.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203703-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 310511 GSM203704 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203704/GSM203704.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203704-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 310513 GSM203705 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Sigmoidoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203705/GSM203705.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203705-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 310516 GSM203706 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203706/GSM203706.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203706-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 310517 GSM203707 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203707/GSM203707.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203707-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 310519 GSM203708 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 153 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203708/GSM203708.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203708-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 310520 GSM203709 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203709/GSM203709.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203709-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 310521 GSM203710 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Tubulo-papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203710/GSM203710.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203710-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 310525 GSM203711 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 16-20 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203711/GSM203711.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203711-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 310526 GSM203712 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203712/GSM203712.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203712-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 311854 GSM203713 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203713/GSM203713.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203713-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Urinary Bladder - 311858 GSM203714 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203714/GSM203714.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203714-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 311859 GSM203715 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Dribbling Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203715/GSM203715.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203715-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 311866 GSM203716 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 77 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Papillary Serous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203716/GSM203716.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203716-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 311869 GSM203717 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203717/GSM203717.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203717-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 311870 GSM203718 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 47 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203718/GSM203718.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203718-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pelvic Mass - 311872 GSM203719 RNA 1 Pelvic Mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2B Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203719/GSM203719.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203719-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Soft tissue of arm - 311876 GSM203720 RNA 1 Soft tissue of arm Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Soft tissue of arm Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203720/GSM203720.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203720-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Soft Tissue Thigh - 311878 GSM203721 RNA 1 Soft Tissue Thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 210 Prior Therapy: Radiation Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 4 Clinical Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Soft Tissue Thigh Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203721/GSM203721.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203721-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 317475 GSM203722 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Asian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 200 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203722/GSM203722.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203722-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 317481 GSM203723 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203723/GSM203723.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203723-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 341507 GSM203724 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203724/GSM203724.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203724-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 341508 GSM203725 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2B Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203725/GSM203725.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203725-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 341510 GSM203726 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 55 Mammogram: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0(i-) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203726/GSM203726.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203726-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 341513 GSM203727 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 29 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203727/GSM203727.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203727-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 341516 GSM203728 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 1 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203728/GSM203728.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203728-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 341517 GSM203729 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203729/GSM203729.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203729-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 341522 GSM203730 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 49 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Adenosquamous carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203730/GSM203730.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203730-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 341526 GSM203731 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: is Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 0 Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Carcinoma in situ arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203731/GSM203731.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203731-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Lung - 341530 GSM203732 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203732/GSM203732.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203732-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 341541 GSM203733 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203733/GSM203733.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203733-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Omentum - 341544 GSM203734 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203734/GSM203734.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203734-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 341546 GSM203735 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203735/GSM203735.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203735-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 341548 GSM203736 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203736/GSM203736.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203736-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cervix Uteri - 341549 GSM203737 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2B Clinical Grade: X Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203737/GSM203737.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203737-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Urinary bladder - 341550 GSM203738 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 2a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203738/GSM203738.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203738-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pelvic mass - 341551 GSM203739 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3B Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203739/GSM203739.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203739-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 341552 GSM203740 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 100 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: Yes Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203740/GSM203740.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203740-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 341553 GSM203741 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203741/GSM203741.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203741-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cervix Uteri - 341554 GSM203742 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 1b1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B1 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203742/GSM203742.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203742-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 341555 GSM203743 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Vomiting Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203743/GSM203743.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203743-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 341556 GSM203744 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203744/GSM203744.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203744-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Sigmoid colon - 341558 GSM203745 RNA 1 Sigmoid colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for unknown primary Primary Site: Unknown Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203745/GSM203745.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203745-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 344186 GSM203746 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203746/GSM203746.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203746-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Retroperitoneum - 344193 GSM203747 RNA 1 Retroperitoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 10 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Retroperitoneum Histology: Dedifferentiated liposarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203747/GSM203747.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203747-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 344195 GSM203748 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203748/GSM203748.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203748-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Mesenteric Lymph Node - 344203 GSM203749 RNA 1 Mesenteric Lymph Node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Follicular lymphoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203749/GSM203749.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203749-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 345983 GSM203750 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 34 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3C Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 2 Primary Site: Liver Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203750/GSM203750.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203750-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 345987 GSM203751 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 3 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 3A Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203751/GSM203751.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203751-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 345988 GSM203752 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203752/GSM203752.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203752-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Bladder - 345992 GSM203753 RNA 1 Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Small Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203753/GSM203753.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203753-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 345997 GSM203754 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 51-55 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 87 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203754/GSM203754.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203754-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 346004 GSM203755 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203755/GSM203755.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203755-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pectoral Muscle - 346005 GSM203756 RNA 1 Pectoral Muscle Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Mammogram: Yes Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Retreatment T: 2 Retreatment N: 1a Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 2B Retreatment Grade: 3 Retreatment ER: Negative Retreatment PR: Negative Retreatment HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Metastatic Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203756/GSM203756.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203756-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pelvic Tissue - 348055 GSM203757 RNA 1 Pelvic Tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: x Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: Unknown Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203757/GSM203757.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203757-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 348057 GSM203758 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203758/GSM203758.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203758-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 348058 GSM203759 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203759/GSM203759.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203759-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cerebellar tissue - 348059 GSM203760 RNA 1 Cerebellar tissue Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Pathological T: X Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Brain Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Lung Histology: Metastatic Non-small cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203760/GSM203760.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203760-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pancreas - 348060 GSM203761 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Ductal adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203761/GSM203761.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203761-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 348061 GSM203762 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Mixed endometrioid and serous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203762/GSM203762.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203762-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 348062 GSM203763 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 33 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203763/GSM203763.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203763-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 348063 GSM203764 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203764/GSM203764.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203764-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 348064 GSM203765 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 23 Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203765/GSM203765.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203765-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 348066 GSM203766 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 6 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203766/GSM203766.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203766-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Thyroid - 348067 GSM203767 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203767/GSM203767.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203767-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 348069 GSM203768 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1C Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203768/GSM203768.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203768-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 348070 GSM203769 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203769/GSM203769.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203769-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 351885 GSM203770 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203770/GSM203770.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203770-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 351887 GSM203771 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203771/GSM203771.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203771-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 362570 GSM203772 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203772/GSM203772.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203772-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Unspecified soft tissue from abdomen or pelvis - 362571 GSM203773 RNA 1 Unspecified soft tissue from abdomen or pelvis Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3c Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3C Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Metastatic Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203773/GSM203773.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203773-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Thyroid - 362572 GSM203774 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203774/GSM203774.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203774-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Liver - 362575 GSM203775 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203775/GSM203775.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203775-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 362581 GSM203776 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: No AJCC scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Myometrium Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203776/GSM203776.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203776-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 362588 GSM203777 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203777/GSM203777.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203777-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 362600 GSM203778 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Hesitancy Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia Presenting Symptoms: Urgency PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203778/GSM203778.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203778-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Lung - 362601 GSM203779 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 61-65 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203779/GSM203779.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203779-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Rectosigmoid - 362602 GSM203780 RNA 1 Rectosigmoid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 12 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectosigmoid Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203780/GSM203780.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203780-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 362603 GSM203781 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203781/GSM203781.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203781-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 362605 GSM203782 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 45 Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203782/GSM203782.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203782-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 362607 GSM203783 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203783/GSM203783.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203783-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 366607 GSM203784 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 124 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203784/GSM203784.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203784-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 371430 GSM203785 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203785/GSM203785.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203785-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Prostate - 371433 GSM203786 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203786/GSM203786.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203786-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Lung - 371434 GSM203787 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203787/GSM203787.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203787-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Rectum - 371435 GSM203788 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 25 Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203788/GSM203788.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203788-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 371436 GSM203789 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: X Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203789/GSM203789.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203789-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 371438 GSM203790 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 83 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203790/GSM203790.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203790-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cervix Uteri - 371439 GSM203791 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Clinical T: 2b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 1 Clinical Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Clinical Stage: 4B Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Small cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203791/GSM203791.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203791-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Breast - 371441 GSM203792 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 38 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 21-25 Oophorectomy?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203792/GSM203792.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203792-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Urinary bladder - 371445 GSM203793 RNA 1 Urinary bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203793/GSM203793.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203793-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Omentum - 371446 GSM203794 RNA 1 Omentum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for unknown primary Primary Site: Unknown Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Metastatic Mucinous adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203794/GSM203794.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203794-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Ovary - 371447 GSM203795 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203795/GSM203795.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203795-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 383397 GSM203796 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203796/GSM203796.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203796-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Pelvic mass - 383398 GSM203797 RNA 1 Pelvic mass Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: X Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Metastatic Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203797/GSM203797.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203797-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Uterus - 383401 GSM203798 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 54 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203798/GSM203798.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203798-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Cervix Uteri - 383409 GSM203799 RNA 1 Cervix Uteri Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Staged During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203799/GSM203799.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203799-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Colon - 383410 GSM203800 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203800/GSM203800.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203800-tbl-1.txt 2007-06-22 2007-06-25 2007-06-25 Kidney - 388910 GSM203801 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM203801/GSM203801.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM203801-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 267100 GSM231868 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231868/GSM231868.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231868-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 305117 GSM231869 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 2 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231869/GSM231869.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231869-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Fallopian Tube - 309423 GSM231870 RNA 1 Fallopian Tube Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 4 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Fallopian Tube Histology: Serous cystadenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231870/GSM231870.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231870-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Cervix - 311868 GSM231871 RNA 1 Cervix Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Have you ever been diagnosed as having HPV on your PAP smear?: No Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Cervix Uteri Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231871/GSM231871.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231871-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 317490 GSM231872 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 11-15 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231872/GSM231872.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231872-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 341534 GSM231873 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 120 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231873/GSM231873.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231873-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 344201 GSM231874 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.1 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231874/GSM231874.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231874-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 345961 GSM231875 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Presenting Symptoms: Nausea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231875/GSM231875.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231875-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 345963 GSM231876 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231876/GSM231876.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231876-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 345966 GSM231877 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231877/GSM231877.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231877-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 345968 GSM231878 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231878/GSM231878.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231878-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 345971 GSM231879 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231879/GSM231879.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231879-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 345975 GSM231880 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Hispanic Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231880/GSM231880.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231880-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 345976 GSM231881 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 2c Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231881/GSM231881.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231881-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 345993 GSM231882 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231882/GSM231882.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231882-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Liver - 345994 GSM231883 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Radiation Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: X Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231883/GSM231883.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231883-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 345995 GSM231884 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 48 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Positive Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231884/GSM231884.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231884-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 346001 GSM231885 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231885/GSM231885.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231885-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 346010 GSM231886 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 56 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231886/GSM231886.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231886-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 346011 GSM231887 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231887/GSM231887.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231887-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 362584 GSM231888 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 111 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231888/GSM231888.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231888-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 362589 GSM231889 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231889/GSM231889.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231889-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Liver - 362591 GSM231890 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Clinical Question: T Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: N Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: M Clinical Value: 0 Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: 2 Clinical Question: Grade Clinical Value: 2 Primary Site: Liver Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Hepatocellular carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231890/GSM231890.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231890-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 362593 GSM231891 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Neuroendocrine carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231891/GSM231891.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231891-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 362594 GSM231892 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231892/GSM231892.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231892-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 362596 GSM231893 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231893/GSM231893.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231893-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 362598 GSM231894 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231894/GSM231894.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231894-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 362599 GSM231895 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231895/GSM231895.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231895-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 362608 GSM231896 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Large cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231896/GSM231896.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231896-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 362609 GSM231897 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231897/GSM231897.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231897-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 366583 GSM231898 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231898/GSM231898.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231898-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 366585 GSM231899 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231899/GSM231899.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231899-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 366592 GSM231900 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231900/GSM231900.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231900-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Supraclavicular lymph node - 366594 GSM231901 RNA 1 Supraclavicular lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Lymphadenopathy Have you ever had mononucleousis?: No Have you ever had chemotherapy for any previous cancer prior to your current diagnosis?: No Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Lymph Nodes (Nodal Lymphoma) Histology: Malignant lymphoma, small B-cell lymphocytic ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231901/GSM231901.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231901-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 366595 GSM231902 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 182 Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Hormonal Treatment Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 4b Pathological N: 3a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Stage During or Following Multimodality Therapy: Yes Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231902/GSM231902.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231902-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 366597 GSM231903 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 13 Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Lymph Nodes Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Renal cell carcinoma, sarcomatoid ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231903/GSM231903.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231903-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 366598 GSM231904 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231904/GSM231904.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231904-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 366602 GSM231905 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231905/GSM231905.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231905-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Urinary Bladder - 366609 GSM231906 RNA 1 Urinary Bladder Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Urinary Bladder Histology: Urothelial (transitional cell) carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231906/GSM231906.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231906-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 366614 GSM231907 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 8 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Workplace or household smokers?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231907/GSM231907.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231907-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 366620 GSM231908 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 26 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231908/GSM231908.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231908-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ureter - 383399 GSM231909 RNA 1 Ureter Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 3 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 3 Clinical Multiple Tumours: Yes Primary Site: Renal Pelvis Histology: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231909/GSM231909.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231909-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 383404 GSM231910 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231910/GSM231910.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231910-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 383405 GSM231911 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231911/GSM231911.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231911-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 383408 GSM231912 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 210 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231912/GSM231912.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231912-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 383413 GSM231913 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mucinous cystic tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231913/GSM231913.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231913-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 383890 GSM231914 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: American Indian Tobacco Use : Yes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Papillary renal cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231914/GSM231914.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231914-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 383903 GSM231915 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma arising in a villous adenoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231915/GSM231915.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231915-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 383906 GSM231916 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 36-40 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 35 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231916/GSM231916.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231916-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 383909 GSM231917 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231917/GSM231917.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231917-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 383911 GSM231918 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 26-30 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 11-15 Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231918/GSM231918.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231918-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 383913 GSM231919 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 6-10 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: Yes Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231919/GSM231919.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231919-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 384490 GSM231920 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231920/GSM231920.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231920-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 384492 GSM231921 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: A Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231921/GSM231921.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231921-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Pancreas - 384493 GSM231922 RNA 1 Pancreas Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Type of Tobacco Use: Pipe Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 38 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Exocrine Pancreas Histology: Carcinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231922/GSM231922.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231922-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Retroperitoneum - 384494 GSM231923 RNA 1 Retroperitoneum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Retroperitoneum Histology: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231923/GSM231923.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231923-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 384496 GSM231924 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3B Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Clear cell adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231924/GSM231924.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231924-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 384499 GSM231925 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231925/GSM231925.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231925-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 384502 GSM231926 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 58 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231926/GSM231926.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231926-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 384503 GSM231927 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 64 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231927/GSM231927.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231927-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 384504 GSM231928 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 41 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231928/GSM231928.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231928-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 384507 GSM231929 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Clinical T: 1b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231929/GSM231929.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231929-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 384508 GSM231930 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 37 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1A Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, poorly differentiated ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231930/GSM231930.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231930-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 384509 GSM231931 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231931/GSM231931.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231931-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 388891 GSM231932 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 16-20 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 6-10 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 0-5 Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1mi Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231932/GSM231932.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231932-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 388892 GSM231933 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Pulmonary Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 4 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231933/GSM231933.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231933-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Rectum - 388893 GSM231934 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Diarrhea Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231934/GSM231934.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231934-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 388900 GSM231935 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: X Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231935/GSM231935.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231935-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 388907 GSM231936 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231936/GSM231936.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231936-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 388908 GSM231937 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 31-35 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Chemotherapy Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 3 Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: 1 Retreatment Metastatic Sites: Other Retreatment Stage: 4 Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Colon Histology: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231937/GSM231937.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231937-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 388909 GSM231938 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231938/GSM231938.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231938-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 388935 GSM231939 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 9 Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231939/GSM231939.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231939-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Liver - 388936 GSM231940 RNA 1 Liver Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 60 Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 3A Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 3 Pathological Question: Symptoms Primary Site: Liver Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Cholangiocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231940/GSM231940.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231940-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Stomach - 388950 GSM231941 RNA 1 Stomach Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: No Clinical Question: Stage Clinical Value: No AJCC Scheme for this site and histology Primary Site: Stomach Clinical Question: Histology Clinical Value: Solitary fibrous tumor, benign ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231941/GSM231941.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231941-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 388951 GSM231942 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 76 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231942/GSM231942.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231942-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Thyroid - 388953 GSM231943 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Difficulties in swallowing Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231943/GSM231943.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231943-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 388954 GSM231944 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231944/GSM231944.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231944-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Soft Tissue of arm - 388980 GSM231945 RNA 1 Soft Tissue of arm Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: 2b Retreatment N: 0 Retreatment M: 0 Retreatment Stage: 3 Retreatment Grade: 3 Primary Site: Soft Tissue of arm Histology: Pleomorphic sarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231945/GSM231945.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231945-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Small intestine - 403725 GSM231946 RNA 1 Small intestine Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Symptoms: A Primary Site: Small intestine Histology: Malignant lymphoma, large B-cell, diffuse, immunoblastic, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231946/GSM231946.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231946-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 403728 GSM231947 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231947/GSM231947.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231947-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Cervical lymph node - 403729 GSM231948 RNA 1 Cervical lymph node Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Prior Therapy: Surgical Relapse Since Primary Treatment: Yes Number of Years Until Relapse: 0-5 Retreatment T: X Retreatment N: 1 Retreatment M: X Retreatment Stage: Unknown Retreatment Grade: X Primary Site: Oral cavity Histology: Metastatic Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231948/GSM231948.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231948-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Vulva - 403730 GSM231949 RNA 1 Vulva Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 39 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Vulva Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231949/GSM231949.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231949-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 403732 GSM231950 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Presenting Symptoms: SOB Presenting Symptoms: Weight Loss Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231950/GSM231950.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231950-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 403734 GSM231951 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 6-10 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 2c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2 Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Gleason Score: 5-6 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231951/GSM231951.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231951-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Lung - 403738 GSM231952 RNA 1 Lung Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Hemoptysis Presenting Symptoms: Persistent Cough Workplace or household smokers?: Yes Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Lung Histology: Squamous cell carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231952/GSM231952.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231952-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 403739 GSM231953 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231953/GSM231953.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231953-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 403740 GSM231954 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: X Clinical Stage: Unknown Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231954/GSM231954.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231954-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404990 GSM231955 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231955/GSM231955.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231955-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404991 GSM231956 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 56-60 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Multiple Tumors: Yes Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231956/GSM231956.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231956-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 404992 GSM231957 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 50 PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Clinical T: 3b Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 4 Clinical Gleason Score: 8-10 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231957/GSM231957.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231957-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404993 GSM231958 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 16-20 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 17 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Presenting Symptoms: Constipation Screening studies performed?: Yes Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231958/GSM231958.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231958-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404994 GSM231959 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.9 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 15 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Screening studies performed?: No Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 2 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Hepatic Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231959/GSM231959.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231959-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 404995 GSM231960 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal mass Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Pathological T: 2b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231960/GSM231960.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231960-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404996 GSM231961 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 3 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Screening studies performed?: No Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231961/GSM231961.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231961-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 404997 GSM231962 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 14 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231962/GSM231962.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231962-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 404998 GSM231963 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 0-5 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 90 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 1 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231963/GSM231963.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231963-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 404999 GSM231964 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal Pain Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 4 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 1 Pathological Metastatic Sites: Other Pathological Stage: 4 Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Mucinous Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231964/GSM231964.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231964-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 405000 GSM231965 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Mixed epithelial tumor ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231965/GSM231965.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231965-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 405001 GSM231966 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 11-15 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 72 Clinical T: 2 Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 2 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231966/GSM231966.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231966-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 405002 GSM231967 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 42 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 3 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Chromophobe renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231967/GSM231967.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231967-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Thyroid - 405003 GSM231968 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 4a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 4A Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Carcinoma, undifferentiated ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231968/GSM231968.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231968-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 405004 GSM231969 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 21-25 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Clinical T: 3a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 3 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231969/GSM231969.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231969-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Esophagus - 407830 GSM231970 RNA 1 Esophagus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 19 Have you ever had esophagitis/reflux?: Yes Pathological Question: T Pathological Value: 2 Pathological Question: N Pathological Value: 1 Pathological Question: M Pathological Value: 0 Pathological Question: Stage Pathological Value: 2B Pathological Question: Grade Pathological Value: 4 Primary Site: Esophagus Pathological Question: Histology Pathological Value: Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231970/GSM231970.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231970-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 409599 GSM231971 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 61-65 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231971/GSM231971.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231971-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 409601 GSM231972 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231972/GSM231972.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231972-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Thyroid - 409602 GSM231973 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Multiple Tumours: Yes Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231973/GSM231973.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231973-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 409603 GSM231974 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Serous Adenocarinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231974/GSM231974.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231974-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 409605 GSM231975 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 7 Presenting Symptoms: Abdominal pain Presenting Symptoms: Bloating Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Pathological Grade: X Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary Serous Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231975/GSM231975.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231975-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 409606 GSM231976 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 11-15 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: Yes Pathological T: 1c Pathological N: 1a Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Positive Pathological PR: Positive Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231976/GSM231976.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231976-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 409608 GSM231977 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231977/GSM231977.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231977-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 409625 GSM231978 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 PSA: Elevated Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231978/GSM231978.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231978-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 409628 GSM231979 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: African-American Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigars Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 28 Presenting Symptoms: Nocturia PSA: Elevated # of years PSA Tested?: 0-5 Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, Acinar Type ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231979/GSM231979.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231979-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 409630 GSM231980 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 30-40 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 6-10 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Pathological T: 3c Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3C Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Papillary serous tumor of low malignant potential ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231980/GSM231980.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231980-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Ovary - 415960 GSM231981 RNA 1 Ovary Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 1 Primary Site: Ovary Histology: Endometrioid Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231981/GSM231981.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231981-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 415961 GSM231982 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 46 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231982/GSM231982.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231982-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 415963 GSM231983 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.8 Patient Age: 40-50 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 21 Pathological T: 1a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Endometrioid carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231983/GSM231983.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231983-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 415970 GSM231984 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 80-90 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Clinical Multiple Tumors: Yes Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231984/GSM231984.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231984-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Thyroid - 415971 GSM231985 RNA 1 Thyroid Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.5 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 46-50 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 30 Pathological T: 1 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1 Primary Site: Thyroid Histology: Papillary carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231985/GSM231985.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231985-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Kidney - 415976 GSM231986 RNA 1 Kidney Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 32 Clinical T: 1a Clinical N: 0 Clinical M: 0 Clinical Stage: 1 Clinical Grade: 2 Primary Site: Kidney Histology: Conventional (clear cell) renal carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231986/GSM231986.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231986-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Rectum - 416801 GSM231987 RNA 1 Rectum Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.7 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Chewing Tobacco Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 11 Presenting Symptoms: Bright red stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 1 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3B Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: C Primary Site: Rectum Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231987/GSM231987.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231987-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Colon - 416802 GSM231988 RNA 1 Colon Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 2.0 Patient Age: 90-100 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: No Presenting Symptoms: Black tarry stools Diagnosis made by: Colonoscopy Pathological T: 3 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological Dukes Stage: B Primary Site: Colon Histology: Adenocarcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231988/GSM231988.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231988-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Uterus - 416804 GSM231989 RNA 1 Uterus Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.2 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 26-30 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 76 Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 1B Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Endometrium Histology: Serous adenocarcinoma (papillary serous) ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231989/GSM231989.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231989-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Prostate - 416811 GSM231990 RNA 1 Prostate Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.4 Patient Age: 60-70 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes PSA: Elevated Cancer discovered by digital exam?: No Current status of disease: Under Therapy Pathological T: 3a Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 3 Pathological Grade: 3 Pathological Gleason Score: 7 Primary Site: Prostate Histology: Adenocarcinoma, NOS ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231990/GSM231990.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231990-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Soft tissue of thigh - 417511 GSM231991 RNA 1 Soft tissue of thigh Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.3 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: No Pathological T: 1b Pathological N: X Pathological M: X Pathological Stage: Unknown Pathological Grade: 3 Primary Site: Soft tissue of thigh Histology: Leiomyosarcoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231991/GSM231991.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231991-tbl-1.txt 2007-09-27 2007-09-28 2007-09-28 Breast - 421723 GSM231992 RNA 1 Breast Homo sapiens none total RNA Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 70-80 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : No Alcohol Consumption?: Yes Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 20 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 41-45 Oral contraceptives?: No Oophorectomy?: Yes Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Hormonal therapy (# of Years)?: 26-30 Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0(i+) Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Primary Site: Breast Histology: Lobular Carcinoma ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/samples/GSM231992/GSM231992.CEL.gz ID_REF The name of the probe set, blank for control probes VALUE The signal value calculated by MAS5, normalized ABS_CALL The detection value calculated by the MAS5 DETECTION P-VALUE The detection p-value calculated by the MAS5 GSM231992-tbl-1.txt 2004-12-23 2005-01-15 2007-08-13 Expression Project for Oncology (expO) GSE2109 https://expo.intgen.org/geo/ The mission of expO is to build on the technologies and outcomes of the Human Genome Project to accelerate improved clinical management of cancer patients. IGC's Expression Project for Oncology (expO) seeks to integrate longitudinal clinical annotation with gene expression data for a unique and powerful portrait of human malignancies, providing critical perspective on diagnostic markers, prognostic indicators, and therapeutic targets. The goal of expO and its consortium supporters is to procure tissue samples under standard conditions and perform gene expression analyses on a clinically annotated set of deidentified tumor samples. The tumor data is updated with clinical outcomes and is released into the public domain without intellectual property restriction. Series-matrices are available at ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/SeriesMatrix/GSE2109/. For more information, see http://www.intgen.org/ cancer portraits ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSE2109_RAW.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM102424_GSM102424_batch6_30Mar2006.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM117576_GSM117777_batch7_07Jul06.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM137895_GSM138054_batch8_29Sep2006.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM152564_GSM152803_batch9_23Dec2006.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM179778_GSM179957_batch10_30Mar2007.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM203622_GSM203801_batch11_22Jun2007.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM231868_GSM231992_batch12_27Sep2007.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM38051_GSM38110_batch1_23Dec2004.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM46814_GSM46976_batch2_21Mar2005.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM53026_GSM53189_batch3_30Jun2005.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM76486_GSM76649_batch4_30Sep2005.tar ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/geo/DATA/supplementary/series/GSE2109/GSM88945_GSM89104_batch5_22Dec2005.tar