[13] | 1 | VERSION 5.00
| 2 | Object = "{0D452EE1-E08F-101A-852E-02608C4D0BB4}#2.0#0"; "FM20.DLL"
| 3 | Begin VB.Form InstallHPDialog
| 4 | BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
| 5 | BorderStyle = 3 'Âù½u©T©w¹ï¸Ü¤è¶ô
| 6 | Caption = "DRBL Helper"
| 7 | ClientHeight = 1575
| 8 | ClientLeft = 4725
| 9 | ClientTop = 5325
| 10 | ClientWidth = 8175
| 11 | Icon = "InstallHPDialog.frx":0000
| 12 | LinkTopic = "Form1"
| 13 | MaxButton = 0 'False
| 14 | MinButton = 0 'False
| 15 | ScaleHeight = 1575
| 16 | ScaleWidth = 8175
| 17 | ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
| 18 | Begin MSForms.CommandButton btnOK
| 19 | Height = 375
| 20 | Left = 0
| 21 | TabIndex = 3
| 22 | Top = 1200
| 23 | Width = 1215
| 24 | Caption = "Close"
| 25 | Size = "2143;661"
| 26 | FontName = "·s²Ó©úÅé"
| 27 | FontHeight = 180
| 28 | FontCharSet = 136
| 29 | FontPitchAndFamily= 34
| 30 | ParagraphAlign = 3
| 31 | End
| 32 | Begin VB.Label lbl
| 33 | BackStyle = 0 '³z©ú
| 34 | ForeColor = &H0000C000&
| 35 | Height = 375
| 36 | Left = 1440
| 37 | TabIndex = 2
| 38 | Top = 240
| 39 | Width = 4695
| 40 | End
| 41 | Begin VB.Label lbuHPURL
| 42 | BackStyle = 0 '³z©ú
| 43 | Caption = "ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp27001-27500/SP27213.exe"
| 44 | BeginProperty Font
| 45 | Name = "Arial"
| 46 | Size = 9
| 47 | Charset = 0
| 48 | Weight = 400
| 49 | Underline = -1 'True
| 50 | Italic = 0 'False
| 51 | Strikethrough = 0 'False
| 52 | EndProperty
| 53 | ForeColor = &H00FF0000&
| 54 | Height = 375
| 55 | Left = 1440
| 56 | TabIndex = 1
| 57 | Top = 720
| 58 | Width = 5415
| 59 | End
| 60 | Begin VB.Label lblMsg
| 61 | BackColor = &H00C0FFFF&
| 62 | Height = 1815
| 63 | Left = 1200
| 64 | TabIndex = 0
| 65 | Top = 0
| 66 | Width = 6975
| 67 | End
| 68 | Begin VB.Image Image1
| 69 | Height = 1215
| 70 | Left = 0
| 71 | Picture = "InstallHPDialog.frx":0CCA
| 72 | Stretch = -1 'True
| 73 | Top = 0
| 74 | Width = 1215
| 75 | End
| 76 | End
| 77 | Attribute VB_Name = "InstallHPDialog"
| 78 | Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
| 79 | Attribute VB_Creatable = False
| 80 | Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
| 81 | Attribute VB_Exposed = False
| 82 |
| 83 | Private Sub btnOK_Click()
| 84 | Unload Me
| 85 | End Sub
| 86 |
| 87 |
| 88 | Private Sub Form_Load()
| 89 | SetLocale
| 90 | End Sub
| 91 |
| 92 | Public Sub SetLocale()
| 93 | lbl.Caption = "No ""HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool"" installed is Detected, " & Chr(10) + Chr(13) & _
| 94 | "Please click the following link to install.."
| 95 |
| 96 | 'Internalization
| 97 | If (LoadLocalizedResources) Then
| 98 | ' Pull a string resource out of a local resource
| 99 | ' object for demonstration purposes.
| 100 | 'Me.Caption = GetString()
| 101 | btnOK.Caption = GetString(14)
| 102 | lbl.Caption = GetString(15)
| 103 |
| 104 | End If
| 105 | '
| 106 | End Sub
| 107 |
| 108 | Private Sub lbuHPURL_Click()
| 109 |
| 110 | ShellExecute hwnd, "Open", lbuHPURL.Caption, "", App.path, 1
| 111 |
| 112 | End Sub