jazz/11-11-01: drbl-packages_ubuntu_10.10.list

File drbl-packages_ubuntu_10.10.list, 1.5 KB (added by jazz, 13 years ago)
2Your OS version is:: Ubuntu 10.10
4These packages from your GNU/Linux distribution are necessary (Check your distribution package repository for more details):
5[1;33mutil-linux tar gzip bzip2 lzop pigz pbzip2 procps dialog rsync parted pciutils tcpdump bc gawk hdparm sdparm netcat file ethtool etherwake ssh syslinux mtools reiserfsprogs e2fsprogs psmisc locales wget disktype zip unzip patch iproute traceroute iputils-ping binutils expect partimage udpcast initscripts tftpd-hpa nfs-kernel-server nis curl lftp iptables libdigest-sha1-perl memtest86+ ntfs-3g
7These packages from DRBL project are necessary [Check http://drbl.sf.net (English) or http://drbl.nchc.org.tw (Chinese) for more details]. rpm or deb packages can be found in http://free.nchc.org.tw/drbl-core or http://drbl.sf.net/drbl-core:
8[1;33mclonezilla mkswap-uuid partclone drbl-chntpw mkpxeinitrd-net ipxe freedos
10These packages are recommended to install if they exist in the distribution repository:
11[1;33mlvm2 ntfs-3g genisoimage mkisofs lshw hwinfo aoetools vblade dmidecode lzop lzma xz xz-utils pxz lzip pigz pbzip2 lbzip2 plzip hfsutils hfsprogs dmsetup dmraid kpartx device-mapper tofrodos dos2unix unix2dos dhcp3-server isc-dhcp-server gdisk btrfs-tools ufsutils disktype