Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of jazz/Hadoop_Lab2

Mar 24, 2009, 2:15:35 PM (15 years ago)



  • jazz/Hadoop_Lab2

    v16 v17  
    350 <html lang="zh-tw"><head>
    352 <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"><title>a.html</title>
    354 </head><body>
    357 <p>
    358 </p><table summary="" border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
    359 <tbody><tr class="TableHeadingColor" bgcolor="#ccccff">
    360 <th colspan="2" align="left"><font size="+2">
    361 <b>Class Summary</b></font></th>
    362 </tr>
    363 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    365 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">AggregateWordCount</a></b></td>
    366 <td>This is an example Aggregated Hadoop Map/Reduce application. It
    367 reads the text input files, breaks each line into words and counts
    368 them. The output is a locally sorted list of words and the count of how
    369 often they occurred. To run: bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar
    370 aggregatewordcount in-dir out-dir numOfReducers textinputformat </td>
    371 </tr>
    372 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    373 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">AggregateWordHistogram</a></b></td>
    374 <td>This is an example Aggregated Hadoop Map/Reduce application.
    375 Computes the histogram of the words in the input texts. To run:
    376 bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar aggregatewordhist in-dir out-dir
    377 numOfReducers textinputformat </td>
    378 </tr>
    379 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    380 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">ExampleDriver</a></b></td>
    381 <td>A description of an example program based on its class and a human-readable description.</td>
    382 </tr>
    384 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    385 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Grep</a></b></td>
    386 <td>&nbsp;</td>
    387 </tr>
    388 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    389 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Join</a></b></td>
    390 <td>This is the trivial map/reduce program that does absolutely nothing
     352<p style="text-align: center;">
     354<font size="+2">
     355<b>Class Summary</b></font></p><table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">AggregateWordCount</a></b></td><td>This is an example Aggregated Hadoop Map/Reduce application. It reads
     356the text input files, breaks each line into words and counts them. The
     357output is a locally sorted list of words and the count of how often
     358they occurred. To run: bin/hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar
     359aggregatewordcount in-dir out-dir numOfReducers textinputformat</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">AggregateWordHistogram</a></b></td><td>This is an example Aggregated Hadoop Map/Reduce application. Computes
     360the histogram of the words in the input texts. To run: bin/hadoop jar
     361hadoop-*-examples.jar aggregatewordhist in-dir out-dir numOfReducers
     362textinputformat</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">ExampleDriver</a></b></td><td>A description of an example program based on its class and a human-readable description.</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Grep</a></b></td><td></td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Join</a></b></td><td>This is the trivial map/reduce program that does absolutely nothing
    391363other than use the framework to fragment and sort the input values. To
    392364run: bin/hadoop jar build/hadoop-examples.jar join [-m maps] [-r
    393365reduces] [-inFormat input format class] [-outFormat output format
    394366class] [-outKey output key class] [-outValue output value class]
    395 [-joinOp <inner |outer|override="">] [in-dir]* in-dir out-dir</inner></td>
    396 </tr>
    397 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    398 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">RandomTextWriter</a></b></td>
    399 <td>This program uses map/reduce to just run a distributed job where
    400 there is
     367[-joinOp <inner |outer|override="">] [in-dir]* in-dir out-dir</inner></td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">RandomTextWriter</a></b></td><td>This program uses map/reduce to just run a distributed job where there
    401369no interaction between the tasks and each task writes a large unsorted
    402370random sequence of words.To run: bin/hadoop jar
    403371hadoop-${version}-examples.jar randomtextwriter [-outFormat output
    404 format class] output</td>
    406 </tr>
    407 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    408 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">RandomWriter</a></b></td>
    409 <td>This program uses map/reduce to just run a distributed job where
    410 there is
     372format class] output</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">RandomWriter</a></b></td><td>This program uses map/reduce to just run a distributed job where there
    411374no interaction between the tasks and each task write a large unsorted
    412375random binary sequence file of BytesWritable.To run: bin/hadoop jar
    413376hadoop-${version}-examples.jar randomwriter [-outFormat output format
    414 class] output</td>
    415 </tr>
    416 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    417 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Sort&lt;K,V&gt;</a></b></td>
    418 <td>This is the trivial map/reduce program that does absolutely nothing
     377class] output</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">Sort&lt;K,V&gt;</a></b></td><td>This is the trivial map/reduce program that does absolutely nothing
    419378other than use the framework to fragment and sort the input values.To
    420379run: bin/hadoop jar build/hadoop-examples.jar sort [-m maps] [-r
    421380reduces] [-inFormat input format class] [-outFormat output format
    422381class] [-outKey output key class] [-outValue output value class]
    423 [-totalOrder pcnt num samples max splits] in-dir out-dir</td>
    424 </tr>
    425 <tr class="TableRowColor" bgcolor="white">
    426 <td width="15%"><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">WordCount</a></b></td>
    428 <td>This is an example Hadoop Map/Reduce application.</td>
    429 </tr>
    430 </tbody></table>
    431 </body></html>
     382[-totalOrder pcnt num samples max splits] in-dir out-dir</td></tr><tr><td><b><a href="" title="class in org.apache.hadoop.examples">WordCount</a></b></td><td>This is an example Hadoop Map/Reduce application.</td></tr></tbody></table>