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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of chwhs/Grid_environment/GT_DRBL

Sep 11, 2008, 4:05:08 PM (16 years ago)



  • chwhs/Grid_environment/GT_DRBL

    v1 v2  
    5959 /etc/xinetd.d/globus-gatekeeper
     61  * part_b) DRBL:[[BR]][[BR]]
     62   * After you install DRBL server, you can follow the example when you execute "drblpush -i" to set up the client environments. Each machine need a host certificate for Globus, and its hostname needs to be fixed. In order to avoid modifying some congifuration files(ex:/etc/hosts) erery time and avoid starting Globus unsuccessfully, you need to let the DHCP service in DRBL server offer same IP address to the client every time when client boots.[[BR]][[BR]]
     64root@drbl-srv:/opt/drbl# /opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i -l 0
     67Now we can collect the MAC address of clients!
     68If you want to let the DHCP service in DRBL server offer same IP
     69address to client every time when client boot, and you never did this
     70procedure, you should do it now!
     71If you already have those MAC addresses of clients, you can put them
     72into different group files (These files number is the same number of
     73networks cards for DRBL service). In this case, you can skip this
     75This step helps you to record the MAC addresses of clients, then
     76divide them into different groups. It will save your time and reduce
     77the typos.
     78The MAC addresses will be recorded turn by turn according to the boot
     79of clients,
     80and they will be put into different files according to the network
     81card in server, file name will be like macadr-eth1.txt,
     82macadr-eth2.txt... You can find them in directory /etc/drbl.
     83Please boot the clients by order, make sure they boot from etherboot or PXE!
     84Do you want to collect them ?
     85[y/N] y
     87OK! Let's do it!
     89Stopping dhcp3-server ...
     90Stopping DHCP server: dhcpd3.
     91Stopping tftpd-hpa ...
     92Stopping HPA's tftpd: in.tftpd.
     94Start detecting MAC address....
     95Enter 1 or press Enter to view the collecting status.
     96Enter 2 or q to finish collecting and quit.
     102Total: 3
     104Enter 1 or press Enter to view the collecting status.
     105Enter 2 or q to finish collecting and quit.
     108The collected MAC addresses from [eth1] are saved in file(s)
     109separately: macadr-eth1.txt.
     110These files are saved in directory /etc/drbl.
     112OK! Let's continue...
     114Do you want to let the DHCP service in DRBL server offer same IP
     115address to the client every time when client boots (If you want this
     116function, you have to collect the MAC addresses of clients, and save
     117them in file(s) (as in the previous procedure)). This is for the
     118clients connected to DRBL server's ethernet network interface eth1 ?
     119[y/N] y
     121OK! Please tell me the file name which contains the MAC address of
     122clients line by line for eth1.
     125What is the initial number do you want to use in the last set of
     126digits in the IP (i.e. the initial value of d in the IP address
     127a.b.c.d) for DRBL clients connected to this ethernet port eth1.
     128[1] 10
     130The file name you set is "macadr-eth1.txt".
     131The clients number in this file is 3.
     132We will set the IP address for the clients connected to DRBL server's
     133ethernet network interface eth1 By the MAC address file you set, the
     134IP addresses for the clients connected to DRBL server's ethernet
     135network interface eth1 as: -
     136Accept ? [Y/n] y
     138OK! Let's continue...
     140The Layout for your DRBL environment:
     142         NIC    NIC IP                    Clients
     144|         DRBL SERVER         |
     145|                             |
     146|    +-- [eth0] +- to WAN
     147|                             |
     148|    +-- [eth1] +- to clients group 1 [ 3 clients, their IP
     149|                             |            from -]
     152Total clients: 3
     154Press Enter to continue...
     156   * You need to modify two files: "/opt/drbl/sbin/drbl-nfs-exports" and "/opt/drbl/sbin/drbl-gen-client-files".[[BR]][[BR]]
     157     * (1) /opt/drbl/sbin/drbl-nfs-exports
     159 In "for subnet in $subnet_list" loop, you should add one line.
     161    /usr/local/globus-4.2.0 $subnet.*($EXPORTS_NFS_RO_NRS_OPT)
     163 In "for ip in `get-client-ip-list`" loop, you should also add one line.
     165    /usr/local/globus-4.2.0 $ip($EXPORTS_NFS_RO_NRS_OPT)
     167 We assume that $GLOBUS_LOCATION is /usr/local/globus-4.2.0.
     169     * (2) /opt/drbl/sbin/drbl-gen-client-files
     171 You only need to add one line.
     173    $nfsserver:/usr/local/globus-4.2.0   /usr/local/globus-4.2.0   nfs    $FSTAB_NFS_RO_OPT