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HDFS、MapReduce 與 Hadoop Streaming 觀念驗證
Running Hadoop Streaming with HDFS and MapReduce
}}} == 準備輸入資料集 Input Dataset == * 首先準備輸入,包含兩部份:(1) 供 Velvet 計算的 *.fa 檔案,這裡為了方便示範起見,採用 test_long.fa 當範本,並複製 99 份不同檔名,當輸入 (2) 供 Mapper 運算的輸入檔案(內含 HDFS 的檔名路徑) {{{ ~$ cp /usr/share/doc/velvet-example/examples/data/test_long.fa.gz . ~$ gunzip test_long.fa.gz ~$ for ((i=1;i<100;i++)); do hadoop fs -put test_long.fa sample-$i.fa; done ~$ for ((i=1;i<20;i++)); do echo /user/h998/sample-$i.fa; done > sample-01.txt ~$ for ((i=20;i<40;i++)); do echo /user/h998/sample-$i.fa; done > sample-02.txt ~$ for ((i=40;i<60;i++)); do echo /user/h998/sample-$i.fa; done > sample-03.txt ~$ for ((i=60;i<80;i++)); do echo /user/h998/sample-$i.fa; done > sample-04.txt ~$ for ((i=80;i<100;i++)); do echo /user/h998/sample-$i.fa; done > sample-05.txt ~$ hadoop fs -mkdir lab9_input ~$ hadoop fs -put sample-0* lab9_input }}} == 觀察 Hadoop Streaming 執行身份與工作目錄 == * 撰寫 testmapper.sh {{{ #!sh }}} == 實作透過 Hadoop Streaming 執行 99 組 velvet 運算 == * 撰寫 velvet_mapper.pl {{{ #!perl }}}