[[PageOutline]] ◢ <[wiki:III130629/Lab0 實作零]> | <[wiki:III130629 回課程大綱]> ▲ | <[wiki:III130629/Lab2 實作二]> ◣ = 實作一 Lab1 = {{{ #!html
Local (Standalone) Mode
}}} {{{ #text 請先連線至 nodeN.3du.tw }}} * 首先, 我們來介紹 Hadoop 的三種安裝模式 * <參考> http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/stable/single_node_setup.html {{{ #!text Now you are ready to start your Hadoop cluster in one of the three supported modes: * Local (Standalone) Mode * Pseudo-Distributed Mode * Fully-Distributed Mode }}} * 開始動手吧~請剪貼以下的步驟: {{{ user@node2:~$ cd hadoop_labs/ user@node2:~/hadoop_labs$ lab000/hadoop-local-mode }}} * https://raw.github.com/jazzwang/hadoop_labs/master/outline * 觀察有幾個 java process {{{ user@node2:~/hadoop_labs$ jps }}} * 觀察有沒有開 port {{{ netstat -nap | grep java }}}