= 動態加入datanode 與 tasktracker = * 是否能連到正確的namenode取決於conf/hadoop-site.xml,目前測試結果與conf/slave、masters無關 {{{ $ bin/hadoop-daemon.sh --config ./conf start datanode starting datanode, logging to /tmp/hadoop/logs/hadoop-waue-datanode-Dx7200.out }}} {{{ $ bin/hadoop-daemon.sh --config ./conf start tasktracker starting tasktracker, logging to /tmp/hadoop/logs/hadoop-waue-tasktracker-Dx7200.out }}} ----- = balancer = 用於分析數據塊分佈和重新平衡!DataNode上的數據分佈 {{{ $ bin/hadoop balancer Time Stamp Iteration# Bytes Already Moved Bytes Left To Move Bytes Being Moved 09/04/01 18:00:08 INFO net.NetworkTopology: Adding a new node: /default-rack/ 09/04/01 18:00:08 INFO net.NetworkTopology: Adding a new node: /default-rack/ 09/04/01 18:00:08 INFO dfs.Balancer: 0 over utilized nodes: 09/04/01 18:00:08 INFO dfs.Balancer: 0 under utilized nodes: The cluster is balanced. Exiting... Balancing took 186.0 milliseconds }}} == 升級 == * 由於換版本的話,資料夾內的conf設定檔也勢必被更改,因此目前作法為: 把conf 移至/opt/conf ,hadoop 0.16 與 hadoop 0.18用 ln 做捷徑代換。由於conf已不在hadoop_home內,因此記得匯入conf/hadoop-env.sh {{{ $ source /opt/conf/hadoop-env.sh }}} * 先看狀態 {{{ $ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -upgradeProgress status There are no upgrades in progress. }}} * 停止hdfs * 注意不可使用bin/stop-all.sh來停止 {{{ $ bin/stop-dfs.sh }}} * 部署新版本的Hadoop * 注意每個node的版本都要統一,否則會出現問題 * 啟動 {{{ $ bin/start-dfs.sh -upgrade }}} ps:之後有介紹到 bin/hadoop namenode -upgrade ,應該要查查看與 $ bin/start-dfs.sh -upgrade 有何不同 * namenode管理網頁會出現升級狀態 ----- == 退回 == * 停止集群 {{{ $ bin/stop-dfs.sh }}} * 部署老版本的Hadoop * 退回之前版本 {{{ $ bin/start-dfs.sh -rollback }}} ps:之後有介紹到 bin/hadoop namenode -rollback ,應該要查查看與 $ bin/start-dfs.sh -rollback 有何不同 ----- == fsck == * HDFS文件系統檢查工具 {{{ $ bin/hadoop fsck / . /user/waue/input/1.txt: Under replicated blk_-90085106852013388_1001. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). /user/waue/input/1.txt: Under replicated blk_-4027196261436469955_1001. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). . /user/waue/input/2.txt: Under replicated blk_-2300843106107816641_1002. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). . /user/waue/input/3.txt: Under replicated blk_-1561577350198661966_1003. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). . /user/waue/input/4.txt: Under replicated blk_1316726598778579026_1004. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). Status: HEALTHY Total size: 143451003 B Total dirs: 8 Total files: 4 Total blocks (validated): 5 (avg. block size 28690200 B) Minimally replicated blocks: 5 (100.0 %) Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Under-replicated blocks: 5 (100.0 %) Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %) Default replication factor: 3 Average block replication: 2.0 Corrupt blocks: 0 Missing replicas: 5 (50.0 %) Number of data-nodes: 2 Number of racks: 1 The filesystem under path '/' is HEALTHY }}} * 加不同的參數有不同的用處,如 {{{ $ bin/hadoop fsck / -files /tmp /tmp/hadoop /tmp/hadoop/hadoop-waue /tmp/hadoop/hadoop-waue/mapred /tmp/hadoop/hadoop-waue/mapred/system /user /user/waue /user/waue/input /user/waue/input/1.txt 115045564 bytes, 2 block(s): Under replicated blk_-90085106852013388_1001. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). Under replicated blk_-4027196261436469955_1001. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). /user/waue/input/2.txt 987864 bytes, 1 block(s): Under replicated blk_-2300843106107816641_1002. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). /user/waue/input/3.txt 1573048 bytes, 1 block(s): Under replicated blk_-1561577350198661966_1003. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). /user/waue/input/4.txt 25844527 bytes, 1 block(s): Under replicated blk_1316726598778579026_1004. Target Replicas is 3 but found 2 replica(s). Status: HEALTHY ....(同上) }}} ----- == job == * 用以跟Map Reduce 的作業程序溝通 * 在測試此指令之前,請確認已經先執行過mapReduce的程序過 * 可到JobTracker:50030網頁來看程序的Jobid === -status === * 查看工作狀態 {{{ $ bin/hadoop job -status job_200904021140_0001 }}} === -kill === * 終止正在執行的程序,其id為 job_200904021140_0001 {{{ $ bin/hadoop job -kill job_200904021140_0001 }}} === -list === * 印出所有程序的狀態 {{{ $ bin/hadoop job -list all 5 jobs submitted States are: Running : 1 Succeded : 2 Failed : 3 Prep : 4 JobId State StartTime UserName job_200904021140_0001 2 1238652150499 waue job_200904021140_0002 3 1238657754096 waue job_200904021140_0004 3 1238657989495 waue job_200904021140_0005 2 1238658076347 waue job_200904021140_0006 2 1238658644666 waue }}} === -history === * 印出程序的歷史狀態 {{{ $ bin/hadoop job -history /user/waue/stream-output1 Hadoop job: job_200904021140_0005 ===================================== Job tracker host name: gm1.nchc.org.tw job tracker start time: Thu Apr 02 11:40:06 CST 2009 User: waue JobName: streamjob9019.jar JobConf: hdfs://gm1.nchc.org.tw:9000/tmp/hadoop/hadoop-waue/mapred/system/job_200904021140_0005/job.xml Submitted At: 2-四月-2009 15:41:16 Launched At: 2-四月-2009 15:41:16 (0sec) Finished At: 2-四月-2009 15:42:04 (48sec) Status: SUCCESS ===================================== ...略 }}} ----- == version == * 印出目前的hadoop 版本 {{{ bin/hadoop version Hadoop 0.18.3 Subversion https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/core/branches/branch-0.18 -r 736250 Compiled by ndaley on Thu Jan 22 23:12:08 UTC 2009 }}} ----- = HDFS權限管理用戶 = * hdfs的權限有owner, group, other三種 * 而用戶的身份取決於client上的使用者 (用 whoami),群組為(bash -c groups) * 相關的操作: {{{ $ bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir own $ bin/hadoop dfs -chmod -R 755 own $ bin/hadoop dfs -chgrp -R waue own $ bin/hadoop dfs -chown -R waue own $ bin/hadoop dfs -lsr own }}} * conf/hadoop-site.xml 可用參數: {{{ #!php dfs.permissions = true dfs.web.ugi = webuser,webgroup dfs.permissions.supergroup = supergroup dfs.upgrade.permission = 777 dfs.umask = 022 }}} === -setQuota === * 目錄配額是對目錄樹上該目錄下的名字數量做硬性限制 * 設定配額,數字代表個數 (如:我上傳了一個2個block的檔案可以上傳,但我上傳兩個檔案很小的檔上去卻不行) * 配額為1可以強制目錄保持為空 * 重命名不會改變該目錄的配額 {{{ $ bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir quota $ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -setQuota 2 quota $ bin/hadoop dfs -put ../conf/hadoop-env.sh quota/ $ bin/hadoop dfs -put ../conf/hadoop-site.xml quota/ put: org.apache.hadoop.dfs.QuotaExceededException: The quota of /user/waue/quota is exceeded: quota=2 count=3 }}} * 檢查目錄的配額方法: "bin/hadoop fs -count -q <目錄> " {{{ $ bin/hadoop fs -count -q own none inf 1 0 0 hdfs://gm1.nchc.org.tw:9000/user/waue/own $ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -setQuota 4 own $ bin/hadoop fs -count -q own 4 3 1 0 0 hdfs://gm1.nchc.org.tw:9000/user/waue/own }}} === -clrQuota === * 清除之前設定的配額 {{{ $ bin/hadoop dfsadmin -clrQuota quota/ }}} ----- = Hadoop Streaming 函式庫用法 = * Hadoop streaming是Hadoop的一個工具, 它幫助用戶創建和運行一類特殊的map/reduce作業, 這些特殊的map/reduce作業是由一些可執行文件或腳本文件充當mapper或者reducer * 最簡單的透過shell執行stream的map reduce: {{{ $ bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.18.3-streaming.jar -input input -output stream-output1 -mapper /bin/cat -reducer /usr/bin/wc }}} * 輸出的結果為: (代表 行、字數、字元數) {{{ #!sh 2910628 24507806 143451003 }}}