#!/bin/bash # Program: # English Language file for client_install # Author: # Waue, Shunfa, Rock {waue, shunfa, rock}@nchc.org.tw # Version: # 1.0 # History: # 2010/06/14 Rock First release (1.0) # [Variables Declaration] # ## Lang for client_install ## par_echo_1="Your master IP:" par_echo_2="Is this data cooect? (yes/no): " par_echo_3="These parameters are correct." par_echo_4="Please edit these parameters in this file." ## [Lang for client_install_fun.sh] ## ### [for choose_lang()] ### choose_lang_1="Plz choose your language: (1)English (2)中文" choose_lang_2="(1/2):" ### [for check_root()]### check_root_1="Please Change root to execute it!!!" check_root_2="Identify is root." ### [for check_systemInfo()]### check_sys_1="check_systemInfo" check_sys_2="Your system information are: " ### [for install_packages()]### install_pack_1="install_packages" install_pack_2="Check dependent packages" install_pack_if_1="It will install some packages (expect, ssh, and dialog)." install_pack_if_2="Please manually install expect, ssh, and dialog." ### [for check_nez_installed()] ### check_nez_1="chcheck_nez_installed" check_nez_2="System already had NutchEz." check_nez_3="System does not has NutchEz." ### [for check_sunJava()] ### check_sunJava_1="check_sunJava" check_sunJava_2="NutchEz need Sun Java JDK 1.6.x or above version" check_sunJava_if_1="Java is not Sun version, plz install sun Java 1.6.X" check_sunJava_if_2="Please input your choice: " check_sunJava_if_3="(1)System don't have Sun Java (2)Sun Java is in other path (3)Exit" check_sunJava_if_4="plz input (1/2/3): " check_sunJava_if_5="Please install Sun Java manually!" check_sunJava_if_6="Input Sun Java home path(ex. '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-' or using default '/usr' ): " check_sunJava_if_7="It is not Sun Java! Plz install Sun Java manually !" check_sunJava_if_8="Java version is too old (it need 1.6.X above)" check_sunJava_if_9="System has Sun Java 1.6 above version." check_sunJava_if_10="Please install Sun JAVA 1.6.X or above version" ### [for check_ssh()] ### check_ssh_1="check_ssh" check_ssh_2="System has ssh." check_ssh_3="Please install ssh." check_ssh_4="System has ssh Server (sshd)." check_ssh_5="Please install ssh Server (sshd)." ### [for check_dialog()] ### check_dialog_1="check_dialog" check_dialog_2="System has dialog." check_dialog_3="Please install dialog." ### scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey() ### scp_sshkey_d1="scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey" scp_sshkey_d2="mkdir -p /home/nutchuser/" scp_sshkey_d3="scp nutchuser@master:~/.ssh /home/nutchuser/" scp_sshkey_expect_1="Password is error" scp_sshkey_s1="scp correct." scp_sshkey_s2="scp error,\n(1)plese check nutchuser password in server\n(2)nutchuser's authorized_keys in server\n(3)server's network status" scp_sshkey_d4="chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /home/nutchuser/.ssh" ### [for creat_nutchuser_account()] ### create_nutchuser_d1="creat_nutchuser_account" create_nutchuser_1="Plz input nutchuser password of master node: " create_nutchuser_2="plz input nutchuser password, again: " create_nutchuser_3="Two Passwords match." create_nutchuser_4="Two passwords don't match, please re-input nutchuser's password." create_nutchuser_s1="System already has nutchuser, change nutchuser password." create_nutchuser_s2="Create nutchuser and change password." ### [for scp_packages()] ### scp_packages_d1="scp_packages" scp_packages_d2="chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /opt/nutchez" scp_packages_d3="scp -r nutchuser@\$1:/opt/nutchez/NutchezForClientOf_\$Master_IP_Address.tar.gz /home/nutchuser/nutchez/source" ### [for install_nutch_package()] ### install_nutch_package_d1="install_nutch_package" ### [for recall_hostname_ip()] ### recall_hostname_ip_d1="recall_hostname_ip" recall_hostname_ip_1="net_address is" recall_hostname_ip_2="net_MacAddr is" recall_hostname_ip_3="System have multiple network device, which network use for this machine: " recall_hostname_ip_4="Please choice(1/2/3...): " recall_hostname_ip_d2="ssh nutchuser@\$1 echo \$net_address \$(hostname) \$net_MacAddr \>\> ~/nutchez/system/nutch_nodes"