#!/bin/bash # Program: # Functions for client_install.sh # Author: # Waue, Shunfa, Rock {waue, shunfa, rock}@nchc.org.tw # History: # 2010/05/20 Rock First release(0.1) # 正式版之後,記的將不必要的 echo 拿掉 function debug_info () { if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[1;35;40m info - $1 \033[0m" fi } function show_info () { if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[1;32;40m $1 \033[0m" fi } # 檢查執行這個程式的是否為root權限 function check_root(){ # 正式版後可拿掉此 echo debug_info "check_root" if [ $USER != "root" ]; then show_info "Please Change root to execute it!!!" exit fi # 正式版後可拿掉此 echo show_info "Identify is root." } # 查出此主機的作業系統,以及版本 function check_systemInfo(){ debug_info "check systemInfo" show_info "Your system information are:" Linux_Distribution=$(lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null | grep "Distributor ID:" | awk '{print $3}') Linux_Version=$(lsb_release -a 2> /dev/null | grep "Release" | awk '{print $2}') show_info "$Linux_Distribution , $Linux_Version" } # 安裝需要的相依套件 (目前只支援 deb 套件的系統自動安裝,yum或其他套件系統的則需手動安裝) function install_packages(){ # deb 系列系統 debug_info "install_packages" debug_info "Check dependent packages" if [ "$Linux_Distribution" == "Ubuntu" ] || [ "$Linux_Distribution" == "Debian" ] ;then echo -e "\nIt will install sime packages (expect, ssh, and dialog).\n" aptitude install -y expect ssh dialog # rpm 系列系統 elif [ "$Linux_Distribution" == "Fedora" ] || [ "$Linux_Distribution" == "CentOS" ] ;then show_info "Please install expect, ssh, and dialog." exit else show_info "Please install expect, ssh, and dialog." exit fi } # 檢查之前是否有安裝NutchEz # 目前先檢查是否有/opt/nutchez 這個資料夾即可 function check_nez_installed(){ debug_info "chcheck_nez_installed" if [ -d /opt/nutchez ]; then show_info "System already had NutchEz." exit else show_info "System does not has NutchEz." fi } # 檢查是否有安裝sun java ,並檢查是否為jdk 1.6 以上版本 # 4種判斷可能性 (1)系統沒安裝 JAVA (2)系統有安裝JAVA,但非sun版本 # (3)系統有安裝但Sun Java 在非預設路徑下 (4)以正確安裝 Sun JAVA 預設路徑下 function check_sunJava(){ debug_info "check_sunJava" debug_info "NutchEz need Sun Java JDK 1.6.x or above version" javaPath="/usr" yesno="no" choice="3" if [ -e $javaPath/bin/java ]; then JAVA_org=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "Java(TM)") JAVA_version=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "java version" | \ awk '{print $3}' | cut -d "." -f1-2 | cut -d "\"" -f2) if [ "$JAVA_org" == "" ]; then show_info "Java is not Sun version, plz install sun Java 1.6.X" show_info "Please input your choice: " show_info "(1)System don't have Sun Java (2)Sun Java is in other path (3)Exit" read -p "plz input (1/2/3): " choice case $choice in "1") show_info "Please install Sun Java manually!" exit ;; "2") read -p "Input Sun Java home path(ex. '/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-' or using default '/usr' ): " javaPath ;; "*") exit ;; esac if [ $choice == "2" ]; then JAVA_org=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "Java(TM)") JAVA_version=$($javaPath/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep "java version" | \ awk '{print $3}' | cut -d "." -f1-2 | cut -d "\"" -f2) if [ "$JAVA_org" == "" ]; then show_info "It is not Sun Java! Plz install Sun Java manually!" exit fi fi fi large16=$(echo "$JAVA_version >= 1.6" | bc) if [ "${large16}" == 0 ]; then show_info "Java version is too old (it need 1.6.X above)" exit fi show_info "System has Sun Java 1.6 above version." else show_info "Please install Sun JAVA 1.6.X or above version" exit fi unset JAVA_org unset JAVA_version } # 檢查是否有安裝openssh, openssh-server function check_ssh(){ debug_info "check_ssh" if [ -e /usr/bin/ssh ]; then show_info "System has ssh." else show_info "Please install ssh." exit fi if [ -e /usr/sbin/sshd ]; then show_info "System has ssh Server (sshd)." else show_info "Please install ssh Server (sshd)." exit fi } # 檢查是否有安裝dialog function check_dialog(){ debug_info "check_dialog" if [ -e /usr/bin/dialog ]; then show_info "System has dialog." else show_info "Please install dialog." exit fi } # scp nutchuser@master_ip:~ 把.ssh/目錄複製下來 # 當使用者輸入nutchuser 密碼時,將此密碼紀錄到Nutchuser_Passwd # 此步驟若無法連到 master 則跳出 function scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey(){ debug_info "scp_master_nutchuser_sshkey" debug_info "mkdir -p /home/nutchuser/" mkdir -p /home/nutchuser/.ssh/ rm -fr /home/nutchuser/.ssh/* unset Nutchuser_Passwd2 debug_info "scp nutchuser@$1:~/.ssh /home/nutchuser/" expect -c "spawn scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nutchuser@$1:~/.ssh /home/nutchuser/ expect \"*: \" { send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" } expect \"*: \" { send_user \"Password is error\" } expect eof" if [ -e "/home/nutchuser/.ssh/authorized_keys" ]; then show_info "scp correct." else show_info "scp error,\n(1)plese check nutchuser password in server\n(2)nutchuser's authorized_keys in server\n(3)server's network status" exit fi ssh-add /home/nutchuser/.ssh/id_rsa debug_info "chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /home/nutchuser/.ssh" chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /home/nutchuser/.ssh } # 新增nutchuser 帳號時用 Nutchuser_Passwd 當密碼 function creat_nutchuser_account(){ debug_info "creat_nutchuser_account" while [ "$Nutchuser_Passwd" != "$Nutchuser_Passwd2" ] do echo -e "\n" read -sp "Plz input nutchuser password of master node: " Nutchuser_Passwd echo read -sp "plz input nutchuser password, again: " Nutchuser_Passwd2 echo if [ "$Nutchuser_Passwd" == "$Nutchuser_Passwd2" ]; then show_info "Two Passwords match." else show_info "Two passwords don't match, please re-input nutchuser's password." fi done unset Nutchuser_Passwd2 if [ $(cat /etc/passwd | grep nutchuser) ]; then show_info "System already has nutchuser, change nutchuser password." expect -c "spawn passwd nutchuser set timeout 1 expect \"*: \" send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" expect \"*: \" send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" expect eof" else show_info "Create nutchuser and change password." useradd -m nutchuser -s /bin/bash expect -c "spawn passwd nutchuser set timeout 1 expect \"*: \" send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" expect \"*: \" send \"$Nutchuser_Passwd\r\" expect eof" fi } # 用scp 複製 master 的設定與安裝資料 # 目前僅需做到能無礙的複製遠端的/opt/nutchez/到local的/opt/ function scp_packages(){ debug_info "scp_packages" mkdir /opt/nutchez mkdir /var/nutchez mkdir /home/nutchuser/nutchez mkdir /home/nutchuser/nutchez/source mkdir /home/nutchuser/nutchez/system chmod 777 /opt/nutchez debug_info "chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /opt/nutchez" chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /opt/nutchez chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /var/nutchez chown -R nutchuser:nutchuser /home/nutchuser/nutchez chmod 755 /opt/nutchez debug_info "scp -r nutchuser@$1:/opt/nutchez/NutchezForClientOf_$Master_IP_Address.tar.gz /home/nutchuser/nutchez/source" su nutchuser -c "scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no nutchuser@$1:/home/nutchuser/nutchez/source/NutchezForClientOf_$Master_IP_Address.tar.gz /home/nutchuser/nutchez/source" } function install_nutch_package(){ debug_info "install_nutch_package" tar -zxvf /home/nutchuser/nutchez/source/NutchezForClientOf_$Master_IP_Address.tar.gz -C /opt/nutchez sed -i '1a '$Master_IP_Address' '$Master_Hostname'' /etc/hosts #/opt/nutchez/nutch/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh start datanode #/opt/nutchez/nutch/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh start tasktracker } function recall_hostname_ip(){ debug_info "recall_hostname_ip" net_interfaces=$(ifconfig | grep ^eth | cut -d " " -f1) net_nu=$(echo $net_interfaces | wc -w) # 若只有一個 eth 時 if [ "$net_nu" == "1" ]; then # ifconfig $net_interfaces | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1 net_address=$(ifconfig $net_interfaces | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1) net_MacAddr=$(ifconfig $net_interfaces | grep 'HW' | sed 's/^.*HWaddr //g') show_info "net_address is $net_address" show_info "net_MacAddr is $net_MacAddr" # 若有多個 eth 時 else declare -i i=1 show_info "System have multiple network device, which network use for this machine: " for net in $net_interfaces do echo "($i) $net $(ifconfig $net | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1)" i=i+1 done read -p "Please choice(1/2/3...): " net_choice if [ -z $net_choice ]; then net_choice=1 fi show_info "choice is $net_choice" net_interface=$(echo $net_interfaces | cut -d " " -f $net_choice) # config $net_interface | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1 net_address=$(ifconfig $net_interface | grep "inet addr:" | sed 's/^.*inet addr://g' | cut -d " " -f1) net_MacAddr=$(ifconfig $net_interface | grep 'HW' | sed 's/^.*HWaddr //g') show_info "net_address is $net_address" show_info "net_MacAddr is $net_MacAddr" fi debug_info "ssh nutchuser@$1 echo $net_address $(hostname) $net_MacAddr \>\> ~/nutchez/system/nutch_nodes" su nutchuser -c "ssh nutchuser@$1 echo $net_address $(hostname) $net_MacAddr \>\> ~/nutchez/system/nutch_nodes" #su nutchuser -c expect -c "spawn ssh nutchuser@$1 #set timeout 1 #expect \"*\" #send \"echo $net_address $(hostname) >> /home/nutchuser/nutch_nodes\r\" #expect \"*\" #send \"exit\"" }