1 | <html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Apache Tomcat 6.0 - SSL Configuration HOW-TO</title><meta value="Christopher Cain" name="author"><meta value="ccain@apache.org" name="email"><meta value="Yoav Shapira" name="author"><meta value="yoavs@apache.org" name="email"></head><body vlink="#525D76" alink="#525D76" link="#525D76" text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0"><!--PAGE HEADER--><tr><td><!--PROJECT LOGO--><a href="http://tomcat.apache.org/"><img border="0" alt=" |
2 | The Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container |
3 | " align="right" src="./images/tomcat.gif"></a></td><td><font face="arial,helvetica,sanserif"><h1>Apache Tomcat 6.0</h1></font></td><td><!--APACHE LOGO--><a href="http://www.apache.org/"><img border="0" alt="Apache Logo" align="right" src="./images/asf-logo.gif"></a></td></tr></table><table cellspacing="4" width="100%" border="0"><!--HEADER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" noshade></td></tr><tr><!--LEFT SIDE NAVIGATION--><td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="20%"><p><strong>Links</strong></p><ul><li><a href="index.html">Docs Home</a></li><li><a href="http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ">FAQ</a></li></ul><p><strong>User Guide</strong></p><ul><li><a href="introduction.html">1) Introduction</a></li><li><a href="setup.html">2) Setup</a></li><li><a href="appdev/index.html">3) First webapp</a></li><li><a href="deployer-howto.html">4) Deployer</a></li><li><a href="manager-howto.html">5) Manager</a></li><li><a href="realm-howto.html">6) Realms and AAA</a></li><li><a href="security-manager-howto.html">7) Security Manager</a></li><li><a href="jndi-resources-howto.html">8) JNDI Resources</a></li><li><a href="jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html">9) JDBC DataSources</a></li><li><a href="class-loader-howto.html">10) Classloading</a></li><li><a href="jasper-howto.html">11) JSPs</a></li><li><a href="ssl-howto.html">12) SSL</a></li><li><a href="ssi-howto.html">13) SSI</a></li><li><a href="cgi-howto.html">14) CGI</a></li><li><a href="proxy-howto.html">15) Proxy Support</a></li><li><a href="mbeans-descriptor-howto.html">16) MBean Descriptor</a></li><li><a href="default-servlet.html">17) Default Servlet</a></li><li><a href="cluster-howto.html">18) Clustering</a></li><li><a href="balancer-howto.html">19) Load Balancer</a></li><li><a href="connectors.html">20) Connectors</a></li><li><a href="monitoring.html">21) Monitoring and Management</a></li><li><a href="logging.html">22) Logging</a></li><li><a href="apr.html">23) APR/Native</a></li><li><a href="virtual-hosting-howto.html">24) Virtual Hosting</a></li><li><a href="aio.html">25) Advanced IO</a></li><li><a href="extras.html">26) Additional Components</a></li><li><a href="maven-jars.html">27) Mavenized</a></li></ul><p><strong>Reference</strong></p><ul><li><a href="RELEASE-NOTES.txt">Release Notes</a></li><li><a href="config/index.html">Configuration</a></li><li><a href="api/index.html">Javadocs</a></li><li><a href="http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/">JK 1.2 Documentation</a></li></ul><p><strong>Apache Tomcat Development</strong></p><ul><li><a href="building.html">Building</a></li><li><a href="changelog.html">Changelog</a></li><li><a href="http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/TomcatVersions">Status</a></li><li><a href="developers.html">Developers</a></li><li><a href="architecture/index.html">Architecture</a></li><li><a href="funcspecs/index.html">Functional Specs.</a></li></ul></td><!--RIGHT SIDE MAIN BODY--><td align="left" valign="top" width="80%"><table cellspacing="4" width="100%" border="0"><tr><td valign="top" align="left"><h1>Apache Tomcat 6.0</h1><h2>SSL Configuration HOW-TO</h2></td><td nowrap="true" valign="top" align="right"><small><a href="printer/ssl-howto.html"><img alt="Printer Friendly Version" border="0" src="./images/printer.gif"><br>print-friendly<br>version |
4 | </a></small></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Quick Start"><strong>Quick Start</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
5 | |
6 | <p><b>IMPORTANT NOTE: This Howto refers to usage of JSSE, that comes included with |
7 | jdk 1.5 and higher. When using APR, Tomcat will |
8 | use OpenSSL, which uses a different configuration.</b></p> |
9 | |
10 | <blockquote><em> |
11 | <p>The description below uses the variable name $CATALINA_BASE to refer the |
12 | base directory against which most relative paths are resolved. If you have |
13 | not configured Tomcat 6 for multiple instances by setting a CATALINA_BASE |
14 | directory, then $CATALINA_BASE will be set to the value of $CATALINA_HOME, |
15 | the directory into which you have installed Tomcat 6.</p> |
16 | </em></blockquote> |
17 | |
18 | <p>To install and configure SSL support on Tomcat 6, you need to follow |
19 | these simple steps. For more information, read the rest of this HOW-TO.</p> |
20 | <ol> |
21 | <li>Create a certificate keystore by executing the following command: |
22 | <p>Windows:</p> |
23 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
24 | %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA |
25 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
26 | <p>Unix:</p> |
27 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
28 | $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA |
29 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
30 | <p></p> |
31 | and specify a password value of "changeit".</li><br><br> |
32 | <li>Uncomment the "SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector" entry in |
33 | <code>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml</code> and tweak as necessary.</li> |
34 | <br><br> |
35 | </ol> |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Introduction to SSL"><strong>Introduction to SSL</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
39 | |
40 | <p>SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is a technology which allows web browsers and |
41 | web servers to communicate over a secured connection. This means that the data |
42 | being sent is encrypted by one side, transmitted, then decrypted by the other |
43 | side before processing. This is a two-way process, meaning that both the |
44 | server AND the browser encrypt all traffic before sending out data.</p> |
45 | |
46 | <p>Another important aspect of the SSL protocol is Authentication. This means |
47 | that during your initial attempt to communicate with a web server over a secure |
48 | connection, that server will present your web browser with a set of |
49 | credentials, in the form of a "Certificate", as proof the site is who and what |
50 | it claims to be. In certain cases, the server may also request a Certificate |
51 | from your web browser, asking for proof that <em>you</em> are who you claim |
52 | to be. This is known as "Client Authentication," although in practice this is |
53 | used more for business-to-business (B2B) transactions than with individual |
54 | users. Most SSL-enabled web servers do not request Client Authentication.</p> |
55 | |
56 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="SSL and Tomcat"><strong>SSL and Tomcat</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
57 | |
58 | <p>It is important to note that configuring Tomcat to take advantage of |
59 | secure sockets is usually only necessary when running it as a stand-alone |
60 | web server. When running Tomcat primarily as a Servlet/JSP container behind |
61 | another web server, such as Apache or Microsoft IIS, it is usually necessary |
62 | to configure the primary web server to handle the SSL connections from users. |
63 | Typically, this server will negotiate all SSL-related functionality, then |
64 | pass on any requests destined for the Tomcat container only after decrypting |
65 | those requests. Likewise, Tomcat will return cleartext responses, that will |
66 | be encrypted before being returned to the user's browser. In this environment, |
67 | Tomcat knows that communications between the primary web server and the |
68 | client are taking place over a secure connection (because your application |
69 | needs to be able to ask about this), but it does not participate in the |
70 | encryption or decryption itself.</p> |
71 | |
72 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Certificates"><strong>Certificates</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
73 | |
74 | <p>In order to implement SSL, a web server must have an associated Certificate |
75 | for each external interface (IP address) that accepts secure connections. |
76 | The theory behind this design is that a server should provide some kind of |
77 | reasonable assurance that its owner is who you think it is, particularly |
78 | before receiving any sensitive information. While a broader explanation of |
79 | Certificates is beyond the scope of this document, think of a Certificate |
80 | as a "digital driver's license" for an Internet address. It states what |
81 | company the site is associated with, along with some basic contact |
82 | information about the site owner or administrator.</p> |
83 | |
84 | <p>This "driver's license" is cryptographically signed by its owner, and is |
85 | therefore extremely difficult for anyone else to forge. For sites involved |
86 | in e-commerce, or any other business transaction in which authentication of |
87 | identity is important, a Certificate is typically purchased from a well-known |
88 | <em>Certificate Authority</em> (CA) such as VeriSign or Thawte. Such |
89 | certificates can be electronically verified -- in effect, the Certificate |
90 | Authority will vouch for the authenticity of the certificates that it grants, |
91 | so you can believe that that Certificate is valid if you trust the Certificate |
92 | Authority that granted it.</p> |
93 | |
94 | <p>In many cases, however, authentication is not really a concern. An |
95 | administrator may simply want to ensure that the data being transmitted and |
96 | received by the server is private and cannot be snooped by anyone who may be |
97 | eavesdropping on the connection. Fortunately, Java provides a relatively |
98 | simple command-line tool, called <code>keytool</code>, which can easily create |
99 | a "self-signed" Certificate. Self-signed Certificates are simply user |
100 | generated Certificates which have not been officially registered with any |
101 | well-known CA, and are therefore not really guaranteed to be authentic at all. |
102 | Again, this may or may not even be important, depending on your needs.</p> |
103 | |
104 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="General Tips on Running SSL"><strong>General Tips on Running SSL</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
105 | |
106 | <p>The first time a user attempts to access a secured page on your site, |
107 | he or she is typically presented with a dialog containing the details of |
108 | the certificate (such as the company and contact name), and asked if he or she |
109 | wishes to accept the Certificate as valid and continue with the transaction. |
110 | Some browsers will provide an option for permanently accepting a given |
111 | Certificate as valid, in which case the user will not be bothered with a |
112 | prompt each time they visit your site. Other browsers do not provide this |
113 | option. Once approved by the user, a Certificate will be considered valid |
114 | for at least the entire browser session.</p> |
115 | |
116 | <p>Also, while the SSL protocol was designed to be as efficient as securely |
117 | possible, encryption/decryption is a computationally expensive process from |
118 | a performance standpoint. It is not strictly necessary to run an entire |
119 | web application over SSL, and indeed a developer can pick and choose which |
120 | pages require a secure connection and which do not. For a reasonably busy |
121 | site, it is customary to only run certain pages under SSL, namely those |
122 | pages where sensitive information could possibly be exchanged. This would |
123 | include things like login pages, personal information pages, and shopping |
124 | cart checkouts, where credit card information could possibly be transmitted. |
125 | Any page within an application can be requested over a secure socket by |
126 | simply prefixing the address with <code>https:</code> instead of |
127 | <code>http:</code>. Any pages which absolutely <strong>require</strong> |
128 | a secure connection should check the protocol type associated with the |
129 | page request and take the appropriate action if <code>https</code> is not |
130 | specified.</p> |
131 | |
132 | <p>Finally, using name-based virtual hosts on a secured connection can be |
133 | problematic. This is a design limitation of the SSL protocol itself. The SSL |
134 | handshake, where the client browser accepts the server certificate, must occur |
135 | before the HTTP request is accessed. As a result, the request information |
136 | containing the virtual host name cannot be determined prior to authentication, |
137 | and it is therefore not possible to assign multiple certificates to a single |
138 | IP address. If all virtual hosts on a single IP address need to authenticate |
139 | against the same certificate, the addition of multiple virtual hosts should not |
140 | interfere with normal SSL operations on the server. Be aware, however, that |
141 | most client browsers will compare the server's domain name against the domain |
142 | name listed in the certificate, if any (applicable primarily to official, |
143 | CA-signed certificates). If the domain names do not match, these browsers will |
144 | display a warning to the client user. In general, only address-based virtual |
145 | hosts are commonly used with SSL in a production environment.</p> |
146 | |
147 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Configuration"><strong>Configuration</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
148 | |
149 | <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Prepare the Certificate Keystore"><strong>Prepare the Certificate Keystore</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
150 | |
151 | <p>Tomcat currently operates only on <code>JKS</code>, <code>PKCS11</code> or |
152 | <code>PKCS12</code> format keystores. The <code>JKS</code> format |
153 | is Java's standard "Java KeyStore" format, and is the format created by the |
154 | <code>keytool</code> command-line utility. This tool is included in the JDK. |
155 | The <code>PKCS12</code> format is an internet standard, and can be manipulated |
156 | via (among other things) OpenSSL and Microsoft's Key-Manager. |
157 | </p> |
158 | |
159 | <p>Each entry in a keystore is identified by an alias string. Whilst many |
160 | keystore implementations treat aliases in a case insensitive manner, case |
161 | sensitive implementations are available. The <code>PKCS11</code> specification, |
162 | for example, requires that aliases are case sensitive. To avoid issues related |
163 | to the case sensitivity of aliases, it is not recommended to use aliases that |
164 | differ only in case. |
165 | </p> |
166 | |
167 | <p>To import an existing certificate into a JKS keystore, please read the |
168 | documentation (in your JDK documentation package) about <code>keytool</code>. |
169 | Note that OpenSSL often adds readable comments before the key, |
170 | <code>keytool</code>does not support that, so remove the OpenSSL comments if |
171 | they exist before importing the key using <code>keytool</code>. |
172 | </p> |
173 | <p>To import an existing certificate signed by your own CA into a PKCS12 |
174 | keystore using OpenSSL you would execute a command like: |
175 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>openssl pkcs12 -export -in mycert.crt -inkey mykey.key \ |
176 | -out mycert.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile myCA.crt \ |
177 | -caname root -chain |
178 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
179 | For more advanced cases, consult the <a href="http://www.openssl.org/">OpenSSL |
180 | documentation</a>. |
181 | </p> |
182 | <p>To create a new keystore from scratch, containing a single self-signed |
183 | Certificate, execute the following from a terminal command line:</p> |
184 | <p>Windows:</p> |
185 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
186 | %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA |
187 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
188 | <p>Unix:</p> |
189 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
190 | $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA |
191 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
192 | |
193 | <p>(The RSA algorithm should be preferred as a secure algorithm, and this |
194 | also ensures general compatibility with other servers and components.)</p> |
195 | |
196 | <p>This command will create a new file, in the home directory of the user |
197 | under which you run it, named "<code>.keystore</code>". To specify a |
198 | different location or filename, add the <code>-keystore</code> parameter, |
199 | followed by the complete pathname to your keystore file, |
200 | to the <code>keytool</code> command shown above. You will also need to |
201 | reflect this new location in the <code>server.xml</code> configuration file, |
202 | as described later. For example:</p> |
203 | <p>Windows:</p> |
204 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
205 | %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \ |
206 | -keystore \path\to\my\keystore |
207 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
208 | <p>Unix:</p> |
209 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
210 | $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \ |
211 | -keystore /path/to/my/keystore |
212 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
213 | |
214 | <p>After executing this command, you will first be prompted for the keystore |
215 | password. The default password used by Tomcat is "<code>changeit</code>" |
216 | (all lower case), although you can specify a custom password if you like. |
217 | You will also need to specify the custom password in the |
218 | <code>server.xml</code> configuration file, as described later.</p> |
219 | |
220 | <p>Next, you will be prompted for general information about this Certificate, |
221 | such as company, contact name, and so on. This information will be displayed |
222 | to users who attempt to access a secure page in your application, so make |
223 | sure that the information provided here matches what they will expect.</p> |
224 | |
225 | <p>Finally, you will be prompted for the <em>key password</em>, which is the |
226 | password specifically for this Certificate (as opposed to any other |
227 | Certificates stored in the same keystore file). You <strong>MUST</strong> |
228 | use the same password here as was used for the keystore password itself. |
229 | (Currently, the <code>keytool</code> prompt will tell you that pressing the |
230 | ENTER key does this for you automatically.)</p> |
231 | |
232 | <p>If everything was successful, you now have a keystore file with a |
233 | Certificate that can be used by your server.</p> |
234 | |
235 | <p><strong>Note:</strong> your private key password and keystore password |
236 | should be the same. If they differ, you will get an error along the lines |
237 | of <code>java.io.IOException: Cannot recover key</code>, as documented in |
238 | <a href="http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38217">Bugzilla issue 38217</a>, |
239 | which contains further references for this issue.</p> |
240 | |
241 | </blockquote></td></tr></table> |
242 | |
243 | <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Edit the Tomcat Configuration File"><strong>Edit the Tomcat Configuration File</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
244 | <p>If you are using APR, you have the option of configuring an alternative engine to OpenSSL. |
245 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
246 | <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="someengine" SSLRandomSeed="somedevice" /> |
247 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
248 | The default value is |
249 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
250 | <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" SSLRandomSeed="builtin" /> |
251 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
252 | So to use SSL under APR, make sure the SSLEngine attribute is set to something other than <code>off</code>. |
253 | The default value is <code>on</code> and if you specify another value, it has to be a valid engine name. |
254 | <br> |
255 | If you haven't compiled in SSL support into your Tomcat Native library, then you can turn this initialization off |
256 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
257 | <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="off" /> |
258 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
259 | SSLRandomSeed allows to specify a source of entropy. Productive system needs a reliable source of entropy |
260 | but entropy may need a lot of time to be collected therefore test systems could use no blocking entropy |
261 | sources like "/dev/urandom" that will allow quicker starts of Tomcat. |
262 | |
263 | </p> |
264 | |
265 | <p>The final step is to configure your secure socket in the |
266 | <code>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml</code> file, where |
267 | <code>$CATALINA_BASE</code> represents the base directory for the |
268 | Tomcat 6 instance. An example <code><Connector></code> element |
269 | for an SSL connector is included in the default <code>server.xml</code> |
270 | file installed with Tomcat. It will look something like this:</p> |
271 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
272 | <-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> |
273 | <!-- |
274 | <Connector |
275 | port="8443" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75" |
276 | enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true" |
277 | acceptCount="100" maxThreads="200" |
278 | scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" |
279 | keystoreFile="${user.home}/.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" |
280 | clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/> |
281 | --> |
282 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
283 | <p> |
284 | The example above will throw an error if you have the APR and the Tomcat Native libraries in your path, |
285 | as tomcat will try to autoload the APR connector. The APR connector uses different attributes for |
286 | SSL keys and certificates. An example of such configuration would be |
287 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
288 | <-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> |
289 | <!-- |
290 | <Connector |
291 | port="8443" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75" |
292 | enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true" |
293 | acceptCount="100" maxThreads="200" |
294 | scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" |
295 | SSLCertificateFile="/usr/local/ssl/server.crt" |
296 | SSLCertificateKeyFile="/usr/local/ssl/server.pem" |
297 | clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/> |
298 | --> |
299 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
300 | </p> |
301 | |
302 | <p> |
303 | To avoid auto configuration you can define which connector to use by specifying a classname |
304 | in the protocol attribute.<br> |
305 | To define a Java connector, regardless if the APR library is loaded or not do: |
306 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
307 | <-- Define a blocking Java SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> |
308 | <!-- |
309 | <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" |
310 | port="8443" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75" |
311 | enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true" |
312 | acceptCount="100" maxThreads="200" |
313 | scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" |
314 | keystoreFile="${user.home}/.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" |
315 | clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/> |
316 | --> |
317 | <-- Define a non-blocking Java SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> |
318 | <!-- |
319 | <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" |
320 | port="8443" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75" |
321 | enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true" |
322 | acceptCount="100" maxThreads="200" |
323 | scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" |
324 | keystoreFile="${user.home}/.keystore" keystorePass="changeit" |
325 | clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/> |
326 | --> |
327 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
328 | and to specify an APR connector |
329 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
330 | <-- Define a APR SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> |
331 | <!-- |
332 | <Connector protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol" |
333 | port="8443" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="75" |
334 | enableLookups="true" disableUploadTimeout="true" |
335 | acceptCount="100" maxThreads="200" |
336 | scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true" |
337 | SSLCertificateFile="/usr/local/ssl/server.crt" |
338 | SSLCertificateKeyFile="/usr/local/ssl/server.pem" |
339 | clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"/> |
340 | --> |
341 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
342 | |
343 | </p> |
344 | |
345 | <p>You will note that the Connector element itself is commented out by default, |
346 | so you will need to remove the comment tags around it. Then, you can |
347 | customize the specified attributes as necessary. For detailed information |
348 | about the various options, consult the |
349 | <a href="config/index.html">Server Configuration Reference</a>. The |
350 | following discussion covers only those attributes of most interest when |
351 | setting up SSL communication.</p> |
352 | |
353 | <p>The <code>port</code> attribute (default value is 8443) is the TCP/IP |
354 | port number on which Tomcat will listen for secure connections. You can |
355 | change this to any port number you wish (such as to the default port for |
356 | <code>https</code> communications, which is 443). However, special setup |
357 | (outside the scope of this document) is necessary to run Tomcat on port |
358 | numbers lower than 1024 on many operating systems.</p> |
359 | |
360 | <blockquote><em> |
361 | <p>If you change the port number here, you should also change the |
362 | value specified for the <code>redirectPort</code> attribute on the |
363 | non-SSL connector. This allows Tomcat to automatically redirect |
364 | users who attempt to access a page with a security constraint specifying |
365 | that SSL is required, as required by the Servlet 2.4 Specification.</p> |
366 | </em></blockquote> |
367 | |
368 | <p>There are additional options used to configure the SSL protocol. |
369 | You may need to add or change the following attribute |
370 | values, depending on how you configured your keystore earlier:</p> |
371 | |
372 | <table border="1"> |
373 | <tr> |
374 | <th>Attribute</th> |
375 | <th>Description</th> |
376 | </tr> |
377 | <tr> |
378 | <td><code>clientAuth</code></td> |
379 | <td>Set this value to <code>true</code> if you want Tomcat to require |
380 | all SSL clients to present a client Certificate in order to use |
381 | this socket. Set this value to <code>want</code> if you want Tomcat |
382 | to request a client Certificate, but not fail if one isn't presented. |
383 | </td> |
384 | </tr> |
385 | <tr><td><code>SSLEnabled</code></td> |
386 | <td> |
387 | Use this attribute to enable SSL traffic on a connector. |
388 | To turn on SSL handshake/encryption/decryption on a connector |
389 | set this value to <code>true</code>. |
390 | The default value is <code>false</code>. |
391 | When turning this value <code>true</code> you will want to set the |
392 | <code>scheme</code> and the <code>secure</code> attributes as well |
393 | to pass the correct <code>request.getScheme()</code> and |
394 | <code>request.isSecure()</code> values to the servlets |
395 | </td> |
396 | </tr> |
397 | <tr> |
398 | <td><code>keystoreFile</code></td> |
399 | <td>Add this attribute if the keystore file you created is not in |
400 | the default place that Tomcat expects (a file named |
401 | <code>.keystore</code> in the user home directory under |
402 | which Tomcat is running). You can specify an absolute pathname, |
403 | or a relative pathname that is resolved against the |
404 | <code>$CATALINA_BASE</code> environment variable.</td> |
405 | </tr> |
406 | <tr> |
407 | <td><code>keystorePass</code></td> |
408 | <td>Add this element if you used a different keystore (and Certificate) |
409 | password than the one Tomcat expects (<code>changeit</code>).</td> |
410 | </tr> |
411 | <tr> |
412 | <td><code>keystoreType</code></td> |
413 | <td>Add this element if using a keystore type other than <code>JKS</code>. |
414 | For example the *.p12 files from OpenSSL can be used using <code>PKCS12</code>.</td> |
415 | </tr> |
416 | <tr> |
417 | <td><code>sslProtocol</code></td> |
418 | <td>The encryption/decryption protocol to be used on this socket. |
419 | It is not recommended to change this value if you are using Sun's |
420 | JVM. It is reported that IBM's 1.4.1 implementation |
421 | of the TLS protocol is not compatible with some popular browsers. |
422 | In this case, use the value <code>SSL</code>.</td> |
423 | </tr> |
424 | <tr> |
425 | <td><code>ciphers</code></td> |
426 | <td>The comma separated list of encryption ciphers that this socket is |
427 | allowed to use. By default, any available cipher is allowed.</td> |
428 | </tr> |
429 | <tr> |
430 | <td><code>algorithm</code></td> |
431 | <td>The <code>X509</code> algorithm to use. This defaults to the Sun |
432 | implementation (<code>SunX509</code>). For IBM JVMs you should use |
433 | the value <code>IbmX509</code>. For other vendors, consult the JVM |
434 | documentation for the correct value. |
435 | </td> |
436 | </tr> |
437 | <tr> |
438 | <td><code>truststoreFile</code></td> |
439 | <td>The TrustStore file to use to validate client certificates.</td> |
440 | </tr> |
441 | <tr> |
442 | <td><code>truststorePass</code></td> |
443 | <td>The password to access the TrustStore. This defaults to the value |
444 | of <code>keystorePass</code>.</td> |
445 | </tr> |
446 | <tr> |
447 | <td><code>truststoreType</code></td> |
448 | <td>Add this element if your are using a different format for the |
449 | TrustStore then you are using for the KeyStore.</td> |
450 | </tr> |
451 | <tr> |
452 | <td><code>keyAlias</code></td> |
453 | <td>Add this element if your have more than one key in the KeyStore. |
454 | If the element is not present the first key read in the KeyStore |
455 | will be used.</td> |
456 | </tr> |
457 | </table> |
458 | |
459 | <p>After completing these configuration changes, you must restart Tomcat as |
460 | you normally do, and you should be in business. You should be able to access |
461 | any web application supported by Tomcat via SSL. For example, try:</p> |
462 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre> |
463 | https://localhost:8443 |
464 | </pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
465 | |
466 | <p>and you should see the usual Tomcat splash page (unless you have modified |
467 | the ROOT web application). If this does not work, the following section |
468 | contains some troubleshooting tips.</p> |
469 | |
470 | </blockquote></td></tr></table> |
471 | |
472 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Installing a Certificate from a Certificate Authority"><strong>Installing a Certificate from a Certificate Authority</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
473 | <p>To obtain and install a Certificate from a Certificate Authority (like verisign.com, thawte.com |
474 | or trustcenter.de), read the previous section and then follow these instructions:</p> |
475 | |
476 | <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Create a local Certificate Signing Request (CSR)"><strong>Create a local Certificate Signing Request (CSR)</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
477 | <p>In order to obtain a Certificate from the Certificate Authority of your choice |
478 | you have to create a so called Certificate Signing Request (CSR). That CSR will be used |
479 | by the Certificate Authority to create a Certificate that will identify your website |
480 | as "secure". To create a CSR follow these steps:</p> |
481 | <ul> |
482 | <li>Create a local Certificate (as described in the previous section): |
483 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \ |
484 | -keystore <your_keystore_filename></pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
485 | Note: In some cases you will have to enter the domain of your website (i.e. <code>www.myside.org</code>) |
486 | in the field "first- and lastname" in order to create a working Certificate. |
487 | </li> |
488 | <li>The CSR is then created with: |
489 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr \ |
490 | -keystore <your_keystore_filename></pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
491 | </li> |
492 | </ul> |
493 | <p>Now you have a file called <code>certreq.csr</code> that you can submit to the Certificate Authority (look at the |
494 | documentation of the Certificate Authority website on how to do this). In return you get a Certificate.</p> |
495 | </blockquote></td></tr></table> |
496 | |
497 | <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Importing the Certificate"><strong>Importing the Certificate</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
498 | <p>Now that you have your Certificate you can import it into you local keystore. |
499 | First of all you have to import a so called Chain Certificate or Root Certificate into your keystore. |
500 | After that you can proceed with importing your Certificate.</p> |
501 | |
502 | <ul> |
503 | <li>Download a Chain Certificate from the Certificate Authority you obtained the Certificate from.<br> |
504 | For Verisign.com commercial certificates go to: |
505 | http://www.verisign.com/support/install/intermediate.html<br> |
506 | For Verisign.com trial certificates go to: |
507 | http://www.verisign.com/support/verisign-intermediate-ca/Trial_Secure_Server_Root/index.html<br> |
508 | For Trustcenter.de go to: |
509 | http://www.trustcenter.de/certservices/cacerts/en/en.htm#server<br> |
510 | For Thawte.com go to: |
511 | http://www.thawte.com/certs/trustmap.html<br> |
512 | </li> |
513 | <li>Import the Chain Certificate into your keystore |
514 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>keytool -import -alias root -keystore <your_keystore_filename> \ |
515 | -trustcacerts -file <filename_of_the_chain_certificate></pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
516 | </li> |
517 | <li>And finally import your new Certificate |
518 | <div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore <your_keystore_filename> \ |
519 | -file <your_certificate_filename></pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="./images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div> |
520 | </li> |
521 | </ul> |
522 | </blockquote></td></tr></table> |
523 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Troubleshooting"><strong>Troubleshooting</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
524 | |
525 | <p>Here is a list of common problems that you may encounter when setting up |
526 | SSL communications, and what to do about them.</p> |
527 | |
528 | <ul> |
529 | |
530 | <li>I get "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException" errors in my |
531 | log files. |
532 | <blockquote> |
533 | <p>The JVM cannot find the JSSE JAR files. Follow all of the directions to |
534 | <a href="#Download and Install JSSE">download and install JSSE</a>.</p> |
535 | </blockquote></li> |
536 | |
537 | <li>When Tomcat starts up, I get an exception like |
538 | "java.io.FileNotFoundException: {some-directory}/{some-file} not found". |
539 | <blockquote> |
540 | <p>A likely explanation is that Tomcat cannot find the keystore file |
541 | where it is looking. By default, Tomcat expects the keystore file to |
542 | be named <code>.keystore</code> in the user home directory under which |
543 | Tomcat is running (which may or may not be the same as yours :-). If |
544 | the keystore file is anywhere else, you will need to add a |
545 | <code>keystoreFile</code> attribute to the <code><Factory></code> |
546 | element in the <a href="#Edit the Tomcat Configuration File">Tomcat |
547 | configuration file</a>.</p> |
548 | </blockquote></li> |
549 | |
550 | <li>When Tomcat starts up, I get an exception like |
551 | "java.io.FileNotFoundException: Keystore was tampered with, or |
552 | password was incorrect". |
553 | <blockquote> |
554 | <p>Assuming that someone has not <em>actually</em> tampered with |
555 | your keystore file, the most likely cause is that Tomcat is using |
556 | a different password than the one you used when you created the |
557 | keystore file. To fix this, you can either go back and |
558 | <a href="#Prepare the Certificate Keystore">recreate the keystore |
559 | file</a>, or you can add or update the <code>keystorePass</code> |
560 | attribute on the <code><Connector></code> element in the |
561 | <a href="#Edit the Tomcat Configuration File">Tomcat configuration |
562 | file</a>. <strong>REMINDER</strong> - Passwords are case sensitive!</p> |
563 | </blockquote></li> |
564 | |
565 | <li>When Tomcat starts up, I get an exception like |
566 | "java.net.SocketException: SSL handshake errorjavax.net.ssl.SSLException: No |
567 | available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are |
568 | enabled." |
569 | <blockquote> |
570 | <p>A likely explanation is that Tomcat cannot find the alias for the server |
571 | key withinthe specified keystore. Check that the correct |
572 | <code>keystoreFile</code> and <code>keyAlias</code> are specified in the |
573 | <code><Connector></code> element in the |
574 | <a href="#Edit the Tomcat Configuration File">Tomcat configuration file</a>. |
575 | <strong>REMINDER</strong> - <code>keyAlias</code> values may be case |
576 | sensitive!</p> |
577 | </blockquote></li> |
578 | |
579 | </ul> |
580 | |
581 | <p>If you are still having problems, a good source of information is the |
582 | <strong>TOMCAT-USER</strong> mailing list. You can find pointers to archives |
583 | of previous messages on this list, as well as subscription and unsubscription |
584 | information, at |
585 | <a href="http://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html">http://tomcat.apache.org/lists.html</a>.</p> |
586 | |
587 | </blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Miscellaneous Tips and Bits"><strong>Miscellaneous Tips and Bits</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote> |
588 | |
589 | <p>To access the SSL session ID from the request, use:<br> |
590 | |
591 | <code> |
592 | String sslID = (String)request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.ssl_session"); |
593 | </code> |
594 | <br> |
595 | For additional discussion on this area, please see |
596 | <a href="http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=22679">Bugzilla</a>. |
597 | </p> |
598 | </blockquote></td></tr></table></td></tr><!--FOOTER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" noshade></td></tr><!--PAGE FOOTER--><tr><td colspan="2"><div align="center"><font size="-1" color="#525D76"><em> |
599 | Copyright © 1999-2008, Apache Software Foundation |
600 | </em></font></div></td></tr></table></body></html> |