source: nutchez-0.1/tomcat/webapps/docs/appdev/source.html @ 75

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1<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Application Developer's Guide - Source Organization</title><meta value="Craig R. McClanahan" name="author"><meta value="" name="email"></head><body vlink="#525D76" alink="#525D76" link="#525D76" text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff"><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0"><!--PAGE HEADER--><tr><td><!--PROJECT LOGO--><a href=""><img border="0" alt="
2      The Apache Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container
3    " align="right" src="../images/tomcat.gif"></a></td><td><font face="arial,helvetica,sanserif"><h1>Apache Tomcat 6.0</h1></font></td><td><!--APACHE LOGO--><a href=""><img border="0" alt="Apache Logo" align="right" src="../images/asf-logo.gif"></a></td></tr></table><table cellspacing="4" width="100%" border="0"><!--HEADER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" noshade></td></tr><tr><!--LEFT SIDE NAVIGATION--><td nowrap="true" valign="top" width="20%"><p><strong>Links</strong></p><ul><li><a href="../index.html">Docs Home</a></li></ul><p><strong>Contents</strong></p><ul><li><a href="index.html">Contents</a></li><li><a href="introduction.html">Introduction</a></li><li><a href="installation.html">Installation</a></li><li><a href="deployment.html">Deployment</a></li><li><a href="source.html">Source Code</a></li><li><a href="processes.html">Processes</a></li><li><a href="sample/">Example App</a></li></ul></td><!--RIGHT SIDE MAIN BODY--><td align="left" valign="top" width="80%"><table cellspacing="4" width="100%" border="0"><tr><td valign="top" align="left"><h1>Application Developer's Guide</h1><h2>Source Organization</h2></td><td nowrap="true" valign="top" align="right"><small><a href="printer/source.html"><img alt="Printer Friendly Version" border="0" src="../images/printer.gif"><br>print-friendly<br>version
4                    </a></small></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Directory Structure"><strong>Directory Structure</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
6    <blockquote><em>
7    <p>The description below uses the variable name $CATALINA_BASE to refer the
8    base directory against which most relative paths are resolved. If you have
9    not configured Tomcat 6 for multiple instances by setting a CATALINA_BASE
10    directory, then $CATALINA_BASE will be set to the value of $CATALINA_HOME,
11    the directory into which you have installed Tomcat 6.</p>
12    </em></blockquote>
14<p>A key recommendation of this manual is to separate the directory
15hierarchy containing your source code (described in this section) from
16the directory hierarchy containing your deployable application
17(described in the preceding section).  Maintaining this separation has
18the following advantages:</p>
20<li>The contents of the source directories can be more easily administered,
21    moved, and backed up if the "executable" version of the application
22    is not intermixed.
23    <br><br></li>
24<li>Source code control is easier to manage on directories that contain
25    only source files.
26    <br><br></li>
27<li>The files that make up an installable distribution of your
28    application are much easier to select when the deployment
29    hierarchy is separate.</li>
32<p>As we will see, the <code>ant</code> development tool makes the creation
33and processing of such directory hierarchies nearly painless.</p>
35<p>The actual directory and file hierarchy used to contain the source code
36of an application can be pretty much anything you like.  However, the
37following organization has proven to be quite generally applicable, and is
38expected by the example <code>build.xml</code> configuration file that
39is discussed below.  All of these components exist under a top level
40<em>project source directory</em> for your application:</p>
42<li><strong>docs/</strong> - Documentation for your application, in whatever
43    format your development team is using.<br><br></li>
44<li><strong>src/</strong> - Java source files that generate the servlets,
45    beans, and other Java classes that are unique to your application.
46    If your source code is organized in packages (<strong>highly</strong>
47    recommended), the package hierarchy should be reflected as a directory
48    structure underneath this directory.<br><br></li>
49<li><strong>web/</strong> - The static content of your web site (HTML pages,
50    JSP pages, JavaScript files, CSS stylesheet files, and images) that will
51    be accessible to application clients.  This directory will be the
52    <em>document root</em> of your web application, and any subdirectory
53    structure found here will be reflected in the request URIs required to
54    access those files.<br><br></li>
55<li><strong>web/WEB-INF/</strong> - The special configuration files required
56    for your application, including the web application deployment descriptor
57    (<code>web.xml</code>, defined in the
58    <a href="">Servlet Specification</a>),
59    tag library descriptors for custom tag libraries
60    you have created, and other resource files you wish to include within
61    your web application.  Even though this directory appears to be a
62    subdirectory of your <em>document root</em>, the Servlet Specification
63    prohibits serving the contents of this directory (or any file it contains)
64    directly to a client request.  Therefore, this is a good place to store
65    configuration information that is sensitive (such as database connection
66    usernames and passwords), but is required for your application to
67    operate successfully.</li>
70<p>During the development process, two additional directories will be
71created on a temporary basis:</p>
73<li><strong>build/</strong> - When you execute a default build
74    (<code>ant</code>), this directory will contain an exact image
75    of the files in the web application archive for this application.
76    Tomcat 6 allows you to deploy an application in an unpacked
77    directory like this, either by copying it to the
78    <code>$CATALINA_BASE/webapps</code> directory, or by <em>installing</em>
79    it via the "Manager" web application.  The latter approach is very
80    useful during development, and will be illustrated below.
81    <br><br></li>
82<li><strong>dist/</strong> - When you execute the <code>ant dist</code>
83    target, this directory will be created.  It will create an exact image
84    of the binary distribution for your web application, including an license
85    information, documentation, and README files that you have prepared.</li>
88<p>Note that these two directories should <strong>NOT</strong> be archived in
89your source code control system, because they are deleted and recreated (from
90scratch) as needed during development.  For that reason, you should not edit
91any source files in these directories if you want to maintain a permanent
92record of the changes, because the changes will be lost the next time that a
93build is performed.</p>
95  <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="External Dependencies"><strong>External Dependencies</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
97  <p>What do you do if your application requires JAR files (or other
98  resources) from external projects or packages?  A common example is that
99  you need to include a JDBC driver in your web application, in order to
100  operate.</p>
102  <p>Different developers take different approaches to this problem.
103  Some will encourage checking a copy of the JAR files you depend on into
104  the source code control archives for every application that requires those
105  JAR files.  However, this can cause significant management issues when you
106  use the same JAR in many applications - particular when faced with a need
107  to upgrade to a different version of that JAR file.</p>
109  <p>Therefore, this manual recommends that you <strong>NOT</strong> store
110  a copy of the packages you depend on inside the source control archives
111  of your applications.  Instead, the external dependencies should be
112  integrated as part of the process of <strong>building</strong> your
113  application.  In that way, you can always pick up the appropriate version
114  of the JAR files from wherever your development system administrator has
115  installed them, without having to worry about updating your application
116  every time the version of the dependent JAR file is changed.</p>
118  <p>In the example Ant <code>build.xml</code> file, we will demonstrate
119  how to define <em>build properties</em> that let you configure the locations
120  of the files to be copied, without having to modify <code>build.xml</code>
121  when these files change.  The build properties used by a particular
122  developer can be customized on a per-application basis, or defaulted to
123  "standard" build properties stored in the developer's home directory.</p>
125  <p>In many cases, your development system administrator will have already
126  installed the required JAR files into Tomcat 6's <code>lib</code> directory.
127  If this has been done, you need
128  to take no actions at all - the example <code>build.xml</code> file
129  automatically constructs a compile classpath that includes these files.</p>
131  </blockquote></td></tr></table>
133</blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="Source Code Control"><strong>Source Code Control</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
135<p>As mentioned earlier, it is highly recommended that you place all of the
136source files that comprise your application under the management of a
137source code control system like the Concurrent Version System (CVS).  If you
138elect to do this, every directory and file in the source hierarchy should be
139registered and saved -- but none of the generated files.  If you register
140binary format files (such as images or JAR libraries), be sure to indicate
141this to your source code control system.</p>
143<p>We recommended (in the previous section) that you should not store the
144contents of the <code>build/</code> and <code>dist/</code> directories
145created by your development process in the source code control system.  An
146easy way to tell CVS to ignore these directories is to create a file named
147<code>.cvsignore</code> (note the leading period) in your top-level source
148directory, with the following contents:</p>
149<div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>
153</pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div>
155<p>The reason for mentioning <code></code> here will be
156explained in the <a href="processes.html">Processes</a> section.</p>
158<p>Detailed instructions for your source code control environment are beyond
159the scope of this manual.  However, the following steps are followed when
160using a command-line CVS client:</p>
162<li>To refresh the state of your source code to that stored in the
163    the source repository, go to your project source directory, and
164    execute <code>cvs update -dP</code>.
165    <br><br></li>
166<li>When you create a new subdirectory in the source code hierarchy, register
167    it in CVS with a command like <code>cvs add {subdirname}</code>.
168    <br><br></li>
169<li>When you first create a new source code file, navigate to the directory
170    that contains it, and register the new file with a command like
171    <code>cvs add {filename}</code>.
172    <br><br></li>
173<li>If you no longer need a particular source code file, navigate to the
174    containing directory and remove the file.  Then, deregister it in CVS
175    with a command like <code>cvs remove {filename}</code>.
176    <br><br></li>
177<li>While you are creating, modifying, and deleting source files, changes
178    are not yet reflected in the server repository.  To save your changes in
179    their current state, go to the project source directory
180    and execute <code>cvs commit</code>.  You will be asked to write a brief
181    description of the changes you have just completed, which will be stored
182    with the new version of any updated source file.</li>
185<p>CVS, like other source code control systems, has many additional features
186(such as the ability to tag the files that made up a particular release, and
187support for multiple development branches that can later be merged).  See the
188links and references in the <a href="introduction.html">Introduction</a> for
189more information.</p>
191</blockquote></td></tr></table><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#525D76"><font face="arial,helvetica.sanserif" color="#ffffff"><a name="BUILD.XML Configuration File"><strong>BUILD.XML Configuration File</strong></a></font></td></tr><tr><td><blockquote>
193<p>We will be using the <strong>ant</strong> tool to manage the compilation of
194our Java source code files, and creation of the deployment hierarchy.  Ant
195operates under the control of a build file, normally called
196<code>build.xml</code>, that defines the processing steps required.  This
197file is stored in the top-level directory of your source code hierarchy, and
198should be checked in to your source code control system.</p>
200<p>Like a Makefile, the <code>build.xml</code> file provides several
201"targets" that support optional development activities (such as creating
202the associated Javadoc documentation, erasing the deployment home directory
203so you can build your project from scratch, or creating the web application
204archive file so you can distribute your application.  A well-constructed
205<code>build.xml</code> file will contain internal documentation describing
206the targets that are designed for use by the developer, versus those targets
207used internally.  To ask Ant to display the project documentation, change to
208the directory containing the <code>build.xml</code> flie and type:</p>
209<div align="left"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#ffffff"><pre>
210ant -projecthelp
211</pre></td><td width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr><tr><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td><td height="1" width="1" bgcolor="#023264"><img border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" height="1" width="1" src="../images/void.gif"></td></tr></table></div>
213<p>To give you a head start, a <a href="build.xml.txt">basic build.xml file</a>
214is provided that you can customize and install in the project source directory
215for your application.  This file includes comments that describe the various
216targets that can be executed.  Briefly, the following targets are generally
219<li><strong>clean</strong> - This target deletes any existing
220    <code>build</code> and <code>dist</code> directories, so that they
221    can be reconstructed from scratch.  This allows you to guarantee that
222    you have not made source code modifications that will result in
223    problems at runtime due to not recompiling all affected classes.
224    <br><br></li>
225<li><strong>compile</strong> - This target is used to compile any source code
226    that has been changed since the last time compilation took place.  The
227    resulting class files are created in the <code>WEB-INF/classes</code>
228    subdirectory of your <code>build</code> directory, exactly where the
229    structure of a web application requires them to be.  Because
230    this command is executed so often during development, it is normally
231    made the "default" target so that a simple <code>ant</code> command will
232    execute it.
233    <br><br></li>
234<li><strong>all</strong> - This target is a short cut for running the
235    <code>clean</code> target, followed by the <code>compile</code> target.
236    Thus, it guarantees that you will recompile the entire application, to
237    ensure that you have not unknowingly introduced any incompatible changes.
238    <br><br></li>
239<li><strong>javadoc</strong> - This target creates Javadoc API documentation
240    for the Java classes in this web application.  The example
241    <code>build.xml</code> file assumes you want to include the API
242    documentation with your app distribution, so it generates the docs
243    in a subdirectory of the <code>dist</code> directory.  Because you normally
244    do not need to generate the Javadocs on every compilation, this target is
245    usually a dependency of the <code>dist</code> target, but not of the
246    <code>compile</code> target.
247    <br><br></li>
248<li><strong>dist</strong> - This target creates a distribution directory for
249    your application, including any required documentation, the Javadocs for
250    your Java classes, and a web application archive (WAR) file that will be
251    delivered to system administrators who wish to install your application.
252    Because this target also depends on the <code>deploy</code> target, the
253    web application archive will have also picked up any external dependencies
254    that were included at deployment time.</li>
257<p>For interactive development and testing of your web application using
258Tomcat 6, the following additional targets are defined:</p>
260<li><strong>install</strong> - Tell the currently running Tomcat 6 to make
261    the application you are developing immediately available for execution
262    and testing.  This action does not require Tomcat 6 to be restarted, but
263    it is also not remembered after Tomcat is restarted the next time.
264    <br><br></li>
265<li><strong>reload</strong> - Once the application is installed, you can
266    continue to make changes and recompile using the <code>compile</code>
267    target.  Tomcat 6 will automatically recognize changes made to JSP pages,
268    but not to servlet or JavaBean classes - this command will tell Tomcat
269    to restart the currently installed application so that such changes are
270    recognized.
271    <br><br></li>
272<li><strong>remove</strong> - When you have completed your development and
273    testing activities, you can optionally tell Tomcat 6 to remove this
274    application from service.
275    </li>
278<p>Using the development and testing targets requires some additional
279one-time setup that is described on the next page.</p>
281</blockquote></td></tr></table></td></tr><!--FOOTER SEPARATOR--><tr><td colspan="2"><hr size="1" noshade></td></tr><!--PAGE FOOTER--><tr><td colspan="2"><div align="center"><font size="-1" color="#525D76"><em>
282        Copyright &copy; 1999-2008, Apache Software Foundation
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