#!/bin/bash # Author: WeiYu Chen # License: GPL # Description: Eazily use for Nutch # . # begining .. #bin=`dirname "$0"` #bin=`cd "$bin"; pwd` #. "$bin"/nutchez-func.sh export NUTCH_CONF_DIR=~/.nutchez export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=~/.nutchez export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=~/.nutchez/log . /opt/nutch/bin/nutchez-func.sh . ~/.nutchez/hadoop-env.sh init_nutchez CHECK=0 while [ $CHECK -eq 0 ]; do LOCK=1 while [ $LOCK -eq 1 ]; do # milestone M1 show_urls URL=$? echo_vb "2.2 show_urls return $URL" # add or delete url: ok , exit # ok =0 , exit =1 if [ $URL -eq 0 ];then # go_to_M2 LOCK=0 else #return_console exit fi done # milestone M2 # setup search engine personality # next, back setup_robot # setup the crawl paramater # next, back setup_crawler # setup the tomcat paramater # next, back setup_tomcat # show the final checklist final_confirm FC=$? echo_vb "6.3 final confirm return = $FC " # START , back, cancel # start =0 , back =1 if [ $FC -eq 0 ];then #go_to_M3 CHECK=1 # change temp file as conf file promote_tempfile else #go_to_M1 LOCK=1 CHECK=0 # temp file delete! clean_tempfile #return_console fi done start_crawl start_tomcat # show result message show_report # Done