#!/bin/bash # Author: WeiYu Chen # License: GPL # Description: Eazily use for Nutch # . . /etc/nutch/hadoop-env.sh || . $NUTCHEZ_SCRIPT_PATH/conf/hadoop-env.sh : ${DIALOG=dialog} VERB=0 echo_vb () { if [ $VERB -eq 1 ]; then $DIALOG --msgbox "$1" 16 51 fi } test_file () { if ! test -e "$1" ; then echo_vb "test_file: \n can not find $1" echo "" > $1 else echo_vb "test_file: \n Touch $1 ! \n Its content is \n `cat $1`" fi } check_if_root() { if [ ! "$UID" = "0" ]; then echo_vb "Hi [$LOGNAME] !! " echo_vb "You need to run this script \"`basename $0`\" as root." exit 1 fi } promote_tempfile () { echo_vb "7. chang tmp as txt" rm /tmp/n.*.txt mv /tmp/n.url.tmp /tmp/n.url.txt mv /tmp/n.robot.tmp /tmp/n.robot.txt mv /tmp/n.crawler.tmp /tmp/n.crawler.txt mv /tmp/n.tomcat.tmp /tmp/n.tomcat.txt } clean_tempfile () { echo_vb "7. delete tmp" rm /tmp/n.*.tmp } setup_nutchez() { if ! [ -e ~/.nutchez ] ;then cp -rf /etc/nutch/.nutchez ~/ chown -R $LOGNAME:$LOGNAME ~/.nutchez if [ -e /tmp/nutch ] ;then rm -rf /tmp/nutch fi mkdir /tmp/nutch ln -sf ~/.nutchez/search /tmp/nutch/ fi } show_urls (){ # show urls : ok =0 ,cancel = 1 echo_vb "2. show_urls !" test_file /tmp/n.url.txt echo_vb "2.1 test_file /tmp/n.url.txt return : $?" # dialog begin dialog --editbox /tmp/n.url.txt 16 51 2>/tmp/n.url.tmp RET=$? echo_vb "2.1 cat url: `cat /tmp/n.url.tmp`" return $RET } setup_robot () { test_file /tmp/n.robot.txt echo_vb "3. setup_robot" # dialog dialog --nocancel --inputbox " This agent name \n" 16 51 "`cat /tmp/n.robot.txt`" 2>/tmp/n.robot.tmp echo_vb "3.1 cat robot : `cat /tmp/n.robot.tmp`" } setup_crawler () { echo_vb "4. setup_crawler" test_file /tmp/n.crawler.txt dialog --nocancel --inputbox " Depth \n " 16 51 "`cat /tmp/n.crawler.txt`" 2>/tmp/n.crawler.tmp echo_vb "4.1 cat robot : `cat /tmp/n.robot.tmp`" } setup_tomcat () { echo_vb "5. setup_tomcat" test_file /tmp/n.tomcat.txt dialog --nocancel --inputbox " explorer port \n " 16 51 "`cat /tmp/n.tomcat.txt`" 2>/tmp/n.tomcat.tmp echo_vb "5.1 cat tomcat : `cat /tmp/n.tomcat.tmp`" } final_confirm () { echo_vb "6. final_confirm : start =0 , back =1 " tempfile=`tempfile 2>/dev/null` || tempfile=/tmp/n.finalcheck.tmp #trap "rm -f $tempfile" 0 1 2 5 15 echo " \n 1. The url list is : \n " > $tempfile cat /tmp/n.url.tmp >> $tempfile echo " \n 2. The robot name is : \n" >> $tempfile cat /tmp/n.robot.tmp >> $tempfile echo " \n 3. The crawled depth is : \n " >> $tempfile cat /tmp/n.crawler.tmp >> $tempfile echo " \n 4. The explorer port is : \n " >> $tempfile cat /tmp/n.tomcat.tmp >> $tempfile MSG=`cat $tempfile` echo_vb "6.1 final message :\n $MSG" #read READ $DIALOG --title "Check It !!" --clear \ --yesno "$MSG" 16 51 RET=$? echo_vb "final return = $RET" return $RET } # define paramaters ROBOT=`cat /tmp/n.url.txt` URLS=`cat /tmp/n.url.txt` DEPTH=`cat /tmp/n.url.txt` PORT=`cat /tmp/n.url.txt` start_crawl () { echo_vb "7. start_crawl" setup_nutch /opt/nutch/bin/nutch crawl ~/.nutch/urls -dir ~/.nutch/search -threads 2 -depth $DEPTH } start_tomcat () { echo_vb "8. start_tomcat " /opt/nutch/tomcat/bin/startup.sh } show_report () { echo_vb "9. show_report " }